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Falkland wars and deadly Exocet missiles


Oct 17, 2009
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hello everybody,
Although it is clear that the British easily won the Falkland wars.But It also exposes the weakness of the destroyers against air launched anti-ship missiles.I head read somewhere on the internet that at the time of the war the Argentina only had less than 10 Exocet missiles and with such few missiles they had destroyed 3 British destroyers.And if Argentina had more of them it would had been deadly for the British.I just wanted to confirm is this statement.Did Argentina really had less than 10 Exocet.And also what do you people think about this whole scenario.Are the Air Launched Anti-Ship missiles so deadly.thks for help.
The chronology is roughly as follows:

The Sheffield was one of several ships on picket duty, preventing
anyone from sneaking up on the fleet. It had all transmitters
(including radar) off because it was communicating with a satellite.

Two Argentinan planes were detected by another ship's radar. They
first appeared a few miles out because they had previously been flying
too low to be detected. The planes briefly activated their radars,
then turned around and went home.

Two minutes later a lookout on the Sheffield saw the missile's flare
approaching. Four seconds later, the missile hit. The ship eventually
sank, since salvage efforts were hindered by uncontrollable fires.

What actually happened is that the planes popped up so that the could
acquire targets on their radars, then launched Exocet missiles and
left. (The Exocet is an example of a "Fire and Forget" weapon. Moral
or not, they work.) The British didn't recognize that they had been
attacked, since they believed that the Argentinans didn't know how to
use their Exocet missiles.

It is irrelevent that the Sheffield had its radar off, since the
missile skims just above the water, making it virtually undetectable
by radar. For most of the flight, it proceeds by internal guidance,
emitting no telltale radar signals. About 20 seconds before the end
of the flight, it turns on a terminal homing radar which guides it
directly to the target. The Sheffield was equipped with an ESM
receiver, whose main purpose is to detect hostile radar transmissions.

The ESM receiver can be preset to sound an alarm when any of a small
number of characteristic radar signals are received. Evidently the
Exocet homing radar was not among these presets, since there would
have been a warning 20 sec before impact. In any case, the ESM
receiver didn't "think the missile was friendly", it just hadn't been
told it was hostile. It should be noted that British ships which were
actually present in the Falklands were equipped with a shipboard
version of the Exocet.

If the failure was as deduced above, then the ESM receiver behaved
exactly as designed. It is also hard to conceive of a design change
which would have changed the outcome. The ESM receiver had no range
information, and thus was incapable of concluding "anything coming
toward me is hostile", even supposing the probably rather feeble
computer in the ESM receiver were cable of such intelligence.

In any case, it is basically irrelevant that the ESM receiver didn't
do what it might have done, since by 20 seconds before impact it was
too late. The Sheffield had no "active kill" capability effective
against a missile. Its anti-aircraft guns were incapable of shooting
down a tiny target skimming the water at near the speed of sound.

It is also poossible to cause a missile to miss by jamming its radar,
but the Sheffield's jamming equipment was old and oriented toward
jamming russian radars, rather than smart western radars which
wheren't even designed when the Sheffield was built. The Exocet has a
large bag of tricks for defeating jammers, such as homing in on the
jamming signal.

In fact, the only effective defense against the Exocet which was
available was chaff: a rocket dispersed cloud of metalized plastic
threads which confuses radars. To be effective, chaff must be
dispersed as soon as possible, preferably before the attack starts.
After the Sheffield, the British were familiar with the Argentinan
attack tactics, and could launch chaff as soon as they detected the
aircraft on their radars. This defense was mostly effective.

Ultimately the only significant mistake was the belief that the
Argentinans wouldn't use Exocet missiles. If this possibility was
seriously analysed, then the original attack might have been
recognized. The British were wrong, and ended up learning the hard
way. Surprise conclusion: mistakes can be deadly; mistakes in war are
usually deadly.

The Risks Digest Volume 3: Issue 67
You also may find this interesting reading.

Warship Vulnerability

Technical Report APA-TR-2005-0701

by Dr Carlo Kopp, SMAIAA, MIEEE, PEng
July, 2005
Updated July, 2008

© 2005, 2008 Carlo Kopp

Warship Vulnerability
I heard ( and perhaps I am wrong) that the warhead in the missiles never detonated. The damage was done by the unused fuel igniting and causing a fire that eventually wrecked the ship.
It is believed that the source codes were given to UK by France to give UK the advantage.

