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F-22 / F-35 5th Generation jets | News & Discussions.

@Radio : like everyone said, you need to understand what they wrote instead of just quoting without understanding anything at all. It clearly said in the article about quantum satellite that the pair of entangled particles are keep seperate aso that the user know what form of coding they would use, that is very different from the way it work in your theriotical quantum radar.

It's exactly the same. The Chinese skip a step in between because they use only optical frequency.

We have been off topic for far too long. Either return the discussion to the F-22/F-35, move to a different thread or continue and be reported for being off topic.

This has run its course.


The F-35 has set a weapons test record with its new software


The F-35 Integrated Test Force at Edwards Air Force Base, California, completed 25 weapons test missions over the course of a month, JPO officials announced today. These missions included 12 weapons delivery accuracy tests and 13 weapons separation tests on at least five different weapons systems, officials said.

This blows up the previous record of three WDA tests in a month, set in Nov. 2014 while testing the 2B software block.

Testing took place on the Sea Test Range, a Pacific Ocean test area near Point Mugu Naval Air Station California, the Navy’s China Lake Weapons Range in California, and the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico, officials said.

In all, 30 munitions were dropped or fired from weapons including the Joint Direct Attack Munition, AIM-120 Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile, GPS-guided 250-pound Small Diameter Bomb, AIM-9X Sidewinder air-to-air heat-seeking missile, and GPS and laser-guided munition, officials said in the announcement. In five of the test events, multiple bombs or missiles were fired.
@Radio : like everyone said, you need to understand what they wrote instead of just quoting without understanding anything at all. It clearly said in the article about quantum satellite that the pair of entangled particles are keep seperate aso that the user know what form of coding they would use, that is very different from the way it work in your theriotical quantum radar.

No one said the photons are not separate. If the satellite is transmitting, then one photon is in the satellite and the other is on the ground.

decoherence often happens in noisy environment that why the radar will need it. But even with quantum illumination, you still lose significant advantage of quantum system if the entanglement break. (Btw no need to copy paste from Wikipedia here, iam sure everyone here understand what u talking about, this is rather simple part in quantum physics.)

Decoherence happens every single time, but not to every photon. All that happens is it converts a photon from the quantum realm into the classical realm, the information from the target is however not lost. Some additional information is lost, that doesn't mean the radar will stop functioning.

The point is if the satellite could fire a laser from 500Km away and transfer all the information necessary with just a few photons, then it's even better for a radar because a radar can accept major data loss which it can make up with prediction or another pulse of energy.

No it didn't need to, nor is there any evidence that quantum illumination was used, after all they only need very few pair of entanglement particles to transfer simple infor like what code they would use

How did such a small number of photons escape decoherence?

Why do only photons from radar undergo decoherence? Why is the physics different for the two systems?

You keep saying I don't know, but such arguments show poor faith. Why is a laser that works in very high frequencies and susceptible to higher attenuation not being subjected to the same arguments you are making against microwave frequencies which are less susceptible to attenuation?

How did the few pairs of entangled photons survive the multiple layers of earth's atmosphere?

No offense but that is absolutely BS

It isn't. For a fully working system, you need quantum illumination. It's one of the basics. Without this you cannot have high SNR. This applies to the communication system also.

In fact, it is practically impossible for any type of quantum system to work effectively within the earth's atmosphere to not use quantum illumination.

Radio, there is nothing actually being teleported here as clearly stated in the article, and it is not a safety features, it is a simple part of entanglement physics, the spin of the photon will be fixed when it is being measures, and the entanglement state will always be opposite of its entanglement pair, that why they will know when it being intercepted

I never said something is teleported. I used the term quantum teleportation. There is a difference.

No and no, i dont want to be rude but your basis understanding of quantum physics is truly terrible.

You have made your own assumptions about what I have said, like teleporting, and then you have combined that with denial.

Please read clearly, this is what I said:
The photons change state

I didn't say photons themselves are teleported, that's impossible, at least based on our current knowledge. All I said is the photon will change state if intercepted.

