I don't like people making sweeping statements on things pertaining to religion because we don't have an Islamic scholar on PDF to contest the views made by our friends on the left calling xyz an abomination. I'll trust
@Zarvan to come up with some pointers regarding the islamic point of view on this issue.
-As far as the argumentation goes,
in terms of clothing, first off it's flat out hypocritical of the west to talk about "empowerment of women" and then depriving them of a choice of clothing. So lemme get this straight,
the great west, that goes to extreme lengths, and talks about "her body her choice" to defend things like abortion, can't seem to respect the choices of women, that are not in agreement with the local culture.
Now I get that the local population has its own norms, values and culture, and things that go against them are deemed odd and are frowned upon which is fairly common around the world,
but stop calling yourself "inclusive" "open" and "free" etc. when you yourself cherry pick the choices you allot to people.
-To loosely quote Mufti Menk;
according to the west a woman whose a house wife, and takes care of her husband is oppressed, while a woman who serves 200 men at 35,000 feet in the air is supposedly empowered.
-As far the whole correlation with terrorism, well, if the argument that you present is that since the attire is correlated with terrorism and has been used by some terrorists, hence it may cause the people wearing it harm because of the anger and anti-muslim sentiments. If that is the argument, you owe it to yourself to be intellectually consistent, and
also advise people not to wear skimpy outfits, since after all, those were the choice victims of people like the Green River Killer and Gary Ridgway (who BTW pleaded guilty to killing 48 women).
I will say however, if you as a muslim, make the conscientious choice to go live in the west and raise your families there--- well, the treatment you get is part of the package. Whether it is maltreatment for having a beard or wearing a niqab. Yes, the perpetrator who maltreated you is a piece of $hit, but it was your decision to go in a country, knowing full well what goes on there.