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Famous islamic preacher maulana Delwar Hossain Saydee is died.

Famous Islamic preacher jailed leader of leading Islamic party Bangladesh jamat is no more. Innaliahi wa Innaliahi rajeun
Dictator Hasina wajid.
Her father created the country, so that the people can be opressed by his daughter?
Her father created the country, so that the people can be opressed by his daughter?
It's the biggest mistake people always make ! Her father didn't want independence of Bangladesh, rather he wanted to be the prime minister of whole Pakistan, and he had that right and he was the rightful PM of Pakistan that time!

He was extremely pro Pakistan contrary to popular belief!
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I have no ability to gauge judge's bias. But the judgment has an equal amount of Guilty and Not Guilty decisions sprinkled around. It is hard to call that as a kangaroo court. They could have simply declared everyone guilty without all that hairsplitting.

No they couldn't have done it even if they wanted to. It's all about the visuals.

They needed to demonstrate some semblance of fairness to not allow a complete breakdown of relationships with the Western Countries and to some extent Middle East.

That is why they had massed student demonstrators in Shahbagh to rile up the masses and put pressure on heading towards "execution". The organizers behind that mob were not all officially in BAL, but they were all secularists. That way BAL could present it as "this is what the people want". Most of the students attending those rally back in the day were there just for the fun of it.

It's the same reason they want to host a farce of an election to remain in power. They could have easily stayed in power indefinitely without hosting any election.
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From one of his ex hindu follower.
Personally, I dont like his religion based politics but he was a good preacher...
View attachment 946227
From one of his ex hindu follower.
Personally, I dont like his religion based politics but he was a good preacher...

Well said brother - respect.

And excellent quote.

Religious harmony and respect for all religions is the cornerstone of Bangladeshi culture.

This is what sets us apart in the South Asia....
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Bilal9 bhai, please replace subcontinent with South Asia. This region is not Indian subcontinent anymore. Hope you understand.

Well noted bhai (and done) - you are quite correct.
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How are you so sure of his so called "war crimes"? Do you have any conclusive evidence? Because the ICT proceeding does not suggest anything conclusive. It's all circumstantial hearsay and weak documents.
I don't know if he was actually ever involved in war crimes such as murder and rape.

You don't make any sense. You're saying you don't know if he was actually ever involved in war crimes but at the same time you're claiming the ICT proceeding does not suggest anything conclusive, it's all circumstantial hearsay and weak documents. Based on what you're claiming that?

The way you asked me for conclusive evidence and wanted to know how am I so sure, I thought you're a hotshot lawyer with conclusive evidence on this case and already debunked the ICT proceeding and all conspiracy against this "angel" but doesn't look like it. So WTF are you trying to say?

It would've been nice if you could highlight/mark the part of that PDF file you've problem with and show us which evidence/documents seem inconclusive. I don't have patient or interest to go through 120 pages of that file. And this is only tribunal's copy, there's also appellate division's copy. There's also review on this case after that.

Also, a verdict is given after witnesses statement, evidences, documents and both lawyers so how did judge's verdict become BAL's position on 71? What would be fair and unbiased trial? If this guy was proven innocent? What should be BAL's position on 71? Should they forgive traitors? Party position still won't change anything.

There was protest and activities against these war criminals by freedom fighters/victims family lead by Jahanara Imam and others for at least 20 years or more, even before the trial for war criminals. Probably when Jamat was brought back in BD. Saidi was even arrested in 74/75.

There were at least 20 charges against Saidi in tribunal, he was proven guilty in 8. He was sentenced to death for 2 but later got life sentence in appellate division. If the trial was bias then why not just hang this guy for more charges, why/how did he reduce his punishment? Also his witness got more time than govt's lawyer.

Even if this guy was guilty only for one case, he should've been executed by firing squad like dog. Anyway, here is a discussion on Saidi's case from an ACTUAL lawyer. Instead of wasting time on rajakar sympathizers, it's better if I just share it here and rest my case. If you're still interested then you better argue with an expert on this.



I will not try to defend him

Yes you did!! :rofl::rofl: এইসব ইনিয়ে বিনিয়ে মিনমিন কইরা অমুক তমুক বইলা কোনওওও লাভ নাই। ব্যাপার না, আপনি নতুন না, আপনার মত বান্দা বহু আছে। জেনে-বুঝে হোক আর না হোক, তারা এখনও কুই কুই করছে ভবিষ্যতেও করবে। যেমনটা উপরে বললাম, এই বেটারে নিয়া গেঞ্জাম অনেক আগে থেকেই, লীগের রাজনীতি তো পরের কথা। কোকিলা বেহেন আই মিন কোকিল কন্ঠী কোরআনের পক্ষী হিসেবে "মাওলানার" যেই ইমেজ আছে ঐটাতেও ভেজাল।

However, I do know one thing - this trial was anything but fair. It was simply a campaign to persecute political opponents. And that I can never side with.

