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Facebook removes Hezbollah pages

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Jul 16, 2012
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Facebook removes Hezbollah pages | New Europe


The policy against terror incitement and hate propagation of the social site has forced the elimination of all the pages belonging to Hezbollah and the group’s television network Al-Manar, Israel Radio reported.

Facebook took this decision after Hezbollah's appearance in 2004 on the State Department’s list of terror organizations. The site uses this list to decide “which groups may be involved in the promotion of violence”, explained Frederic Wolens, a Facebook spokesperson.

This policy was also extended to Al- Manar - also placed on the list in 2004 for being a propaganda arm of the political group- , whose official page was deleted on 16 August. Hezbollah never had an official page, but its community site was also removed.

Last month, Apple and Google took steps to eliminate Hezbollah from their online stores, including an app for streaming Al-Manar videos.
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I wonder if this policy of fighting 'terrorists' includes Saudi paid terrorists,Al-Qaeda,FSA terrorists and other ones.Of course not,those are good terrorists.

Only 8 countries in the world label it as a terrorist organizations,while none of the accusations against it has been proved.That sure makes them terrorists.:smokin:
I wonder if this policy of fighting 'terrorists' includes Saudi paid terrorists,Al-Qaeda,FSA terrorists and other ones.Of course not,those are good terrorists.

Tell me why Al-Qaeda Bombing Riyadh?
I wonder if this policy of fighting 'terrorists' includes Saudi paid terrorists,Al-Qaeda,FSA terrorists and other ones.Of course not,those are good terrorists.

Hizzboullah have carried out bombings in Saudi territory which have killed Saudi nationals. So yes they are a terrorist organization in my books.
There is no country in the world fighting Al-Qaeda as much as KSA is fighting Al-Qaeda and that is an indisputable fact.

FSA have not committed any act of terrorism they are an armed Resistance group against a criminal regime and they are counted as heroes in my books. The bulk of FSA is made of defectors and they have stated time and again foreigners are not welcome and civilians are not part of FSA but I bet you didn't know and I don't blame you I would be ignorant and brainwashed too if I lived in Iran probably.

False flag?Maybe betraying their creators and motherland?:P

Which shows you really have no idea of world politics mix up and you should either go read from independent sources and become knowledgeable on world affairs or go to sleep.
Unlike other Arabs who just huff and puff about Israel (even it has been stopped recently),Hezbollah actually fought them and is fighting them.
What you see in your book is not important.They blamed all of those on Hezbollah to demonize it and help Israel.I'm really sorry to see you guys see it as your enemies just because it's not following your sect.Then tell me who has been drowned in sectarian blood up to its neck.
Any proof they have carried out bombings in Saudi Arabia?Just bring us some evidence,not Israeli or Saudi made ones.As always,I think they blamed them because they found no other one to blame.
Even EU refuses to label it as a terrorist organization.Only Israel sympathizers have done this.
We're not same like you, There's No Taqiyyah in our Religion.
That's why Shia witnesses in Indonesian court are Rejected, the Reason is Suspected doing Taqiyyah
No need for any explanations,your avatar shows from where your thought are being fed.:agree:
Unlike other Arabs who just huff and puff about Israel (even it has been stopped recently),Hezbollah actually fought them and is fighting them.
What you see in your book is not important.They blamed all of those on Hezbollah to demonize it and help Israel.I'm really sorry to see you guys see it as your enemies just because it's not following your sect.Then tell me who has been drowned in sectarian blood up to its neck.
Any proof they have carried out bombings in Saudi Arabia?Just bring us some evidence,not Israeli or Saudi made ones.As always,I think they blamed them because they found no other one to blame.
Even EU refuses to label it as a terrorist organization.Only Israel sympathizers have done this.

Oh please put a sock in it. The explosions happened in Saudi Arabia "Al-Khobar Bombings" carried out by "Hizzboullah Al-Hijaz" of course Saud investigation is going to be carried out on Saudi territory what do you expect??

And again put a sock in it. We have fought Israel for decades it is Iran which Huffs and Puffs and throw away the idiotic fighters on Israel to be massacred just to score some foreign policy points.

And no I don't have a sect to begin with, it is you are sectarian to the extreme. And it is YOU who is drowning in sectarian blood to its neck. You can run around it all you want that doesn't change the facts on the ground.

Khobar Towers bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Unlike other Arabs who just huff and puff about Israel (even it has been stopped recently),Hezbollah actually fought them and is fighting them.
What you see in your book is not important.They blamed all of those on Hezbollah to demonize it and help Israel.I'm really sorry to see you guys see it as your enemies just because it's not following your sect.Then tell me who has been drowned in sectarian blood up to its neck.
Any proof they have carried out bombings in Saudi Arabia?Just bring us some evidence,not Israeli or Saudi made ones.As always,I think they blamed them because they found no other one to blame.
Even EU refuses to label it as a terrorist organization.Only Israel sympathizers have done this.

Hahaha, Fighting?
Are you kidding me?
Fire a Rocket and then Hiding, and let the citizens of Lebanon massacred by Jews Army, You call that cowardly act as Fighting?
BTW we Did't say Israel we say Jews!

No need for any explanations,your avatar shows from where your thought are being fed.

Then tell me from where? That was not Saudi Flag.
We're not same like you, There's No Taqiyyah in our Religion.
That's why Shia witnesses in Indonesian court are Rejected, the Reason is Suspected doing Taqiyyah

Brother you have already accepted many witnesses by shias.

Reason : They told you they are sunni because they were doing taqiyyah!!!

Hahahahahaha. :lol:
Good job Facebook on removing this terrorist organization from the Internet :tup:

but they need to be consistent

what about Jundullah and BLA pages? or does that fall under the category of freedom of expression?

Polite request to all
please mind yourself and don't go down the road of fatwa's and Shia - Sunni Debate
we are reaching a point in history where our religious debates are raging on who is kafir and who is not and we are being killed by Zionists indiscriminately

Oh please put a sock in it. The explosions happened in Saudi Arabia "Al-Khobar Bombings" carried out by "Hizzboullah Al-Hijaz" of course Saud investigation is going to be carried out on Saudi territory what do you expect??

And again put a sock in it. We have fought Israel for decades it is Iran which Huffs and Puffs and throw away the idiotic fighters on Israel to be massacred just to score some foreign policy points.

And no I don't have a sect to begin with, it is you are sectarian to the extreme. And it is YOU who is drowning in sectarian blood to its neck. You can run around it all you want that doesn't change the facts on the ground.

Khobar Towers bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

First of all,that Hizzboullah Al-Hijaz has no relations with Hezbollah of Lebanon,you thought its the same Hezbollah because of their name?:lol:.Secondly,it is also debated that Al-Qaeda carried out the operation,and at last,it was not truly proved.
You haven't done crap in fighting Israel,Maybe those sheikhs can fool the citizens of Arabia,but not the others in ME.
From every angle I look,you are the one who is in sectarian blood in your neck,I'll never forget your statement few months ago that you have a desire to burn all Shias,come one Mosa,we are old mates,we know each other very well from past few months.
Almost all of the suicide terrorists in 9/11 were Saudi citizens,Osama Bin LAden gained most of his money from the Sheikhs and Charity organizations in Saudi Arabia,don't tell me you haven't supported terrorists.
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