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F-22 Frigate arrives in Karachi

Guyz... Please comment on the quoted part..

well bro i cannot find anything about that platform, can you guide me to some literature about what really this machine is??
it sounds like a new light frigate!

well bro i cannot find anything about that platform, can you guide me to some literature about what really this machine is??
it sounds like a new light frigate!


Basically it is 1,940 tonne OPV corvette..

Royal Brunei Navy requested BAE to construct 3 Nakhoda Ragam class OPV corvettes, but for some reason brunei navy refused to accept and since 2002 the triplets have not made it through dock yards some where in UK...
Should pakistan execute this deal they will have to pay the original cost of whopping 600 million pounds!
Should pakistan execute this deal they will have to pay the original cost of whopping 600 million pounds
Well, it might not and the news has been out there that intense tri-lateral negotiation has been going on among Germany, PN, BAE contractors and Brunei GOVT for making an all-out deal for those corvettes, already built U-214 for Greek NAVY and three other U-214 SUBs. But knowing PPP GOVT's objective, observing the dire straightness of PAK economy and seeing nadir of the low of its security; I can only pray for miracle to happen and generosity like Chinese friends get shown up on financial term by the so-called FOPs for its payments by blood and tears on its so-called WOT.
Basically it is 1,940 tonne OPV corvette..

Royal Brunei Navy requested BAE to construct 3 Nakhoda Ragam class OPV corvettes, but for some reason brunei navy refused to accept and since 2002 the triplets have not made it through dock yards some where in UK...
Should pakistan execute this deal they will have to pay the original cost of whopping 600 million pounds!

well growler if this is what it realy is it comes to me as a shock!!
i mean i am really worried rather disappointed if PN is even considering them, i mean, llok at the displacement, the waepon it will carry and then look at price tag for contrast!!
i hopw it is just a rumor and stays like it,,,
i hope you agree with this, they are nothing system for 200 million dollars!


I believe that pak navy is very capable of determining its needs---except for a snafu they had a year or two ago when they didnot go after the used / retired british frigates aggressively and I believe that Peru got them.

You also have to keep in mind the operating costs as well---the most important fact is that they are a force multiplier----that is that they are available today---which means that they can be put into service real quick.
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Basically it is 1,940 tonne OPV corvette..

Royal Brunei Navy requested BAE to construct 3 Nakhoda Ragam class OPV corvettes, but for some reason brunei navy refused to accept and since 2002 the triplets have not made it through dock yards some where in UK...
Should pakistan execute this deal they will have to pay the original cost of whopping 600 million pounds!

close to 2000 ton full load displacement,
top speed 30 knots (economic speed 12kn)
range (at economic speed) 5000 mi
2x4 Exocet MM40 block II
16-cell VLS (vertical launch system) for MBDA (BAE Systems) Seawolf
1 Oto Melara 76mm super rapid naval gun
2 MSI Defence DS 30B REMSIG 30mm guns
two triple 324mm torpedo tubes
Nautis II command and weapons control system
1 Kelvin Hughes Type 1007 navigation radar
1 Thales Nederland Scout radar for surface search
1 BAE Systems Insyte AWS-9 3D for surveillance and target indication
2 BAE Insyte 1802SW I/J-band radar trackers, which provide target illumination for the Seawolf missile system
Gun fire control:
Radamec 2500 electro-optic weapons director, which includes an eye-safe laser range-finder, TV and thermal imager for gun fire control and surveillance.
Hull-mounted sonar:
medium frequency Thales Underwater Systems TMS 4130C1.

IN all respects very comparable to the 2300 ton Malaysian Lekiu frigates, but lacking a helicopter hangar. Hardly an OPV, more like a light frigate. Better anti air defences than F22P and Type 21, similar but anti surface and anti submarine capability.
Hi Penguin,

So what do you think---a 2000 ton---small frigate---for the size pretty good weapons package---good electronics---if attached to an F 22 or similiar size frigate---would it seemingly work well in tandem.

My perception is that the british naval shipyards makes a mean fighting machine---regardless of what size and package it comes in---the british don't throw around their ship building workmanship just like that.

I would like to read your say on the matter. Thanks.
Hi Penguin,

So what do you think---a 2000 ton---small frigate---for the size pretty good weapons package---good electronics---if attached to an F 22 or similiar size frigate---would it seemingly work well in tandem.

My perception is that the british naval shipyards makes a mean fighting machine---regardless of what size and package it comes in---the british don't throw around their ship building workmanship just like that.

I would like to read your say on the matter. Thanks.

