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Fake News CNN: US nearing a formal agreement to use Pakistan's airspace to carry out military operations in Afghanistan

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nothing has been done yet just souce said bla bla and people going left right in the thread.
The only thing Pakistan is going to get is blowback. Unable to reach the US, the people who are attacked by the US will blame and attack reachable Pakistan to exact revenge and vent anger. A very short sighted deal, corrupts making deals for monetary gain for today and leave the people to pay for the consequences later whilst the dealmakers will live in lavish lifestyles abroad.

US will get that Air space one way or another, so I'd say that our Establishment extract some goodies at least, and our people needs to understand the " majboori " of Govt.
Even I am surprised by just how short sighted they were. Either this was ultimate blackmail game by US or Pakistan has worst negotiators on the planet.
It is an ultimate blackmail that is to sanctioned Pakistan. Let's see Pak govt can resist the pressure which i doubt since Bajwa has apparently said yes to US already.
Today if America wants to fly a B-52 through Pakistani airspace, no Pakistani or their father could do jack shit about it other than measly protests or ranting online on their US run social media sites.

What is being done is to formalize a control agreement that basically ups the “fees” for using the airspace.
Even I am surprised by just how short sighted they were after witnessing utter carnage, destruction, and violent bloodshed of last 20 years that wreaked maximum havoc and chaos on border areas. As soon as there is light at the end of the tunnel and finally a chance for peace, they pull this insane stunt. Now we know all that talk about peace and stability in Afghanistan was just another episode of PTI making maximum fools out of awam and especially PTI followers. PMLN must be celebrating at this moment and giving mubarak to each other.

Either this was ultimate blackmail game by US or Pakistan has worst negotiators on the planet.
Im really interested in what Pakistan would do otherwise? Shoot down a US plane?
Enter the black list at FATF and enter sanctions?
Suddenly have separatist movements take off in full force? PPP start an anti-state drive?
B52s were using Pakistani airspace until 14 August 2021. Why would Pakistan stop Americans from killing terrorists?

Would you let an assassin into your house and trust that he only kills one person?
Sudden rift in between military establishment and govt over the appointment of ISI chief is an obvious testimonial to this development. Even pak govt failed to convinced IMF over continuation of the program. Everything is getting clear.

Unless a quick rebuttal doesn't come from the govt within next few hours , this news should be considered as truth .
Don't jump up and down over this unconfirmed report from CNN.

Nobody in Pakistan except Bajwa would be celebrating this. If anything many in the tribal areas are now fearing for their lives again.
US will get that Air space one way or another, so I'd say that our Establishment extract some goodies at least, and our people needs to understand the " majboori " of Govt.

We could shoot down one of their drones like Iran to send a clear message. People say Pakistan doesn't have the balls for that but really that is exactly what has to be done if Pakistan is serious about preventing Afghanistan from exploding again.

So why is that every time someone claims we have reached an agreement, we all start bashing government without first confirming whether the news is true at all? I mean what kind of nation are we that fall so damn easily for any verbal diarrhoea that comes out of foreign mouth.
If understanding with the US is reached indeed, would we not be out of the greylist? That is the least benefit that would have been given?
As for understanding with India, what understanding do we need with India that US can deliver? Indian chapter is a no go for us because India would not reinstate article 370 and solution for Kashmir isnt coming anytime soon.
IMF has also decline further release of payment. Does any of the above signs point towards reaching an understanding with the US at all?
This will be a share embarrassing situation for Imran khan after saying absolutely not to the US. I see his govt to topple down in the next few weeks if Imran continues to resist army establishment to give up to american demand.
had pakistan been removed from the FATF greylist, I would have been alarmed after reading this "breaking news"
I would have figured out that Pakistan escaped FATF by giving them airspace access.
Am I surprised that the US is in talks to try and get airspace access, of course not, pakistani airspace is the only real way they can enter afghanistan and do their terror activities.
one can only hope that the top military brass have learned something over the last 30 years, the consequences of assisting the US.
So why is that every time someone claims we have reached an agreement, we all start bashing government without first confirming whether the news is true at all? I mean what kind of nation are we that fall so damn easily for any verbal diarrhoea that comes out of foreign mouth.
If understanding with the US is reached indeed, would we not be out of the greylist? That is the least benefit that would have been given?
As for understanding with India, what understanding do we need with India that US can deliver? Indian chapter is a no go for us because India would not reinstate article 370 and solution for Kashmir isnt coming anytime soon.
IMF has also decline further release of payment. Does any of the above signs point towards reaching an understanding with the US at all?

This is CNN we are talking about, they don't publish big foreign policy news like this by accident. CNN probably got go ahead to publish this article from Pentagon itself.

The truth is I don't think we got any concessions from this since you have to start with very hard bargaining position like Iran to get anything from US. Iranians are really good at playing this game and I have been saying for years we need to learn from them. Hence we could not even get concession of removal from FATF because of extreme incompetence when US had no other option but to use Pakistan airspace. We could have named a price and they would have to pay it.

If Pakistan had good negotiators, we would do a hard bargain, make US wait a few months and shoot one of their drones illegally trying to enter our airspace, when US comes back to the table, then talk.

Spineless leadership strikes again, the nightmare never ends.
ISIk present a grave threat to Pakistan and Taliban and it was expected that Pakistan and Afghanistan would reach a joint mechanism to tackle this issue. Biden govt has been lambasted for leaving Afghanistan into a mess hence the need to maintain some sort of COIN in Afghanistan, remained.

This effectively helps Pakistan and Afghanistan in dealing with ISIk without spending resources.
Why can't Pakistan strike isis k with support of taliban just like us would do? If US can do and it's acceptable then Pakistan should be able to openly strike isis k targets and may be some TTP/BLA/RAW target.
ANd why USA needs to hit Isis in Afghanistan itself
Since Isis is enemy of Pakistan and Taliban so USA can just do intel sharing with us and we can hit Isis
So why is that every time someone claims we have reached an agreement, we all start bashing government without first confirming whether the news is true at all? I mean what kind of nation are we that fall so damn easily for any verbal diarrhoea that comes out of foreign mouth.
If understanding with the US is reached indeed, would we not be out of the greylist? That is the least benefit that would have been given?
As for understanding with India, what understanding do we need with India that US can deliver? Indian chapter is a no go for us because India would not reinstate article 370 and solution for Kashmir isnt coming anytime soon.
IMF has also decline further release of payment. Does any of the above signs point towards reaching an understanding with the US at all?

you said, is true but these things happening one after the other are to push us towards that understanding which is glimpsed in the news of it being expected in few months or days.

we surely are going to pay the price for refusing. all the internal and external pressures including media controversies, political uprise, mafias causing inflation, the IMF talks, FATF and unluckily political sellouts waiting for so long.
Obviously not privy to any info, but I would imagine there are some goodies for sure
The goodies and a constructive relationship is all good and jolly...but announcing it in the open can be dangerous.
It is easy for the likes of ISIS and other such militant groups to recruit ppl to carry out attacks against Pakistan saying that Pakistan is in bed with US(when news like this is out in the open). There is a chance that it might even antagonize Afghan Taliban. With such developments...there could again be a rise in terrorist attacks in Pakistan...where mainly the common ppl(or police/military) suffer. It was better when Pakistan unofficially allowed this...while officially denouncing it.
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