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Facing the Challenge of China, Should India Embrace the U.S.?:TIME Magazine

trust me, I've been India and many African countries as well. I have better position arguing with you if you have yet been exposed to African continent. I am not talking about send "your shining stars" to space, that's not what I am talking, even so, many African nation sent their satellites too, if you insist on comparing with Africa in that category.
Seems like while visiting these countries you forgot to notice many things, next time look with an open mind and compare with your situations(don't want to compare but i have to).

P.S.- Many african countries sent satellite by themselves.....:disagree: Even if they did, then they are ahead of you according to your logic.
I am not downplaying your achievement, you just did the progress, which nobody can be in denial, just like us a few years ago, 7-9 percent economic expansion.

but the harsh fact is the majority of India, excluding Banglore, Mumbai, Delhi, are even below the major sub-Sahara level of life quality, food, healthcare, infant mortality, etc.

what's your achievement? at a 7 percent growth, your GDP per head growth is merely 4 percent, for living standard below 1 dollar, that 4 percent increase is really insignificant, 4 cent more a year, do you even include the inflation? what did I downplay?

Harsh fact is that you are a bs artist. Life quality, education, healthcare in India is all better than Pakistan and India will keep pulling ahead of Pakistan

India grew at an average of 6.6% from 1990-2010, Pakistan 4.6%. And the real growth btw,

Real Growth= Nominal growth-Inflation. :wave:

We ll ally with whoever we have to protect our interests against hegemonic China.
trust me, I've been India and many African countries as well. I have better position arguing with you if you have yet been exposed to African continent. I am not talking about send "your shining stars" to space, that's not what I am talking, even so, many African nation sent their satellites too, if you insist on comparing with Africa in that category.

Speak on topic! Why you bring un-necessary things in this topic... I can say let 90% of Indian population be below poverty line! what does it has to do with the current topic at hand.

Let what you told is true... How does it affects India's defense preparedness or Indian conventional/Nuclear ability? India is underdeveloped when compared to Netherlands, Denmark, Norway or Switzerland! But that does not mean that India will lose in a head on war with these countries.

This is no liability that India should abolish poverty before investing in Defense of the nation.... Again India can have 98% below poverty and it can invest 20% of GDP on Defense.... It is our choice!
but the harsh fact is themajority of India, excluding Banglore, Mumbai, Delhi, are even below the major sub-Sahara level of life quality, food, healthcare, infant mortality, etc.

trust me, I've been India .many African nation sent their satellites too
About the bold parts hopefully you know what you are writing about!
Secondly is it really fun comparing all the unfortunate souls to see which one is more unfortunate :disagree:
By African nation's sending satellites you mean indigenous Launch vehicle + Satellite.
For next 10 years US will be busy in Middle East, because increasing tensions with Iran & pressure from Israel.

Mainly US wants to sell there military products to some Asian countries, its defense business….. So no need to worry……

China US economic ties increasing, Beijing always promotes strong economic & diplomatic ties with Washington.

Chinese VP's U.S. visit important for advancing China-U.S. cooperative partnership

Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping's upcoming visit to the United States is crucial to advancing the China-U.S. cooperative partnership, Chinese Ambassador Zhang Yesui said Friday.

"This is an important high-level visit between China and the U.S. this year," Zhang said in an interview with U.S.-based Chinese journalists.

Xi will visit the United States on Feb. 13-17 at the invitation of his U.S. counterpart Joe Biden.

The ambassador said the visit was aimed at consolidating the China-U.S. cooperative partnership by implementing the consensus reached by the two heads of state last year.

"The visit to the U.S. by Vice President Xi is set to be successful through the joint efforts of both sides," Zhang said.

The Chinese envoy hailed the remarkable progress achieved in developing China-U.S. relations in the past four decades since former U.S. President Richard Nixon's historic visit to China in 1972, when the two countries issued the Shanghai Communique that paved the way for the establishment of diplomatic ties between the two countries years later.

Though differences exist between the two sides on some issues, Zhang said cooperation prevails in China-U.S. relations because the two countries share more common interests than differences.

He said the consensus reached last January by visiting Chinese President Hu Jintao and his U.S. counterpart Barack Obama on building a China-U.S. cooperative partnership based on mutual respect and mutual benefit was "pragmatic and forward-looking."

With enhanced cooperation, the two countries are sharing increasing common interests as they are becoming increasingly involved with each other in many ways.

"China and the U.S. need to, and can, have better cooperation not only in promoting domestic and global economic growth, but also in tackling regional and global challenges," Zhang said.

The ambassador said that the key to building a China-U.S. cooperative partnership lies in properly dealing of frictions and disputes between the two sides.

"It's crucial for the two sides to show mutual respect, especially to each other's core interests and major concerns, while strengthening mutual dialogues and communications so as to deepen mutual trust and avoid miscalculation," he said.

Zhang emphasized that as a developing country, China will unswervingly adhere to the path of peaceful development and has no intention of harming the interests of any other countries during the process of its own development.

As China and the United States are not engaged in a zero-sum game, China's development will only bring more opportunities for cooperation between the two countries, he said.

"I believe that China and the U.S. will find a new path of peaceful co-existence and common development for big powers," Zhang said.