That are pretty simple, range resolution will be decided by pulse width
angular resolution can be determined by this equation

Choose what Gain you want for a 900mm classical radar and put the figures I quoted into the equations. After that we will talk about resolution and beamwidth.

The power ( and the amount of photons comming from them) of the sun and the star are enormous compared to your radar

Yes, but the eye does not take in all that power, the eye only takes in a few photons. Photons that have managed to easily penetrate the atmosphere.

We need only a few photons. You already gave the answer. Quantum entanglement is an easy process, you just shoot lasers into a crystal. Okay, for your sake let's imagine billions of entangled pairs are made, easy enough, you just shoot them through a crystal. Then idler photon is sent into an OFC while the probe is transmitted. Say out of billions, millions come back. And let's say 99% have lost quantum data (they are still not useless because of illumination), the remaining 1% are then converted to optical freq and then correlated with the idler photon. The process is now complete. So out of billions that were entangled, millions came back and out of that only 1% survived, that's still more than 10,000 photons. To get all the data we need from a target, we only need a few hundred. The 99% also carry information from the target, let's not forget that.

Classic LPI radars use only a few pulses of energy, most of it below background noise. Quantum radars will use significantly lesser amounts, without being constrained by background noise at all. So you guys need to stop talking about billions of photons. The quantum radar doesn't need billions.

Basically you will see a combination of classic mechanics and quantum mechanics combined to create the radar picture. You will see classic mechanics using LPI modes and quantum mechanics to gather more information in just 1microsec or 1 nanosec bursts of energy.

beam steering and beam forming doesn't solve beam width problem of radar.

Huuffff. 900mm, 100GHz. Just calculate will ya? You keep talking about resolution and beamwidth, but you don't calculate.

A classic radar in the X band has a massive beamwidth, the quantum radar isn't constrained by that. The beamwidth changes drastically depending on the frequency it is using.

1) the quantum satellite only need a few photons to come through, because they don't transmit major information by these photons, they merely use the photons as a ways to let the base know what coding they will use for their communication transmission, aka very basic information

No. The bigger drawback with a quantum satellite is quality of data. A communication system cannot afford to lose data packets, a radar can. The first burst of data released by the Chinese satellite was 202 MB of data, that's far more than what a radar needs.

2) the satellite only need to successfully send the entanglement photons once and it is literally a straight line from ground to the satellite,

A quantum radar also needs to send entangled photons only once.

so they can easily choose the suitable clear weather, spot to transmit those photons, after that these photons can be keep and observed to determine what coding will be used, the radar with its wave near parallel to earth surface will so faced alot more problems with cloud cover and similar stuff

Clear weather, yes, it is necessary when you are testing something brand new, even aircraft are tested in good weather. But the eventual plan is to use it with all-weather capability.

Microwave radars have all weather capability.

just because they both have the words quantum and entanglement doesn't mean their basis working principles is the same

The principle is the same. The methods are different. Principles don't change, Physics 101.

A quantum communication system uses optical freq, a radar can use anything from microwave to optical. So hardware would be a bit different, but the underlying physics and the principles used are all exactly the same.

Your argument that visible light photons can easily survive attenuation while microwave photons cannot don't have any takers.

1) the satellite doesn't need reflection and it only need a few pair of entanglement photons to transmit coding information

202MB is not simply coding information. The quantum satellite in fact transferred many times more data than the aircraft will as of now.

We have been off topic for far too long. Either return the discussion to the F-22/F-35, move to a different thread or continue and be reported for being off topic.

This has run its course.

I agree. All their questions will be solved in just 3 years or so, not a long wait.
No one said the photons are not separate. If the satellite is transmitting, then one photon is in the satellite and the other is on the ground.

Decoherence happens every single time, but not to every photon. All that happens is it converts a photon from the quantum realm into the classical realm, the information from the target is however not lost. Some additional information is lost, that doesn't mean the radar will stop functioning.

The point is if the satellite could fire a laser from 500Km away and transfer all the information necessary with just a few photons, then it's even better for a radar because a radar can accept major data loss which it can make up with prediction or another pulse of energy.

How did such a small number of photons escape decoherence?

Why do only photons from radar undergo decoherence? Why is the physics different for the two systems?