Doesn't matter what a random guy on PDF thinks. No one cares except piggies and Golapis. Like I mentioned above you're not the only one and professional lawyers couldn't protect these guys. Only piggies and Golapis consider proven rajakars like Golam Azam, Nizami, Mollah, Saidi and Jamat as "political opponents". দেশে এনে যে মন্ত্রী বানাইছে এইজন্য যে এখনও বিচার ফেস কর‍তে হচ্ছে না সেইটা শুকরিয়া করেন। আপনাদের কাজকর্ম খুবই হাস্যকর, একদিকে রাজাকারদের নিয়ে কান্নাকাটি করেন আবার ভারতের দালাল নিয়াও চিল্লাচিল্লি করেন। ভন্ডামির তো একটা লিমিট থাকে।

Next thing you know, you live in a country akin to that of North Korea.

Is that so? We will also eat grass and posses nukes? :cheesy::dance3: In that case we should try it. I have no problem if party like Jamat gets wiped out for that. Even Germany managed to rose from pile of ashes and prosper after Nazis got their *** kicked. Though this is another discussion.
@leonblack08 bhai - kono chhotolok India'r dalal der chillachilli te bhoi paben na. Dorkar holey ignore korey den.

Chhoto kukur gheu gheu ektoo beshi korey. Barking dogs never bite.

Amader deshey Islamer bheet ottonto mojboot. Chilla chilli tey amra matha nowabo na.

Indiar pa-chata-dalal-der India tei ferot jaitey hobey.
@leonblack08 bhai - kono chhotolok India'r dalal der chillachilli te bhoi paben na. Dorkar holey ignore korey den.

Chhoto kukur gheu gheu ektoo beshi korey. Barking dogs never bite.

Amader deshey Islamer bheet ottonto mojboot. Chilla chilli tey amra matha nowabo na.

Indiar pa-chata-dalal-der India tei ferot jaitey hobey.
আপনার পোষ্টণ্ডলো পড়লে বোঝা যায় যে আপনি ভারতীয়দের হাড়ে হাড়ে চেনেন। এই জন্যই আপনাকে আমি মডারেটর হিসেবে চেয়েছিলাম।
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Gamati piggy go, "Oink!! Oink!!". Of course the bloody shameless rajakar had to open his stupid mouth. Returd is a glutton for insult. ভয় দেখাইছে কেরে বদনার বাচ্চা? 😆 জুজুর ভয় কারে দেখাস? 😆 তুই নিজে আগে ইগনোর কর বেশরম কুত্তা। 😆 লেঞ্জা খালি বের হয়ে যায়। :lol: কারা যে ফোরামে বইসা ঘেউ ঘেউ করে তা সবার জানা আছে। :lol: তুই আর তোর চামচারা এইখানে পাকিস্তানি গাজর খেতে খেতে হাত মারা ছাড়া আর কি চুল ছিড়তে পারছিস এত বছর। :rofl: আবার বলে মাথা নোয়াব না। :lol: তোর বিহারী মা-বোন-বউয়ের মত হাটু গেড়ে মাথা তো তোদের নোয়ানোই থাকে সব সময় গাজরের কাছে। শালা জেনেভা ক্যাম্পে নিয়াজির রক্ষিতার নাপাক পেটে জন্ম নেয়া বেজন্মা ছাগু, লজ্জা-শরম আল্লাহ তোরে বিন্দুমাত্র দেয় নাই। :disagree: সাইধা গালি খাইতে আসে নষ্টার ছেলে। তোদের মত বেজন্মাগুলারে কাদের সিদ্দিকী স্টাইলে নির্বংশ করা হয় নাই এইটাই বড় ভুল হইছে বাংলাদেশের জন্য। ইজরাইলীরা যেমন নাজিদের খুজে ধরে এনে বিচার করছিল, সেইভাবে ধরে এনে একদম বাংলাদেশের নামে জবাই করে দেয়া দরকার তোদের মত কুত্তাদের আর লাশ শেয়াল-কুকুরদের খেতে দেয়া দরকার!! তোদের বাপেরা তোদের ফেরত নেয় না তাও তোরা বেহায়ার মত ওদের গাজর খাস। :lol:
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You don't make any sense. You're saying you don't know if he was actually ever involved in war crimes but at the same time you're claiming the ICT proceeding does not suggest anything conclusive, it's all circumstantial hearsay and weak documents. Based on what you're claiming that?

The way you asked me for conclusive evidence and wanted to know how am I so sure, I thought you're a hotshot lawyer with conclusive evidence on this case and already debunked the ICT proceeding and all conspiracy against this "angel" but doesn't look like it. So WTF are you trying to say?

It would've been nice if you could highlight/mark the part of that PDF file you've problem with and show us which evidence/documents seem inconclusive. I don't have patient or interest to go through 120 pages of that file. And this is only tribunal's copy, there's also appellate division's copy. There's also review on this case after that.

Also, a verdict is given after witnesses statement, evidences, documents and both lawyers so how did judge's verdict become BAL's position on 71? What would be fair and unbiased trial? If this guy was proven innocent? What should be BAL's position on 71? Should they forgive traitors? Party position still won't change anything.

