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Faisal Raza Abidi torpedo azad adalia (must watch)

I heard Faisal Raza Abidi is on the hitlist. But man he sure knows how to talk.
This is the face of Pakistan's ruling democracy and free judiciary.

I'm shocked to hear that 'deet' money is paid by Pakistan tax payers.

What a misuse of Islamic law and only scum bag iftikhar ch. is to be blamed for such open corruption in judiciary.
There is no mystery on the RD case. I do not understand that when Pakistan, ISI, & and the victim's families (for a change) came out on the top at the end of the game why such a big ruckus? Is it because the media was taken for a ride by the ISI and now the same media has to bring in who paid what, when, where, how to save face and keep this affair alive and use it to try to bring people on to the streets or get their pound of flesh which was abruptly snatched from their jaws by the quick ending?????

I think if a sane analysis was done of the whole affair it would be something like this:

1. CIA operations in Pakistan (Yes there are RAW, MI5, Afghan, Iranian, Saudi, Chinese, Russian, intelligence agencies doing the same thing with a different spin and target market) had to be reigned in.

2. ISI did not want some sacrosanct organizations to be touched or contacted by the Americans otherwise their ops against Indians in Afghanistan, and the insurance/counter balance for the end game in Afghanistan would be compromised.

3. NOC operators like RD were being trailed (If they were not than the big question was what was ISI doing with 30K thousand operative in the field and unlimited resources at their call -- atleast in Pakistan) with direct/NOC operatives in all embassies of Pakistan, airports (with trail teams), major hotels/guest houses, Taxis, car rentals firms, Wireless dispatchers of ambulance services etc. scanning and reporting through independent chain of command on details of visas issued, scanning passenger lists -- including domestic travel, entry lists, hotel bookings and stay's, and routinely scanning estate agents for foreigners living renting in their areas. I am not counting the strategically placed beggars, or the shoe shiner/doctor or the friendly neighborhood sabzi seller.

4. The incident (without going into the details of why what happened; happened) gave an heaven sent opportunity for ISI to work on point 1. The media was roped in (knowing or unknowingly) with planting of stories (list of 54 operatives etc.) and manipulation of facts to raise the street level anger against US. Key figures were used or abused (I think Shah Mahmood was really naïve to not to see this and fall in a trap). This was classic black ops played by one the most strongest but underrated spy agencies in the world.

5. Pressure was applied on the sitting Govt. to not to buckle otherwise say goodbye to your reign as the street sentiment would net let a “Quite release” happen.

6. The game was set – GoP had a good cover in the raging street sentiments to not to abide by the US wishes. The media was in frenzy and was starting to taste its pound of flesh. The Ghairat Brigade was on the march and the mullahs were starting to savor the taste of American blood. The quintessential CJ started calling for a judicial process to be followed according the law of the land. The brothers in Lahore started their call for justice as on queue. The Army was silent!!! The American started sweating.

7. The Oman meeting took place where the powers to be on both sides met and sorted out the rules of engagement going forward. Message was clearly delivered that for Afghan, Indian, or Defense related issues talk to us otherwise you will burn your hands.

8. The release was thrashed out by Senator Kerry and the GoP on the advice of the Army Chief, the Saudis (the link to Brothers from Lahore) and every one else played their role right from the BfL, CJ (through his appointee in Lahore High Court), the Gov. of Punjab and the civil and police administration. RD left for Bagram within a month of the Oman meeting – it took about a month to sort out the details and cool down the anger in the streets. RD was in Bagram witihn hours of the start of operation wind-up without the Media even realizing that a plane is waiting for RD since a day before at Lahore A/p or a legal agreement has been prepared, signed and presented before the court or the family of the victims, lock stock and barrel have wanished -- so much so for the investigative journalism or is it just a "Fed" medium????? And all this in the age of 50 plus news channels!!!! What a classic operation.