You keep saying I don't know, but such arguments show poor faith. Why is a laser that works in very high frequencies and susceptible to higher attenuation not being subjected to the same arguments you are making against microwave frequencies which are less susceptible to attenuation?

How did the few pairs of entangled photons survive the multiple layers of earth's atmosphere?

It isn't. For a fully working system, you need quantum illumination. It's one of the basics. Without this you cannot have high SNR. This applies to the communication system also.

In fact, it is practically impossible for any type of quantum system to work effectively within the earth's atmosphere to not use quantum illumination.

I never said something is teleported. I used the term quantum teleportation. There is a difference.

You have made your own assumptions about what I have said, like teleporting, and then you have combined that with denial.

Please read clearly, this is what I said:

I didn't say photons themselves are teleported, that's impossible, at least based on our current knowledge. All I said is the photon will change state if intercepted.

Choose what Gain you want for a 900mm classical radar and put the figures I quoted into the equations. After that we will talk about resolution and beamwidth.

Yes, but the eye does not take in all that power, the eye only takes in a few photons. Photons that have managed to easily penetrate the atmosphere.

We need only a few photons. You already gave the answer. Quantum entanglement is an easy process, you just shoot lasers into a crystal. Okay, for your sake let's imagine billions of entangled pairs are made, easy enough, you just shoot them through a crystal. Then idler photon is sent into an OFC while the probe is transmitted. Say out of billions, millions come back. And let's say 99% have lost quantum data (they are still not useless because of illumination), the remaining 1% are then converted to optical freq and then correlated with the idler photon. The process is now complete. So out of billions that were entangled, millions came back and out of that only 1% survived, that's still more than 10,000 photons. To get all the data we need from a target, we only need a few hundred. The 99% also carry information from the target, let's not forget that.

Classic LPI radars use only a few pulses of energy, most of it below background noise. Quantum radars will use significantly lesser amounts, without being constrained by background noise at all. So you guys need to stop talking about billions of photons. The quantum radar doesn't need billions.

Basically you will see a combination of classic mechanics and quantum mechanics combined to create the radar picture. You will see classic mechanics using LPI modes and quantum mechanics to gather more information in just 1microsec or 1 nanosec bursts of energy.

Huuffff. 900mm, 100GHz. Just calculate will ya? You keep talking about resolution and beamwidth, but you don't calculate.

A classic radar in the X band has a massive beamwidth, the quantum radar isn't constrained by that. The beamwidth changes drastically depending on the frequency it is using.

No. The bigger drawback with a quantum satellite is quality of data. A communication system cannot afford to lose data packets, a radar can. The first burst of data released by the Chinese satellite was 202 MB of data, that's far more than what a radar needs.

A quantum radar also needs to send entangled photons only once.

Clear weather, yes, it is necessary when you are testing something brand new, even aircraft are tested in good weather. But the eventual plan is to use it with all-weather capability.

Microwave radars have all weather capability.

The principle is the same. The methods are different. Principles don't change, Physics 101.

A quantum communication system uses optical freq, a radar can use anything from microwave to optical. So hardware would be a bit different, but the underlying physics and the principles used are all exactly the same.

Your argument that visible light photons can easily survive attenuation while microwave photons cannot don't have any takers.

202MB is not simply coding information. The quantum satellite in fact transferred many times more data than the aircraft will as of now.

I agree. All their questions will be solved in just 3 years or so, not a long wait.
No one said the photons are not separate. If the satellite is transmitting, then one photon is in the satellite and the other is on the ground.

Decoherence happens every single time, but not to every photon. All that happens is it converts a photon from the quantum realm into the classical realm, the information from the target is however not lost. Some additional information is lost, that doesn't mean the radar will stop functioning.

The point is if the satellite could fire a laser from 500Km away and transfer all the information necessary with just a few photons, then it's even better for a radar because a radar can accept major data loss which it can make up with prediction or another pulse of energy.

How did such a small number of photons escape decoherence?

Why do only photons from radar undergo decoherence? Why is the physics different for the two systems?

You keep saying I don't know, but such arguments show poor faith. Why is a laser that works in very high frequencies and susceptible to higher attenuation not being subjected to the same arguments you are making against microwave frequencies which are less susceptible to attenuation?

