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F-60 / J-31 stealth fighter aircraft for Pakistan Air Force?

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Sukhoi Su-30SM: An Indian Gift to Russia

The model ordered by the Russian military is a “localized” version of the “Indian” Su-30MKI. Earlier, Komsomolsk-on-Amur delivered to the Air Force four “localized” Su-30MK2’s.

Your thinking of the SU-35 which has no candards this is SU-30 SM

The two-seat Sukhoi Su-30SM is based on the Su-30MKI variant supplied to India, and features thrust-vectoring engines and canard foreplanes.

old story mate :blah:
cctv-4 report: j-21
video: http://news.cntv.cn/world/20120726/118483.shtml



Sounds that maybe there is a third type of four-generation machine. but I'm not sure.
They spoke too subtle.

the aircraft in the picture is f-35 and not j-21 or other chinese aircraft

the aircraft in the picture is f-35 and not j-21 or other chinese aircraft

Those are F-22s not F-35s.

isn,t that J20 so why are you calling it j21 kindly reply

There is no J-20 in those pics. First one is of F-22s flying in formation and the, second one is of the new Chinese 5th Gen aircraft claimed to be the J-21.
********.com - New Chinese Stealth Carrier Fighter Jet F60/J21 Spotted!!
Those are F-22s not F-35s.


Form the intakes it resembled to a F-35, then i may be wrong , the stabliators looks more like of a f-22 . Image is blurred
J-10perhaps....we may need several years waitting for J-20..
China has yet to stablize mass production of Ws-10 engine and iron out the problems with WS-15
Only then anybody will get J-10B and J-20.... Including chinese airforce themselves...
Kayani is in Moscow lobbying for a steady supply of RD-93 , if deal is made only then we may see an increased induction of Jf-17 in PAF.
Engines are holding back all chinese aircraft manufacturing and in turn any further inductions in PAF?
Until the time china perfect the art of jet engine manufacturing...we can dream what we want but nothing new is going to come to PAF.
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