9. The bottom line – the Media, Mullah’s, and the Ghairat Brigade is feeling used and trying to save face -the people of Pakistan—they return back to fending off the wave of rising prices for themselves. The winner’s; well that is another story to tell!!!!
^^ Pretty feasible. It was ISI/PA all the way. The rest were mere pawns.
it is only your dream to win billions of heart by wining worldcup
I tend to agree with you on the overall concept of the Civilian Leadership controlling the overall vision, direction and tactical of a country’s strategic direction but unfortunately in this particular incident the civilian leadership just did not know how to conduct themselves. The same strategy -- that was later employed by the military/ISI leadership should have come from the President/Prime Minister house under consultation of the National Security Advisor (this portfolio does not exists, it is amalgamated in the Army Chief).

These types of bargaining games are played by many countries -- but I doubt it that this kind of lead role is given to the military as we saw it done here. I am afraid the current civilian leadership is not only incompetent but also lack experience in statesmanship (and general IQ). If we are willing to live with a blundering along Pakistan for the next fifteen years than continued Democracy will start producing statesmen somewhere around 2020 -- this is how democracy work -- there are no shortcuts
Aamir Bhai... You are very optimistic with the current system and I am not... We have been experimenting with these political parties, democracy, dictatorship etc ever since Pakistan was born... They have delivered little if any tangible benefit to the nation... I agree there are no shortcuts to experience and dont get me wrong... I do not approve of this government or so called Azad Adlia in any form at all... I do think that the solution to our problems lies in the Army backing the right people into power... Setup a blue print, discuss amongst each other and let there be a definite system in place... The problem with our democracy is that unless you are a feudal land lord or an industrialist or a Mullah you cannot come to power... The only institution in our country that manages to deliver something of value is the Army... perhaps due to strict disciple and organization as well as hierarchy... with democracy we see this drama everywhere (not just in Pakistan) where people keep blaming each other for the problem... nothing gets done... everyone is trying to cover their backs... no one takes responsibility and power is diffused...

I dont know if you have read my other comments on different threads but I m totally against the status quo... The military has a role to fulfill and it cannot be that of leadership although it has to be taken into advice at each and every step and militarization of industry like in China must be adopted to solve the joblessness and economic crisis of our country...

Issues like RD case have other dimensions... We have to stop our reliance and unholy alliance with western powers and must achieve a tit for tat ability to assure destruction if pushed into a corner for every superpower in the world... otherwise our blood shall remain cheap and we will continue as slaves...
Democracy -- our style -- is the only answer to our problems. There needs ot be some adjustment like direct presidential elections and ministries run by professional in the respective fields and let the elected be the law makers and not run the "Operations."

As far as alliances are concerned, there are no "holy" or "Unholy" alliances just alliances of mutual interests. These same "unholy" alliances were extremely holy when we were fighting the Soviet Union.

We, ourselves make the blood of Pakistanis cheap -- if a Pakistani dies in a foreign country, the consular office of the nearest Pakistani embassy or consulate is least bothered, if Pakistanis are stranded in a foreign country during civil strife’s etc. they are in most case the last to leave and mostly by their own efforts. People, countries see this --- when we are not bothered why should they be? Look at our social indicators -- if we are not bothered to educate our children, or take care of their health, drinking water etc.,-- should we expect others to handle us in a special way. When we sell in the open market chocolates, biscuits and rations given for flood relief of our poor, should we expect them to bother the next time we are hit with calamity?

Let us learn to look into our own actions (Apna garaybaan jankain) before we start passing judgments on others.
This rant is plain BS ... courts need evidence to punish someone , if its weak no punishment , this is not a pakistan specific practice this is a universal phenomenon ... while i m dissapointed by lack of CJ's action on non-implementation of court orders yet blaming courts for freeing criminals can only be sold to poor sindhi villagers who will keep voting PPP .
Faisal Abidi belongs to the same political party whose co-chairman misused his position as President to grant a pardon to Interior Minister R.Malik when cases against him were open. No trial for him. If this is how the government sets the standard, then I fear to think what else they might do for their personal gain.

While the CJ of Pakistan is only human and is prone to imperfection, he still needs to show some neutrality while handing out judgements. As has been rightly pointed out, many cases against PML-N members/leaders are still pending with no suo-moto action taken.