How did the few pairs of entangled photons survive the multiple layers of earth's atmosphere?

It isn't. For a fully working system, you need quantum illumination. It's one of the basics. Without this you cannot have high SNR. This applies to the communication system also.

In fact, it is practically impossible for any type of quantum system to work effectively within the earth's atmosphere to not use quantum illumination.

I never said something is teleported. I used the term quantum teleportation. There is a difference.

You have made your own assumptions about what I have said, like teleporting, and then you have combined that with denial.

Please read clearly, this is what I said:

I didn't say photons themselves are teleported, that's impossible, at least based on our current knowledge. All I said is the photon will change state if intercepted.

Choose what Gain you want for a 900mm classical radar and put the figures I quoted into the equations. After that we will talk about resolution and beamwidth.

Yes, but the eye does not take in all that power, the eye only takes in a few photons. Photons that have managed to easily penetrate the atmosphere.

We need only a few photons. You already gave the answer. Quantum entanglement is an easy process, you just shoot lasers into a crystal. Okay, for your sake let's imagine billions of entangled pairs are made, easy enough, you just shoot them through a crystal. Then idler photon is sent into an OFC while the probe is transmitted. Say out of billions, millions come back. And let's say 99% have lost quantum data (they are still not useless because of illumination), the remaining 1% are then converted to optical freq and then correlated with the idler photon. The process is now complete. So out of billions that were entangled, millions came back and out of that only 1% survived, that's still more than 10,000 photons. To get all the data we need from a target, we only need a few hundred. The 99% also carry information from the target, let's not forget that.

Classic LPI radars use only a few pulses of energy, most of it below background noise. Quantum radars will use significantly lesser amounts, without being constrained by background noise at all. So you guys need to stop talking about billions of photons. The quantum radar doesn't need billions.

Basically you will see a combination of classic mechanics and quantum mechanics combined to create the radar picture. You will see classic mechanics using LPI modes and quantum mechanics to gather more information in just 1microsec or 1 nanosec bursts of energy.

Huuffff. 900mm, 100GHz. Just calculate will ya? You keep talking about resolution and beamwidth, but you don't calculate.

A classic radar in the X band has a massive beamwidth, the quantum radar isn't constrained by that. The beamwidth changes drastically depending on the frequency it is using.

No. The bigger drawback with a quantum satellite is quality of data. A communication system cannot afford to lose data packets, a radar can. The first burst of data released by the Chinese satellite was 202 MB of data, that's far more than what a radar needs.

A quantum radar also needs to send entangled photons only once.

Clear weather, yes, it is necessary when you are testing something brand new, even aircraft are tested in good weather. But the eventual plan is to use it with all-weather capability.

Microwave radars have all weather capability.

The principle is the same. The methods are different. Principles don't change, Physics 101.

A quantum communication system uses optical freq, a radar can use anything from microwave to optical. So hardware would be a bit different, but the underlying physics and the principles used are all exactly the same.

Your argument that visible light photons can easily survive attenuation while microwave photons cannot don't have any takers.

202MB is not simply coding information. The quantum satellite in fact transferred many times more data than the aircraft will as of now.

You know what, i give up, you are free to believe whatever you want, i couldn't careless. Every single questions that you asked have been answered before for several page, we even give the equation already , the principal have been explained but you dont even try to understand, you don't even read your own article that you cited, much less trying to understand them. It take like 5 minutes for anyone to read and see that the satellite and the theoretical radar have very different working principals but you keep insisting that they are the same just because that fit your agenda. The part about attenuation have been explained very clearly that even a child will understand but you desperately pretend like you didn't and keep repeating only part of the sentences to change the meaning. The worst part probably about the entanglement of billions particles, even you realized that most of them doesn't reach target, and most of them dont reflected back, so how hard it is to understand that you need to entangled all of them, seperate all of their pair and observed every single one? Not hard at all if you actually try to learn things instead of trying to push your agenda.