Chinese VP's U.S. visit important for advancing China-U.S. cooperative partnership: ambassador - Xinhua | English.news.cn
My sincere advise to all fellow Indian members; for those posts which unnecessarily rant words like :

Blah blah blah
Second grade nation
Blah blah blah
sub-Sahara level of life quality
Blah blah blah
majority of India
Blah blah blah
below 1 dollar

trust me, I've been India and many African countries as well. I have better position arguing with you if you have yet been exposed to African continent. I am not talking about send "your shining stars" to space, that's not what I am talking, even so, many African nation sent their satellites too, if you insist on comparing with Africa in that category.

some African nations have space agencies

however only the below Agencies have Launch Capability

Space agency Country Founded Terminated Capabilities of the space agency Ref(s)
Name Acronym Launch capable Multiple Satellites Launch capable Operates Extraterrestrial Probe Recoverable Satellites capable
China National Space Administration
(Chinese: 中华人民共和国国家航天局) CNSA People's Republic of China 22 April 1993 — Yes Yes Yes Yes [9]
European Space Agency
(French: Agence spatiale européenne)
(German: Europäische Weltraumorganisation) ESA
EWO Austria
Czech Republic
United Kingdom 31 May 1975 — Yes Yes Yes No [16][17]
Iranian Space Agency
(Persian: سازمان فضایی ایران) ISA
ISA Iran 2003 — Yes No No No [43]
Israeli Space Agency
(Hebrew: סוכנות החלל הישראלית‎)
(Arabic: وكالة الفضاء الإسرائيلية‎) ISA
סל"ה Israel April 1983 — Yes No No No [citation needed]
Indian Space Research Organization
(Hindi: भारतीय अंतरिक्ष अनुसंधान संगठन) ISRO
इसरो India 15 August 1969 — Yes Yes Yes Yes [44]
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
(Japanese: 宇宙航空研究開発機構) JAXA Japan 1 October 2003 — Yes Yes Yes Yes [26]
National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA United States 1 October 1958 — Yes Yes Yes Yes [30]
French: Centre National d’Études Spatiales
(National Center of Space Research) CNES France 19 December 1961 — Yes Yes No No [32]
Ukrainian: Національне космічне агентство України
(National Space Agency of Ukraine) НКАУ
NSAU Ukraine 2 March 1992 — Yes Yes No No [citation needed]
Russian: Федеральное космическое агентство
(Russian Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos)) ROSCOSMOS
RFSA Russia ca. 1992 — Yes Yes Yes Yes [citation needed]
Russian: Советская космическая программа
(Soviet space program) СССР Soviet Union ca. 1955 ca. 1991 Yes

Seems like while visiting these countries you forgot to notice many things, next time look with an open mind and compare with your situations(don't want to compare but i have to).

P.S.- Many african countries sent satellite by themselves.....:disagree: Even if they did, then they are ahead of you according to your logic.

Bringing us in does not solve the matter, my intention is for all of us to succeed in the global competition, please read my posts.
Speak on topic! Why you bring un-necessary things in this topic... I can say let 90% of Indian population be below poverty line! what does it has to do with the current topic at hand.

Let what you told is true... How does it affects India's defense preparedness or Indian conventional/Nuclear ability? India is underdeveloped when compared to Netherlands, Denmark, Norway or Switzerland! But that does not mean that India will lose in a head on war with these countries.

This is no liability that India should abolish poverty before investing in Defense of the nation.... Again India can have 98% below poverty and it can invest 20% of GDP on Defense.... It is our choice!

No. I was replying to Robot, stay on the reasoning. Your statement of the bold part is not in line with humanity. For civilized society we mankind have our protocol of priority. What's the r of being the biggest democracy your chanted like always?
Question is not should India embrace the US but Can India embrace the US? India has a huge minority population of Muslims and North Easterners who would rather see India burn to the ground then Accept Israel or rather. This may be a reason why Hindu fanatics have been stepping up their attacks on non Hindus but only time will show how the experiment of "India" created by the British will last. India is facing Insurgencies left, right and centre from Communists to separatists to Muslims. A nation carved out by the West must fight itself in the 'final battle' before they can truly claim they are even a nation legitimately. Until that day majority of Indians who live in slums will keep rising up to attack the central Indian government in whatever fashion they see fit in the name of racist caste bs and inequality.
About the bold parts hopefully you know what you are writing about!
Secondly is it really fun comparing all the unfortunate souls to see which one is more unfortunate :disagree:
By African nation's sending satellites you mean indigenous Launch vehicle + Satellite.

I am no the one. It's your fellows that bring us in an unnecessary argument.
India is a free society in which everybody has a right to express all kinds of views. A lot of what comes out in the media is just noise.

But the long standing government policy has been to maintain a position of neutrality, independence and friendly relations with everybody.
Question is not should India embrace the US but Can India embrace the US? India has a huge minority population of Muslims and North Easterners who would rather see India burn to the ground then Accept Israel or rather. This may be a reason why Hindu fanatics have been stepping up their attacks on non Hindus but only time will show how the experiment of "India" created by the British will last. India is facing Insurgencies left, right and centre from Communists to separatists to Muslims. A nation carved out by the West must fight itself in the 'final battle' before they can truly claim they are even a nation legitimately. Until that day majority of Indians who live in slums will keep rising up to attack the central Indian government in whatever fashion they see fit in the name of racist caste bs and inequality.

so we have another person here dreaming to see india break into pieces. WHATEVER, another person in the line.....
Wow the verbal diarrhea in the first couple of pages of this thread is appalling.
so we have another person here dreaming to see india break into pieces. WHATEVER, another person in the line.....

Don't jump to conclusions Indian. What I want doesn't matter because I am not a fan boy. I merely point out the social/cultural/religious/caste issues which still hinders Indian progression into a modern state. Want to line up and compare yourselves with the big boys? then you have to 1. Resolve all internal issues. 2. Improve living standards.

Without those 2 things Whats the difference between India and say Nigeria?
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