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Fareed Zakaria: Let’s be honest, Islam has a problem right now

To be fair, it is the followers of Islam (albeit a minority) that are indeed involved in activities that give the whole religion a bad perception. What the OP makes is a valid point, that it is the duty of those followers of Islam who know and act better, to step up to their responsibilities in stopping the fanatics hiding among them and perpetrating crimes in the name of their religion. It is only when that does not happen does the generalization that you object to tries to follow.

moral bhashan is so easy to give by everyone. The issue when you are forced to live with food security, sans education, basic amenities and at the same time used as a tool to forward foreign policy of these bhashan giving powers do you think you have much chance ?

I really dont know how people sitting across the border or anywhere in the world even assume that people sitting in my province did not give any sacrifice or dint we stand up?

Same goes for all those Muslims who are standing up to extremists.

Nobody happily give support to extremists but either are forced or out of compulsion
yeah before that there was neither logic nor evidence of scientific work in human history . Plus its only muslims who beat drums of Muslim scientists . Scientists are Scientists , religion has jackshyt to do with science . How many times do we hear Christian Scientists or Buddhists scientist or anybody .

For a Madrsas (madarsa like school) educated Muslim, world start with Islam and end with Islam. There view is so narrow that they can't see beyond Islam....

Just like Indians are taught these days by saffronis that Porus defeated Alexander

You decide you pakistanis are descendent of Great Porus or rapist Gauri/Ghazani....
moral bhashan is so easy to give by everyone. The issue when you are forced to live with food security, sans education, basic amenities and at the same time used as a tool to forward foreign policy of these bhashan giving powers do you think you have much chance ?

I really dont know how people sitting across the border or anywhere in the world even assume that people sitting in my province did not give any sacrifice or dint we stand up?

Same goes for all those Muslims who are standing up to extremists.

Nobody happily give support to extremists but either are forced or out of compulsion

You are correct in saying that people did try to stand up to the extremists arising from their communities and destroying them. The OP is correct in saying that the degree of this opposition is simply not enough to counter their rise effectively. That is the dilemma.
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What makes you think Farid Zakaria does not know an iota of Islam?
THAT was addressed to SOME of the "INDIANS on PDF" who are claiming things left and right....

You do not have to be an automobile engineer to know that something is wrong with a car.
You need to know the basics before knowing how to know that something is wrong with a car....What do I mean...Have you seen bimbos who cant tell how to open the hood of a car? Lets take a easier example, how many of you go to a butcher when the doctor says you require surgery?
The car was designed for optimal performance and for the riding comfort of its occupants which it did in the past.
Or the car was designed in a versatile manner one that is above our thinking of how it can adapt to every situation from all alternative sources (solar to using hybrid technology to minimize destruction to the environment) BUT SOME people filled it with Gasoline because of their habit of putting gasoline in everything....Now dont blame the car if someone filled it with the wrong fuel and rammed into the public lamppost...
If now it is not performing optimally or gives trouble consistently - it needs repairs. Either some components need replacement or the servicing is due.
Or simply the driver needs to be changed and seen as unfit but doesnt mean everyone who drives it will be unfit?
Maybe bad driving skills of the driver too.
THAT maybe the only key point though!
That's it. That's the comment you get when some born-Muslim, raised-Muslim like myself chooses to criticize Islam as it's practiced today. There is not even a debate on reforming it when other people outright refuse to listen what you have got to say. They are brainwashed through early childhood that Islam is the only perfect religion out there, so be it. No need to run across the globe for better opportunities since Islamic Pakistan, Iran or Saudi Arabia is already providing the best what Islam can provide :)

Hi @Norwegian .... Although in an intellectual discourse every rationale has the fundamental obligation to be criticised and debated, I do not think that ever extends to any religon, as it has no rationale... It is based on a belief, how do you critique a belief, there is no substance to it, as soon as you introduce the term belief system, there is no room for any intellectual discourse in the society.
Or the car was designed in a versatile manner one that is above our thinking of how it can adapt to every situation from all alternative sources (solar to using hybrid technology to minimize destruction to the environment) BUT SOME people filled it with Gasoline because of their habit of putting gasoline in everything....Now dont blame the car if someone filled it with the wrong fuel and rammed into the public lamppost...
Or simply the driver needs to be changed and seen as unfit but doesnt mean everyone who drives it will be unfit?
THAT maybe the only key point though!

To post riposte in your own metaphor ...

So if 'one that is above our thinking' who designed car and let us say who also designed the ' to be ' drivers ..had no damn clue that down the line there will be moron driver who will put gasoline in everything and and then will fill wrong fuel and ram it in lamp post ....

Seems the one that is above our thinking has no brain better than ours ...

may be ' the one above our thinking' doesn't exist ...or it exists only in our thinking ..and that's why he has not been better than what our thinking can do best or worst ...
So if one that is above our thinking who designed car and let us say who also designed the ' to be ' drivers ..had no damn clue that down the line there will be moron drivers who will put gasoline in everything and and then will fill wrong fuel and ram it in lamp post ....

Ever heard of free will...It is the free will of the person to choose to put whatever fuel...If they want to learn they would have from their mistake of putting in the wrong fuel and ramming the first time..But those who dont learn its their fault...

Seems the one that is above our thinking has no brain better than ours ...

The car is more intelligent than the dumb drivers and the one who designed it designed it so that the driver will learn as a kid learns from experience and that is called free will....otherwise we have tons crying that if god made me not believe how is it my fault well...it is your fault if you dont use your free will like the wise and ram your cars around...

may be the one pbve our thinking doesn't exist ...or it exists only in our thinking ..and that's why he has not been better than what our thinking can do best or worst ...

There is a word called Ignorance which the one who rams into everything is following very well and hence feels the need to blame someone or something so it def has to be the car or the inventor :agree:
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oh really

follow tarek Fatah

he will give the chapter and verse for where to look and the text to look up

oh really

follow tarek Fatah

he will give the chapter and verse for where to look and the text to look

There's more than a hundred ways a single sentence can be interpreted.
For example "like attack in self defence". Many would interpret it as an offensive approach and many others would understand it as a defensive approach.
No religion is good or bad, the issue only occurs the way it is interpreted. If the number of people following a particular religion interpret is in bad sense and become powerful and started imposing their version on the other followers then it bceomes dangerous and bring shame to whole religion.

Its same case with Islam, when majority of the incident (terrorists) happened across the world has link with Muslims, then definitely people will start generalizing it and start linking it with the religion.
Mr. Zakaria is right. Every religion has extremists, but ISLAMIC extremists have become a great danger to global stability. It's high time the moderate muslims come forward and counteract the radical propaganda done by the extremists.
Mr. Zakaria is right. Every religion has extremists, but ISLAMIC extremists have become a great danger to global stability. It's high time the moderate muslims come forward and counteract the radical propaganda done by the extremists.

Some moderate muslims have been doing that. The problem is they get assassinated by the extremists in volatile places like Nigeria, Iraq, Afghanistan & Pakistan.
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