I agree. All their questions will be solved in just 3 years or so, not a long wait
yeah keep dreaming
You know what, i give up, you are free to believe whatever you want, i couldn't careless. Every single questions that you asked have been answered before for several page, we even give the equation already , the principal have been explained but you dont even try to understand, you don't even read your own article that you cited, much less trying to understand them. It take like 5 minutes for anyone to read and see that the satellite and the theoretical radar have very different working principals but you keep insisting that they are the same just because that fit your agenda. The part about attenuation have been explained very clearly that even a child will understand but you desperately pretend like you didn't and keep repeating only part of the sentences to change the meaning. The worst part probably about the entanglement of billions particles, even you realized that most of them doesn't reach target, and most of them dont reflected back, so how hard it is to understand that you need to entangled all of them, seperate all of their pair and observed every single one? Not hard at all if you actually try to learn things instead of trying to push your agenda.

yeah keep dreaming
:cheers: good decision, it best to just ignore him like Gambit did, no point trying to teach him anything, he is not willing to learn at all, and he doesn't have a knowledge base on the matter so anything you try to teach him will only sounds like alien language :p: (i still cant get over the fact that he thinks high resolution radar equal looking through aircraft fuselage or that AESA has uniform resolution :lol:)

We have been off topic for far too long. Either return the discussion to the F-22/F-35, move to a different thread or continue and be reported for being off topic.
:yay: true, we should turn back to topic, this has gone to far to dream land

Any way comming back to topic and to reality, this is a RAM pattern from Lockheed Martin that work from 10 Mhz to 60 Ghz

probably what used on F-22 and F-35
Low observable, or stealth, technology is utilized on aircrafts, ships, submarines, and missiles, for example, to make them less visible or observable to radar, infrared, sonar and other detection methods. Various radar absorbing materials (RAMs), which absorb electromagnetic frequencies, such as in the radar range, have been developed for such low observable applications. However, the RAMs presently employed have some drawbacks. For example, many RAMs are not an integral part of the surface of a low observable structure. Instead, the RAMs are applied as coatings or paints over the surface of the low observable structure making them heavier, and prone to wear, chipping, and failure. An example of such a RAM includes iron ball paint, which contains tiny spheres coated with carbonyl iron or ferrite. Moreover, these coatings require bonding to the surface of the structure because they are not an integrated part of the structure or surface.

Another example of a RAM is urethane foam impregnated with carbon. Such RAMs are used in very thick layers. Such RAMs are inherently non-structural in nature such that they add weight and volume to structures while providing no structural support. These types of foam RAMs are frequently cut into long pyramids. For low frequency damping, the distance from base to tip of the pyramid structure is often 24 inches, while high frequency panels can be as short as 3-4 inches.

Another RAM takes the form of doped polymer tiles bonded to the surface of the low observable structure. Such tiles which include neoprene doped with carbon black or iron particles, for example, are prone to separation, particularly in extreme operating environments such as extremely high or low temperatures, and/or high altitudes. Finally, numerous RAMs do not perform adequately in the long radar wavelength band, about 2 GHz.

It would be beneficial to develop alternative RAMs that address one or more of the aforementioned issues. The present invention satisfies this need and provides related advantages as well.
In some aspects, embodiments disclosed herein relate to a radar absorbing composite that includes a (CNT)-infused fiber material disposed in at least a portion of a matrix material. The composite is capable of absorbing radar in a frequency range from between about 0.10 Megahertz to about 60 Gigahertz. The CNT-infused fiber material forms a first layer that reduces radar reflectance and a second layer that dissipates the energy of the absorbed radar.
Original Assignee Lockheed Martin Corporation

First flight of Japanese F-35:


Already made flights:


Next countries in order:

S. Korea


Deferred to 2018.


Deferred to next year or beyond. Project on hold. According to their defence secretary, the F-35 has still not finished evaluations. Based on their original schedule, they wanted their jets delivered only in 2022, so they are in no hurry to get the LRIP versions.
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I wore the helmet of America’s most expensive war machine and there's nothing quite like it

WASHINGTON, D.C. —The F-35 Lightning II is without doubt one of the most intricate weapons systems in the history of the Department of Defense, and the custom-made helmet used to fly the jet matches its sophistication.