I saw the video as one crook pointing the finger at another crook.
Democracy -- our style -- is the only answer to our problems. There needs ot be some adjustment like direct presidential elections and ministries run by professional in the respective fields and let the elected be the law makers and not run the "Operations."

As far as alliances are concerned, there are no "holy" or "Unholy" alliances just alliances of mutual interests. These same "unholy" alliances were extremely holy when we were fighting the Soviet Union.

We, ourselves make the blood of Pakistanis cheap -- if a Pakistani dies in a foreign country, the consular office of the nearest Pakistani embassy or consulate is least bothered, if Pakistanis are stranded in a foreign country during civil strife’s etc. they are in most case the last to leave and mostly by their own efforts. People, countries see this --- when we are not bothered why should they be? Look at our social indicators -- if we are not bothered to educate our children, or take care of their health, drinking water etc.,-- should we expect others to handle us in a special way. When we sell in the open market chocolates, biscuits and rations given for flood relief of our poor, should we expect them to bother the next time we are hit with calamity?

Let us learn to look into our own actions (Apna garaybaan jankain) before we start passing judgments on others.

Sir... perhaps you did nt understand me... I was saying exactly the same thing... that we need to correct ourselves and stop blaming outsiders... at the end of the day it is our own people who are bringing shame and harm to our people with their actions... I cannot agree with you about democracy but thats a whole different discussion inshaAllah we shall discuss more when I have some more time...

Your example of the holy alliance with the US is a good one too... the thing is we are now in a difficult position because there is only one superpower left on earth and it has made clear that it will prevent all challenges to its hagemony with brutality if need be... we cannot continue in any alliances any more and at best our approach should be limited treaties with different nations...

Your example of a Pakistani dying in a foreign country and the attitude of our embassies etc is so true and so sad... to change that attitude we need to change not only the faces who run the system but the whole system itself...
When we sell in the open market chocolates, biscuits and rations given for flood relief of our poor, should we expect them to bother the next time we are hit with calamity?

I don't know if enyone remembers, but there was a report on a private news channel that showed an MNA handing out aid to the victims of the floods. The cartons however told a different story. Those relief items were not from the Government, but from the KSA. The MNA handed a few items out and then drove away with truck loads of those goods meant for the poor people.

This is what we have become. We steal from the poor, the needy and the orphans. This is tyranny - Dhulm.
There is no mercy for a Dhalim and this is exactly why we have this inept government with its flawed idelogy. It is nothing short of God's vengeance.

Mr. Abidi should have checked the records of his friends before making this speech. You can clearly hear him say that "even he" does not get justice. To remind him: being a Senator does not make him better than the rest of us. He is a Pakistani and therefore our equal. If we suffer delays in getting justice (if at all) then it is his own fault for not doing anything to improve it.

He rues the death of PPP and ANP workers, but does not mention the common people who die everyday because his friends in the government don't care about their needs. More Pakistanis are dying of financial losses, starvation, poor health facilities and the knowledge that their children have no future because the govt. schools are just scams.

He makes a wonderful speech, but forgets that he himself is part of a group of individuals bent on destroying Pakistan. Mr. Abidi, pray keep your emotional outbursts to yourself, sir.
I find that vulgar idiot politicians always start yelling instead of replying with sensibility such politicians should be dispatched to the boundary , in a revolution

If these rascals ever crossed my path I would take out the Salah Ud din inspired sword , and just for interrupting my sentence , chop them down

I miss the golden days when such idiots would be silenced with justice - what a sad time we live in such garbage manages to come on TV and flash a piece of paperm the politician's existance is throwing off a stench ...

Nothing more annoying then to see a illiterate politician barking and talking about logic

We don't need constitution , if it can't be implemented , what we need is justice , and one that Caliph Omar was known for ... swift !!! and powerful Justice!! struck fear in opponents

We don't need to review article 3.2.1 section b and section c to come to a conclusion that a person was guilty but let go becasue mysteriously someone produced a note (un verifiable note)

What we need is a SWORD the good old fashioned way that does justice !!


Ah what a crappy time we live in pathetic
great and impressive! thanks for posting.

Faisal Abdi is 100% right. PPP is a true political party full of patriotic elements.

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