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Falklanders vote 99% to remain British

Awww, did I hurt your feelings?
If you didn't make idiotic remarks then I would not have had to hurt them.
Take this as a lesson, next time don't act like a retard and your feelings won't get hurt.

As for the rest, what ever you say Slumdog Millionaire. ;)

If you will try to Spit on sky …Do you feel Sky’s feeling gonna be get hurt or what…?...In the same way India and Indians is sky for Pakistan…Keep doing the things…It will help you to satisfy your eco and kam akal....As for the rest, what ever you say Osama Bin Laden's Host...
If you will try to Spit on sky …Do you feel Sky’s feeling gonna be get hurt or what…?...In the same way India and Indians is sky for Pakistan…Keep doing the things…It will help you to satisfy your eco and kam akal....As for the rest, what ever you say Osama Bin Laden's Host...


are you still blathering on?
For the love of God, stop making a fool of yourself further and just walk way.
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