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USATODAY.com - Bush administration quotes linking Iraq and al-Qaeda


oh please, the US governemnt, shortly after 9/11, tried very hard to make people think Iraq had everything to do with 9/11
Oh, please. You are just like the others: Never read your own sources and exercise any level of critical thinking.

9-11 occurred after the Desert Storm, so it is only logical that all enemies should be examined. Your China would have done the same.

There is NOTHING in those sources that said the US declared that Iraq had direct involvement in 9-11. This is just like saying we invaded Iraq 'for oil'. :lol:
I would prefer that weapons systems such as these did not exist. But, unfortunately, this is the reality of our world. China's land-to-sea ICBMs already severely limited the capabilities of our carriers. Because of the constant arms race, America now needs a new ordnance-delivery system that can operate anywhere in the world (carriers currently fill this role as they can bring American air support from virtually 70% of the earth's surface).

I think we should bring back the draft. That way the government cannot go to war on a whim (Iraq) and the people are connected to what their country is doing on foreign lands. Right now citizens are extremely disconnected. Americans are sitting comfortably complacent at home watching 1000 HD-broadcast television and checking emails on their smartphones all day without even thinking that we've been engaged in two wars half way across the world partially supported by their tax money.

I'm also not a fan of UAVs. While I guess they are great for military purposes (American soldiers are put at less risk), they should be considered illegal, OR at least the operators should be recruited only during the draft or something. The government shouldnt really be allowed to have any weapons that they can operate without the general American population (such as the robotic army that can be controlled by some secure bunker or something)
Oh, please. You are just like the others: Never read your own sources and exercise any level of critical thinking.

9-11 occurred after the Desert Storm, so it is only logical that all enemies should be examined. Your China would have done the same.

There is NOTHING in those sources that said the US declared that Iraq had direct involvement in 9-11. This is just like saying we invaded Iraq 'for oil'. :lol:

oh please, you are so full of it.

the very top of the government said everything short of "iraq was directly behind it" and you know why? because there was no proof. but hey a case for war apperently does not need proof, they just need people to think their way and that is all.

they could have looked as you have said then move on when there was no evidence, but that's not what happened, the media played up 9/11 and the government with its statements very much supported this. they often mention iraq and 9/11 together so that people made a connection between the two.

the thinking went like this,

everyday on tv they say talibans and Al Qaeda was behind 9/11.
and without missing a beat you got the government saying this

so persistent was this media blitz that 10 years on a lot of people still believed it dispite evidence to the contrary

Ten Years Later, Belief in Iraq Connection With /9/11 Attack Persists | The Moderate Voice

"Additionally, among those polled, the beliefs that Iraq was connected with the 9/11 attack and that Iraq had WMDs immediately prior to the Iraq War were highly correlated with support for the Iraq War."

you must be absolutely blind if you are saying the government did not try to connect iraq to 9/11 at the time.

and you want formal statements stating iraq was directly behind ? lol if we went by formal declarations, then the US hasnt had a "war" since ww2, vietnam was just a special ops mission right?
oh please, you are so full of it.

the very top of the government said everything short of "iraq was directly behind it" and you know why? because there was no proof. but hey a case for war apperently does not need proof, they just need people to think their way and that is all.

they could have looked as you have said then move on when there was no evidence, but that's not what happened, the media played up 9/11 and the government with its statements very much supported this. they often mention iraq and 9/11 together so that people made a connection between the two.

the thinking went like this,

everyday on tv they say talibans and Al Qaeda was behind 9/11.
and without missing a beat you got the government saying this

so persistent was this media blitz that 10 years on a lot of people still believed it dispite evidence to the contrary

Ten Years Later, Belief in Iraq Connection With /9/11 Attack Persists | The Moderate Voice

"Additionally, among those polled, the beliefs that Iraq was connected with the 9/11 attack and that Iraq had WMDs immediately prior to the Iraq War were highly correlated with support for the Iraq War."

you must be absolutely blind if you are saying the government did not try to connect iraq to 9/11 at the time.

and you want formal statements stating iraq was directly behind ? lol if we went by formal declarations, then the US hasnt had a "war" since ww2, vietnam was just a special ops mission right?
So you have to resort to popular opinion poll? :lol:

Ever done any popular opinion polls in China regarding major issues? Probably not. Because your leadership discard such popular opinion polls to start.

And no, nowhere did I ever deny that the US did not try to link Iraq with 9-11. In fact, I said that it made logical sense because we invaded Iraq, shackled Saddam Hussein in many ways, and continued to have a military presence in his country. Any country, including China, would have the same suspicion and perform the same investigation -- if in our shoes.

So let us take a look at your USAToday source...

USATODAY.com - Bush administration quotes linking Iraq and al-Qaeda

Rice, Sept. 25: "There clearly are contacts between al-Qaeda and Iraq that can be documented; there clearly is testimony that some of the contacts have been important contacts and that there's a relationship here. ... And there are some al-Qaeda personnel who found refuge in Baghdad."