"It is the only aircraft that has ever had the helmet made in conjunction with the aircraft," said US Air Force Maj. Will "D-Rail" Andreotta, commander of the F-35A Lightning II Heritage Flight Team. "We have so many systems and sensors on the aircraft, so as they were building the F-35 they basically thought about how the helmet would help."


Lockheed Martin

Lockheed Martin's Helmet Mounted Display Systems (HMDS) is designed to give F-35 pilots "unprecedented situational awareness" by displaying airspeed, altitude, targeting information, and threat warnings on the helmet's visor.

"Pilots thrive with situational awareness aids," John "JV" Venable, a retired US Air Force Colonel and senior research fellow for defense policy at Heritage Foundation, told Business Insider. "As a pilot, if you can make it simple for me to detect the enemy that's great, and if you can make it simple for me to see the enemy that's even better."

In short, as Andreotta said, "you can't fight what you can't see," and the jet's Distributed Aperture System (DAS) system helps do just that.


An F-35A performs a test flight on March 28, 2013.Courtesy of Lockheed Martin

"I have six cameras around the aircraft called DAS, and with a flip of a switch I can put it to my helmet and have a full 360-degree view of what I'm seeing."

"Think of Wonder Woman's' invisible airplane, that's exactly what this aircraft has the capability to do because of the HMDS," Venable told Business Insider. "If a pilot needs to he can look between his legs and see through the airplane. That's how extraordinary this aircraft is."


Capt. Brad Matherne, 422nd Test and Evaluation Squadron pilot, inside an F-35A before a training mission on April 4 at Nellis Air Force Base.US Air Force Photo

"It does take a while to get use to the HMDS, but as soon as you master that, it's one of the greatest gifts you can give a pilot," Venable said.


Wearing US Air Force Maj. Will "D-Rail" Andreotta's F-35 helmet.Amanda Macias/Business Insider

Trying on Andreotta's custom-fitted helmet, I found the equipment to be extremely light, weighing approximately 4.5 pounds.

The inside shell of the helmet is molded to each pilot's head for a comfortable and snug fit.

According to Andreotta, a former F-16 pilot with a total of 2,000 flight hours, the F-35 helmet offers a better weight and center of gravity.

"When I flew an F-16 they basically took an old helmet and but a big computer in front of it."

Andreotta also explained the five minute process it took in an F-16 to switch to night vision during combat missions in Afghanistan:

"I literally had to take my helmet off, I had to unstrap my JHMCS [Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System] computer ... then I had to put the bracket on for my night vision and then I had to put my goggles on my night vision bracket itself and then I put my goggles down to use them and then I'm ready to go."

"This whole time I'm not in the fight because I'm trying to get myself ready for night and my wingman is basically a one man ship."


A pilot takes the F-35 aircraft up for a night flight near Edwards Air Force Base.US Air Force photo

"But gone are those days, so now, I flip a switch near my thumb and flip another switch and in a span of less than a second, I have night vision."

"That's a huge improvement, because you improve the kill chain and I can get bombs on targets faster," Andreotta said.

@Penguin @500 @Natan @Archdemon @GBU-28 @F-15I @mike2000 is back @Blue Marlin @Mountain Jew
We spent a day with the people who fly and fix the F-35 — here's what they have to say about the most expensive weapons project in history

JOINT BASE ANDREWS, Maryland — In a nondescript US military hangar, steps away from Air Force One, sits America'spriciest weapons system.

"The F-35 is a needed aircraft to get us to where we need to be for the future of warfare," said US Air Force Maj. Will "D-Rail" Andreotta, the commander of the F-35A Lightning II Heritage Flight Team.

"What it's giving to the pilots is everything I'm seeing on my screens added to that the helmet, the situational awareness, and the advanced avionics that we have on the aircraft is gonna allow us to fight wars in places that we have very limited capabilities in right now," Andreotta told Business Insider.