How France helped us win Falklands war, by John Nott - Telegraph

How France helped us win Falklands war, by John Nott

FRANCE was Britain's greatest ally during the Falklands war, providing secret information to enable MI6 agents to sabotage Exocet missiles which were desperately sought by Argentina, according to Sir John Nott, who was Defence Secretary during the conflict.

In his memoirs he reveals that while President Reagan was pressurising Lady Thatcher to accept a negotiated settlement France helped Britain to win the conflict.

The 22 Royal Marines who took on Argentine Falklands invasion forceAlthough Lady Thatcher clashed with President Mitterrand over the future direction of Europe, he immediately came to her aid after Argentine forces invaded the Falklands in April 1982.

"In so many ways Mitterrand and the French were our greatest allies," Sir John says. As soon as the conflict began, France made available to Britain Super-Etendard and Mirage aircraft - which it had supplied to Argentina - so Harrier pilots could train against them.

The French gave Britain information on the Exocet - which sank the Sheffield and Atlantic Conveyor - showing how to tamper with it."

A remarkable worldwide operation then ensued to prevent further Exocets being bought by Argentina," Sir John says.

"I authorised our agents to pose as bona fide purchasers of equipment on the international market, ensuring that we outbid the Argentinians, and other agents identified Exocet missiles in markets and rendered them inoperable."

He contrasts the French attitude with America's attempts to find a face-saving deal for President Galtieri, the Argentine dictator."For all Margaret Thatcher's friendship with Ronald Reagan, he remained a West Coast American looking south to Latin America and west to the Pacific. Sometimes I wondered if he even knew or cared where Europe was."

Caspar Weinberger, the US defence secretary, supported Britain but the State Department was "dominated by Latinos".

"There was incredible pressure from the White House and the State Department to negotiate. It was hugely damaging," Sir John told The Telegraph. "They couldn't understand that to us any negotiated settlement would have seemed like a defeat."

Asked if he found it irritating that the Americans expected Britain's total support in the war against terrorism, Sir John said: "I am against the Americans smashing things up with bombing raids, then letting us be the auxiliary policemen to pick up the pieces."

Sir John says he held the Foreign Office "in deep contempt" for the caution it displayed when Lady Thatcher proposed sending the Task Force to the Falklands.
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ok it means that the britsh where caught off guard.ok now one more thing please tell me how many british warships were lost to exocet missile.are they 3 or more
argentina solo logro la ayuda de peru, que agradesco mucho su ayuda, inglaterra tenia apoyo militar de estados unidos , francia y chile
hello everybody,
Although it is clear that the British easily won the Falkland wars.But It also exposes the weakness of the destroyers against air launched anti-ship missiles.I head read somewhere on the internet that at the time of the war the Argentina only had less than 10 Exocet missiles and with such few missiles they had destroyed 3 British destroyers.And if Argentina had more of them it would had been deadly for the British.I just wanted to confirm is this statement.Did Argentina really had less than 10 Exocet.And also what do you people think about this whole scenario.Are the Air Launched Anti-Ship missiles so deadly.thks for help.

At that time, many ships did not have CIWS systems like the AK-630 or the Phalanx. And yes, the Argentines could have turned everything around by just damaging a British carrier (one of them was the todays INS Vikrant BTW) which would have resulted in serious problems for the British air assaults.... if they had more missiles, or if they had used them more effectively or perhaps if they simply had more luck as well.

