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Falklanders vote 99% to remain British


Nov 27, 2008
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Falklands vote in favour of staying British

Approximately 99 percent residents vote "yes" to remain British overseas territory, amid Argentina's claim on islands.

12 Mar 2013 02:24

Only three votes were cast against the islands remaining British [Reuters]
Falkland Islanders have vote overwhelmingly in favour of remaining a British oversees territory in a referendum designed to send a strong message to Argentina, which earlier derided the poll as illegal.

About 92 percent of the islands' 1,672 eligible voters turned out to deliver a 98.8 percent "yes" vote in favour of staying an internally self-governing British territory, election officials in capital Port Stanley announced on Tuesday.

Only three votes were cast against the islands remaining British.

The resounding "yes" result, delivered at around 22:30pm local time (01:30 GMT) on the remote South Atlantic archipelago, was not in doubt, setting the stage for an after-vote party.

Argentina, which invaded the islands in 1982 before its troops were ousted by a British task force after a short but bloody war, maintained its dismissive line on the vote.

"It's a manoeuvre with no legal value, which has neither been convened nor supervised by the United Nations," said Alicia Castro, Argentina's ambassador to London.

"We respect their way of life, their identity. We respect that they want to continue being British, but the territory they inhabit is not British," she told Buenos Aires radio station La Red.

Falklands vote in favour of staying British - Americas - Al Jazeera English
This more or less resume the opinion of Argentine people regarding the vote:


Its a shame that it not where 100%, that should have been even more hilarius.

Now seriusly, this does not matter, its just a show.
This more or less resume the opinion of Argentine people regarding the vote:


Its a shame that it not where 100%, that should have been even more hilarius.

Now seriusly, this does not matter, its just a show.
Laugh all you want...you will still never get them.
^^ wtf? argentinians in a pakistani forum?

Yeah, I am as baffled as you are.

A question for our Argentinian friends, it's been more than 150 years since you lost control of those Islands.
You have no population there, no links to it, isn't it time to let it go?
Yeah, I am as baffled as you are.

A question for our Argentinian friends, it's been more than 150 years since you lost control of those Islands.
You have no population there, no links to it, isn't it time to let it go?

Now both will come and explain how evil colonial powers took it away from them, drove away the peaceful Argentinians (the fact Argentina did not exist at the time makes no difference) and took it for their own and to this day still clings to it out of some Antarctica apetite.

I'm not sure if i hit it all correctly, but it will be around there somewhere.
A question for our Argentinian friends, it's been more than 150 years since you lost control of those Islands.
You have no population there, no links to it, isn't it time to let it go?

its a question of national pride, just like kashmir is to you lot
The thing is, nobody does anything, the islands has been the main focus point for goverments who wants to shift attention somewhere else, the 1982 war was just that, a distraction for the people, for both sides.

That still holds true today, that referendum? is just Cameron selling smoke again. Cristina does the same damn thing.

Today nobody in south america whants UK near, thats why they support our cause.

As for the islands nobody will really do anything, for now, as we get closer to 2041 expect more agressive developments, it does not mean it will be a war, but nobody will sit idle wanting for the next internal problem to say something as we are now.
what is the use of martians saying "we will remain as martians"
Argentina is so desperate to get the islands because of the riches it has in the terms of oil.

It's British territory with British people living there, it's been 150 years. Move on.
The problem is, nobody cares what their opinion is, they have no power over these matters.
Its UK just playing as the good guy as always "look, we arent the bad, its their fault", is was just a cheap show for the people.

There is no OIL, get it in yours heads already, there is NO OIL. Meanwhile everyone is talking about the non-existent OIL, they are destroying sea life with the fishing.




Its our own fault too.
It means nothing? If 100% had voted to become part of Argentina, it definitely would not mean nothing to you.
its a question of national pride, just like kashmir is to you lot

Kashmir is different
Kashmir has a Muslim population and has cultural/religious/population links to Pakistan.

The more apt analogy would be East Punjab.
it would be like Pakistan still wanting East Punjab back even though we have no population/cultural/economic links to it.
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