There was protest and activities against these war criminals by freedom fighters/victims family lead by Jahanara Imam and others for at least 20 years or more, even before the trial for war criminals. Probably when Jamat was brought back in BD. Saidi was even arrested in 74/75.

There were at least 20 charges against Saidi in tribunal, he was proven guilty in 8. He was sentenced to death for 2 but later got life sentence in appellate division. If the trial was bias then why not just hang this guy for more charges, why/how did he reduce his punishment? Also his witness got more time than govt's lawyer.

Even if this guy was guilty only for one case, he should've been executed by firing squad like dog. Anyway, here is a discussion on Saidi's case from an ACTUAL lawyer. Instead of wasting time on rajakar sympathizers, it's better if I just share it here and rest my case. If you're still interested then you better argue with an expert on this.

View attachment 953463
View attachment 953464

Yes you did!! :rofl::rofl: এইসব ইনিয়ে বিনিয়ে মিনমিন কইরা অমুক তমুক বইলা কোনওওও লাভ নাই। ব্যাপার না, আপনি নতুন না, আপনার মত বান্দা বহু আছে। জেনে-বুঝে হোক আর না হোক, তারা এখনও কুই কুই করছে ভবিষ্যতেও করবে। যেমনটা উপরে বললাম, এই বেটারে নিয়া গেঞ্জাম অনেক আগে থেকেই, লীগের রাজনীতি তো পরের কথা। কোকিলা বেহেন আই মিন কোকিল কন্ঠী কোরআনের পক্ষী হিসেবে "মাওলানার" যেই ইমেজ আছে ঐটাতেও ভেজাল।

Doesn't matter what a random guy on PDF thinks. No one cares except piggies and Golapis. Like I mentioned above you're not the only one and professional lawyers couldn't protect these guys. Only piggies and Golapis consider proven rajakars like Golam Azam, Nizami, Mollah, Saidi and Jamat as "political opponents". দেশে এনে যে মন্ত্রী বানাইছে এইজন্য যে এখনও বিচার ফেস কর‍তে হচ্ছে না সেইটা শুকরিয়া করেন। আপনাদের কাজকর্ম খুবই হাস্যকর, একদিকে রাজাকারদের নিয়ে কান্নাকাটি করেন আবার ভারতের দালাল নিয়াও চিল্লাচিল্লি করেন। ভন্ডামির তো একটা লিমিট থাকে।

Is that so? We will also eat grass and posses nukes? :cheesy::dance3: In that case we should try it. I have no problem if party like Jamat gets wiped out for that. Even Germany managed to rose from pile of ashes and prosper after Nazis got their *** kicked. Though this is another discussion.

What a rant! I sense a triggered Karen here.

You don't have time to read the document I posted yet you have plenty of time to write this essay. In fact nitpicking every single line and demonstrating your lack of comprehension. I am really getting a mentally unhinged vibe here.

And then you posted links of Nijhoom Mazumdar who is very well known to be extremely pro-BAL and overtly Islamophobic. He hates Islam, period. Why should I even bother watching someone like him with clear bias and waste my time? I could have sent you analysis from Pro-Jamat lawyers and videos. Would that have helped? I didn't do that because that would have made not been fair. It would have also been a biased perspective.

I pointed you to the judgement and asked you to read through the judgement. If you had done it and if you had a neutral perspective, you would have known that the language judges used are akin to what BAL official stance is. That puts the credibility and fairness of the entire trial process into the question.

I didn't even bring the case of witness intimidation and the alleged victim's own brother vouching for Saidee. Which again shows there was no fairness in this trial process.

Then you ended up resorting to name calling and insinuating I am a Razakar, which is typical of your kind. Whenever you need to silence someone, you just label them. I couldn't care less what a nobody like you thinks of me. And this is not your mahalla where you can silence someone with your thuggery and profanity. But given that you have resorted to name calling, I think it is fair game to say you have outed yourself as a "Shahbaghi Leaguer".

The funny thing with you party thug lot is, you think your leaders are infallible and the world is black and white. In this very forum I have been labelled as Awami dalal by the likes of idune when I argued in favor of giving Hasina a chance after the 2009 election. And now I am being labelled a Razakar for questioning the fairness of the trial process. If siding with fairness and justice makes me a Razakar, then be it.

After all, it doesn't matter what a 2 paisa leaguer thinks of me.

Your use of profanity (including against the parents of forum members in your subsequent post) confirms you are a thug and unable to have a civil discussion, hence any further attempt to have a discussion with you is futile.

@leonblack08 bhai - kono chhotolok India'r dalal der chillachilli te bhoi paben na. Dorkar holey ignore korey den.

Chhoto kukur gheu gheu ektoo beshi korey. Barking dogs never bite.

Amader deshey Islamer bheet ottonto mojboot. Chilla chilli tey amra matha nowabo na.

Indiar pa-chata-dalal-der India tei ferot jaitey hobey.

Thanks Bhai. I am not fazed by these biriyani loving Shahbaghis.

In his very next post he showed his class. Direct from bosti.

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