BTW: The French shared everything with England about the missiles after the first British casualties, to somehow limit further damage.
There was a documentary uploaded on Youtube by the name of "The price of Admiralty", shot in 1980s about Falklands war. Pretty good. But now it seems to have been taken down as the account is disabled. Does anyone still have any access to that ?
There was a documentary uploaded on Youtube by the name of "The price of Admiralty", shot in 1980s about Falklands war. Pretty good. But now it seems to have been taken down as the account is disabled. Does anyone still have any access to that ?

youtube search: The Great Falklands Gamble

ok it means that the britsh where caught off guard.ok now one more thing please tell me how many british warships were lost to exocet missile.are they 3 or more

Sunk by exocet: Sheffield, and Atlantic Conveyor.
argentina solo logro la ayuda de peru, que agradesco mucho su ayuda, inglaterra tenia apoyo militar de estados unidos , francia y chile

Peleamos contra toda la logística OTAN y mercenarios de todas partes del mundo. Incluso dentro de las tropas inglesas, habían mercenarios argentinos, que pelearon por los ingleses.
Argentina had 5 air launched versions of the Excoet missile
3 missed 2 hit

HMS Sheffield and the Atlantic Conveyer were sunk by the missiles. The Alantic Conveyr was carrying at that time Six Wessex helicopters and 5 Chinook helicopter at the moment it was struck. Lucky for the Royal Navy the Harriers GR3's it was transporting had taken off earlier.

A third missile was taken of one of the British built Argentinean destroyer (it was a sea launched version) and flown in to Port Stanley. From there it was launched from ground and it hit the British Destroyer HMS Glamorgan. The missile damaged the ship but did not sink it
It is believed that the source codes were given to UK by France to give UK the advantage.

telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1387576/How-France-helped-us-win-Falklands-war,-by-John-Nott How France helped us win Falklands war, by John Nott - Telegraph

How France helped us win Falklands war, by John Nott

FRANCE was Britain's greatest ally during the Falklands war, providing secret information to enable MI6 agents to sabotage Exocet missiles which were desperately sought by Argentina, according to Sir John Nott, who was Defence Secretary during the conflict.

In his memoirs he reveals that while President Reagan was pressurising Lady Thatcher to accept a negotiated settlement France helped Britain to win the conflict.

The 22 Royal Marines who took on Argentine Falklands invasion forceAlthough Lady Thatcher clashed with President Mitterrand over the future direction of Europe, he immediately came to her aid after Argentine forces invaded the Falklands in April 1982.

"In so many ways Mitterrand and the French were our greatest allies," Sir John says. As soon as the conflict began, France made available to Britain Super-Etendard and Mirage aircraft - which it had supplied to Argentina - so Harrier pilots could train against them.

The French gave Britain information on the Exocet - which sank the Sheffield and Atlantic Conveyor - showing how to tamper with it."

A remarkable worldwide operation then ensued to prevent further Exocets being bought by Argentina," Sir John says.

"I authorised our agents to pose as bona fide purchasers of equipment on the international market, ensuring that we outbid the Argentinians, and other agents identified Exocet missiles in markets and rendered them inoperable."

He contrasts the French attitude with America's attempts to find a face-saving deal for President Galtieri, the Argentine dictator."For all Margaret Thatcher's friendship with Ronald Reagan, he remained a West Coast American looking south to Latin America and west to the Pacific. Sometimes I wondered if he even knew or cared where Europe was."

Caspar Weinberger, the US defence secretary, supported Britain but the State Department was "dominated by Latinos".

"There was incredible pressure from the White House and the State Department to negotiate. It was hugely damaging," Sir John told The Telegraph. "They couldn't understand that to us any negotiated settlement would have seemed like a defeat."

Asked if he found it irritating that the Americans expected Britain's total support in the war against terrorism, Sir John said: "I am against the Americans smashing things up with bombing raids, then letting us be the auxiliary policemen to pick up the pieces."

Sir John says he held the Foreign Office "in deep contempt" for the caution it displayed when Lady Thatcher proposed sending the Task Force to the Falklands.
That is false.
Prior to April 2, United States together on Ascension Island, fuel, weapons, spare parts, 200 AIM-9L, ammunition, and all kinds of stores, which would have taken weeks England together. From April 2, USA boost UK to go to war against Argentina.
That is false.
Prior to April 2, United States together on Ascension Island, fuel, weapons, spare parts, 200 AIM-9L, ammunition, and all kinds of stores, which would have taken weeks England together. From April 2, USA boost UK to go to war against Argentina.

The Wideawake airfield on Ascension Island is a joint US-UK airbase
The Argentinians were not the only ones using anti shipping missiles

The patrol boat Alferez Sobral which was sent to rescue two downed Canberra pilots was attacked by British Lynx Helicopters carrying Sea Skua missiles. The ship was badly damaged

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