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Fastest growing countries, Bangladesh in Top 5: Muhith

Did you go to the same school as our FM? Your counting ability seem to be on par with his.

No, no. How can India with all its political and corruption problems can match the growth of BD? India for now is limping at 5.2% growth. Economists predict the growth will come down to 3.5% or less unless the GoI takes a few measures.
No, no. How can India with all its political and corruption problems can match the growth of BD? India for now is limping at 5.2% growth. Economists predict the growth will come down to 3.5% or less unless the GoI takes a few measures.

Indian gdp growth in 2010 was 8.4% and in 2011 was 6.5%. Yes we slowed down this year we will see how it goes. India overall will accelerate in coming years.
Bd economy is doing good, but the problems are humongous. Economy is currently growing because of agriculture and textile boom. Bd needs to find new ventures to invest in and needs to attract new investors. India and China are both ready to help Bd join the asian growth race.

BD's focus this decade is shipbuilding, pharma and IT. They should become multi-billion dollar export earners by the end of the decade.

It will not just be textiles - although textiles will be providing the revenue to bring in the foreign revenue to pay for other areas of the economy to grow.

Indian gdp growth in 2010 was 8.4% and in 2011 was 6.5%. Yes we slowed down this year we will see how it goes. India overall will accelerate in coming years.

We will see. The IMF predicts that BD will outgrow India till 2017 at least.
BD's focus this decade is shipbuilding, pharma and IT. They should become multi-billion dollar export earners by the end of the decade.

It will not just be textiles - although textiles will be providing the revenue to bring in the foreign revenue to pay for other areas of the economy to grow.

Pharma and It are not capable enough to pull a country like Bd out of poverty. You need to boom in auto sector, shipbuilding, R&D, construction.

Over all I am positive about BD and its future. You guys are heading the right direction. :tup:
Pharma and It are not capable enough to pull a country like Bd out of poverty. You need to boom in auto sector, shipbuilding, R&D, construction.

You are right.

But these sectors along with Garments will provide the growth for the rest of the decade.

It is not possible for a country like BD to focus on too many sectors at the same time.

Other areas will come as and when BD has the necessary resources to devote to them
Fastest growing countries Bangladesh in Top 5: Muhith

DHAKA: Finance Minister AMA Muhith claimed that Bangladesh is in the list of five fastest growing countries in the world.

The minister came up with the disclosure to journalists at his secretariat office in the city Tuesday.

AMA Muhith said, “Bangladesh holds the fifth place as per its growth despite of facing many challenges from 2008.”

Top listed countries are China, Brazil, Singapore, Turkey and Bangladesh.

He also alleged that usually media misquote his comment.

Earlier in the day, Muhith had a meeting with the delegation of IMD Business School of Switzerland.

Most probably he spoke on info gained from business school he is visiting.
Same thing about Pakistan, but only if you use that advantage properly. Pakistan could have been the poster child of asian economies. Its has certainly failed on that part.[/QUOTE]

there are various factors why pakistan has not been able to record economic growth in the recent years ,some of them are
lack of economic vision of incumbent govt
war against terrorism
energy crisis
it seems that economy hasn t been the top priority of the govt ,instead of initiating steps to improve economy on war footings they are contend with foreign aid n getting loans from imf or world bank,which has resulted in massive increase in the foreign debt.Secondly,WOT has affected the economy very badly esp in the last 6 yrs.suicide bombings,military operations ,target killings have not only resulted in the displacement of millions of people but also gave a negative image of pakistan abroad.so foreign investers hesitate to invest in pakistan ,hence we see a massive decline in FDI, even though govt is providing alot of incentives
Thirdly,due to energy crisis many industries got either shut down or are working at half capacity.so exporters are finding it difficult to meet the foreign orders on time.so many orders got cancelled .Also the govt has increased the electricity charges many folds in the recent years .which has resulted in a sharp increase of cost of production.so pakistani products are losing competitveness in the global markets
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