They are quite comparable to Milgem / Ada class, but lacking housing for helicopter/UAV. A potent package, though I like the Malaysian Lekiu's better.
Hi Penguin,

Well---in a small battle group---two to four ships---not all of them would have a helicopter----1 out of 2 to 3----or 2 out of 5 to 6 ships may have helicopter support in the future of pak navy---normally that is how it works in a convoy nowadays.

In one large convoy---there will be one in the front and one behind---plus there would be support from the E 3's.

Now coming down to the size of the corvette---wouldn't this be an ideal size to track behind the F 22---one small---one large---the smaller one could also hide behind the larger vessel at times---isn't that how the war ships hunt in pair and teams---both have their unique weapons system and unique ew platform as well.

Wouldn't that create a headache to the adversary.
close to 2000 ton full load displacement,
top speed 30 knots (economic speed 12kn)
range (at economic speed) 5000 mi
2x4 Exocet MM40 block II
16-cell VLS (vertical launch system) for MBDA (BAE Systems) Seawolf
1 Oto Melara 76mm super rapid naval gun
2 MSI Defence DS 30B REMSIG 30mm guns
two triple 324mm torpedo tubes
Nautis II command and weapons control system
1 Kelvin Hughes Type 1007 navigation radar
1 Thales Nederland Scout radar for surface search
1 BAE Systems Insyte AWS-9 3D for surveillance and target indication
2 BAE Insyte 1802SW I/J-band radar trackers, which provide target illumination for the Seawolf missile system
Gun fire control:
Radamec 2500 electro-optic weapons director, which includes an eye-safe laser range-finder, TV and thermal imager for gun fire control and surveillance.
Hull-mounted sonar:
medium frequency Thales Underwater Systems TMS 4130C1.

IN all respects very comparable to the 2300 ton Malaysian Lekiu frigates, but lacking a helicopter hangar. Hardly an OPV, more like a light frigate. Better anti air defences than F22P and Type 21, similar but anti surface and anti submarine capability.

I don't think PN will go for these ships !! :no:
I don't think PN will go for these ships !! :no:

i guess it is not because of some technological lapses,
the specs look good on paper. what may be more bothering will be the displacement as PN will look forward for a heavier class after the F22p to house land attack cruise missiles, secondly the price at the price mentioned thereare better options available.
but yes i agree with Sir. MastanKhan that there availability in quick time is a strong attraction.
as far as i am personally concerned, i dont take it to be a wise deal to make, we will get three F22p and a US OPH in next 1 - 2 years with another F22p following soon,. i know it is not enough but if we can hold on for some time P will have better options available..

what do you think?

well i tlked about other options, here is hati mean:

the turkish Milgem corvette is one choice. bein a latest stat of the art platform having good sensors and radars and good stealth features the milgem will be a really nice addition. they will carry a helicopter and a UAV and feature Mk 41 VLS and for air defence role it carries RAM PDMS which have range matching that of sea wolf.
Milgem in a next generation platform with good stealth features and good EW suites.

if we take the anti-air capabilities a weak link of the F22p deal then even the new FT2000 anti-air warfare frigate can come in handy. We wont be requiring them in large numbers and just two or three of them when woking along with F22p in small battle groups will form a lethal force. the Ft2000 features Harpoon, RBS15 Mk.III/IV , VL ASROC (ASW), RIM-156 SM-2 Block IV (SAM/SSM), ESSM (SAM), RAM (CIWS-PDMS) a real lethal combo. the RBS Mk developed by SAAB can also be used in land attck role or as AShM with a range of 250 Km.
the project wil take some time but if PN feel, they can get two Ft2000 frigates to give the battle groups good air defence platform.

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carryig on,
next option is of Chines Type 054 frigates. the Type 054 fit perfectly into the PN requirment frame. they will be operated along with F22p and both have many things in common. Type 52 form a good multirole sort of frigate, good stealth characteristics, with FM 80 SAM with range of 8.5 - 12 Km, space to carry UAV and Helicopter, four point defence gataling Guns, C803 for AshM duties , a good package of radars, sensors and EW suite and most importantly the space to carry 8 land attack cruise missiles, which in our case may well be the sea launched Babur missiles. also the luxry of common systems in F22p and Type 54 will be helpfull in operating and maintainance!
moreover an added advantage that come with Chines platform is the reliability of supplier that cannot be acheived with alomost another country, without the fear of cries like the ones made about harpoon missiles and P3c modification by our very own USA,,,

and last but not the least, with U214 deal going on with germany, if PN have enough money in pocket the german frigates like the Sachsen class frigate (AAW frigate) or even the project F125 are good option as they will add a new dimension to PN outfit by adding some good westren platforms. the Brandenburg class frigate are also good, though a bit old but are still really good and capable machines and if we can get them for slightly lower price it will be a great addition!

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