Bush, Oct. 7: "We know that Iraq and the al-Qaeda terrorist network share a common enemy — the United States of America. We know that Iraq and al-Qaeda have had high-level contacts that go back a decade" and "we've learned that Iraq has trained al-Qaeda members in bomb-making and poisons and deadly gases."


Bush, State of the Union address, Jan. 28: "And this Congress and the American people must recognize another threat. Evidence from intelligence sources, secret communications, and statements by people now in custody reveal that Saddam Hussein aids and protects terrorists, including members of al-Qaeda."

Bush, Feb. 6: "Senior members of Iraqi intelligence and al-Qaeda have met at least eight times since the early 1990s. Iraq has sent bomb-making and document forgery experts to work with al-Qaeda" and "Iraq has also provided al-Qaeda with chemical and biological weapons training."


Cheney, Jan. 21: "I continue to believe — I think there's overwhelming evidence that there was a connection between al-Qaeda and the Iraqi government. I'm very confident that there was an established relationship there."
Wow...!!! :lol:

Are there anything in there that said: The US have definitive links that Iraq assisted Al-Qaeda in 9-11?

So who is really 'full of it' now? YOU are.
oh please, you are so full of it.

the very top of the government said everything short of "iraq was directly behind it" and you know why? because there was no proof. but hey a case for war apperently does not need proof, they just need people to think their way and that is all.

they could have looked as you have said then move on when there was no evidence, but that's not what happened, the media played up 9/11 and the government with its statements very much supported this. they often mention iraq and 9/11 together so that people made a connection between the two.

the thinking went like this,

everyday on tv they say talibans and Al Qaeda was behind 9/11.
and without missing a beat you got the government saying so persistent was this media blitz that 10 years on a lot of people still believed it dispite evidence to the contrary

"Additionally, among those polled, the beliefs that Iraq was connected with the 9/11 attack and that Iraq had WMDs immediately prior to the Iraq War were highly correlated with support for the Iraq War."

you must be absolutely blind if you are saying the government did not try to connect iraq to 9/11 at the time.

Well, I can sum all that up for you in a paragraph. When someone's house is attacked, and in this case, a superpower....unfortunately there will be retaliation. No one should expect to get away after killing 3000 civilians in one terror attack. So....there was a response. When you are in the middle of it, you'll make calls to do things to safeguard your house for the future. The more powerful nation will ALSO make sure it's presence is near the danger zone (countries with AlQaeda ties) for future concerns or risks.....so that's the US military presence there.

Point is....and a lot of you guys totally ignore it, did the US just wake up and decide to attack Afg and Iraq??? NO. If the US wasn't attacked.....no one was going to attack Afg or Iraq either. That's the reality. And before you guys jump up and down saying the US trained OBL....ask yourself could that be true in this scenario? This wasn't exactly 1980's anymore.....we are talking 9/11/01!
The problem for your argument is that a missile cannot disguise itself while a suicide bomber can be anyone.

Then tell your fellow countrymen to stop strapping themselves with explosive and killing civillains in muslim lands. LOL

However poor people and civillains in major can't defend themselves with misslies especailly then ones who evade radar therefore, the missles CAN DISGUISE THEMSELVES far better than a sucide bomber.


cloaking is becoming a reality

u can do what u wana doo but if some one hits u back then he is the bad Guy

What do you want America to do, give them a medal for hitting back? :lol:

This is called nature. If you're the biggest baddest kid in the playground, guess what....You can treat people however you want, and if they fight you back (which will happen sometimes) then they will get crushed.
Life sucks, then you die. :lol: There is no such thing as socialism or emotional sympathy in nature.
Just as in Germanic paganism, the tribes lived wild and free, ripping apart the Roman Empire and collapsing it. Survival of the fittest brah. If you don't believe in it, stop complaining about it.
What do you want America to do, give them a medal for hitting back? :lol:

This is called nature. If you're the biggest baddest kid in the playground, guess what....You can treat people however you want, and if they fight you back (which will happen sometimes) then they will get crushed.
Life sucks, then you die. :lol: There is no such thing as socialism or emotional sympathy in nature.
Just as in Germanic paganism, the tribes lived wild and free, ripping apart the Roman Empire and collapsing it. Survival of the fittest brah. If you don't believe in it, stop complaining about it.

Problem is that a weak guy can't easily accept his weakness.
every death machine originates from america...the peaceful nation :no:
They say we muslims are 'plotting' to killl them..
But its them who comes up with novel ways of annihilating anything in the world in minutes notice...
So who should the world be wary about?

at any given time i am within range of their missiles and can potentially get vaporized before i know it...

100,000 suicide bombers cannot cause half as much damage as one of their missiles can...

We Muslim, He muslism, She Muslim, They Muslim, etc Muslim, Muslim Muslim... Lol Stop these kind of words, No one is telling "you" Muslims are plotting to kill others.....

100,000 Misslies can't do a harm which 1 Suicide bomber can do.. why? coz Missiles can't be used in Peacetime.. When there is war, there is death... When there is peace there must not be death (which a suicide bomber/terrorists provide)

Stop shielding terrorists by making such emotiuonal commenst..
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