Maj. Gen. Jay Silveria, a US Air Force Warfare Center commander, walking to an F-35A Lightning II with Lt. Col. Matt Renbarger, a 58th Fighter Squadron commander, before his final qualification flight at Eglin Air Force Base.US Air Force photo

In August, US Air Force Gen. Herbert "Hawk" Carlisle, the commander of Air Combat Command, declared initial combat capability of 15 Air Force F-35A jets — a significant breakthrough for the weapons program, which has been set back by design flaws, cost overruns, and technical challenges.

"When you look at where the Air Force is headed, you look at coalition warfare and spend time in the Pacific, what this means to the interoperability, the ability to operate with others in the battle space and create the coalition warfare that we will always, always, fight with in the future, the centerpiece of that is gonna be the F-35," Carlisle said at the Air Force Association'sannual Air, Space & Cyber conference.

"The integration, the interoperability, the fusion warfare that this here plane brings to the fight ... it changes the game."

An F-35A conventional takeoff and landing aircraft flying with its afterburner over Edwards Air Force Base on a night mission in 2013.Courtesy of Lockheed Martin

The fifth-generation "jack of all trades" jet was developed in 2001 by Lockheed Martin to replace the aging aircraft in the Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force.

The fighter is equipped with radar-evading stealth, supersonic speed, and "the most powerful and comprehensive integrated sensor package of any fighter aircraft in history," Jeff Babione, the head of Lockheed Martin's F-35 program, said in a statement.

And for an enemy to engage an F-35 would be like jumping into a boxing ring to "fight an invisible Muhammad Ali," as Gen. Tod Wolters, the commander of US Air Forces in Europe, told Business Insider.

In short, the F-35 gives pilots the ability to see but not be seen.

An F-35B from Marine Fighter Attack Training Squadron 501 near its base in Beaufort, South Carolina.Lockheed Martin

What's more, Andreotta added, the F-35A is easy to fly.

"The F-35 is a very, very easy airplane to fly — that kinda sounds funny, but it really is ... Things that were difficult and time-consuming and task-saturating in an F-16 have now become easy," said Andreotta, a pilot in the 56th Fighter Wing at Luke Air Force Base in Arizona who has 1,600 hours in an F-16.

"I can take information that I'm getting from the F-35 and push it out to other aircraft that don't have the capabilities that I have. That's huge. I would have killed for that when I was flying an F-16."

Maj. Justin Robinson flying the 56th Operations Group flagship F-16 Fighting Falcon, escorting the first F-35 Lightning II to Luke Air Force Base in Arizona in 2014.US Air Force photo

Unlike any other fielded fighter jet, the F-35 can share what it sees in the battle space with counterparts, which creates a "family of systems."

"Fifth-generation technology, it's no longer about a platform. It's about a family of systems, and it's about a network, and that's what gives us an asymmetric advantage," Gen. David Goldfein, the Air Force chief of staff, said during a Pentagon briefing.

Elaborating on the advantages, US Air Force Brig. Gen. Scott Pleus, the director of the F-35 integration office, said the aircraft was "one our adversaries should fear."

"In terms of lethality and survivability, the aircraft is absolutely head and shoulders above our legacy fleet of fighters currently fielded," said Pleus, an F-35A pilot and former command pilot with more than 2,300 flying hours.

An F-35A performing a test flight on March 28, 2013.Courtesy of Lockheed Martin

Alongside Andreotta, US Air Force TSgt Robert James, also of the F-35A Lightning II Heritage Flight Team and a pilot in the 56th Fighter Wing at Luke Air Force Base, offered some insight as a crew chief.

"Aircraft maintenance is aircraft maintenance, but with the F-35 there is an ease in maintenance," James told Business Insider.

"What they did with the F-35, I feel, and again I do this every day, is that they thought about the maintainer as well as the pilot. They designed the aircraft in a way that the maintainer could do their job better," James said.

An F-35A Lightning II team parking the jet for the first time at Mountain Home Air Force Base in Idaho on February 8.US Air Force photo

And while the F-35 has become one of the most challenged programs in the history of the Department of Defense, US Air Force Lt. Gen. Christopher Bogdan, F-35A Joint Strike Fighter Program executive officer, said "the program itself is making progress."

"Any development program is going to encounter issues," Bogdan said. "If you're building a development program and you don't find anything wrong, then you didn't do a good enough job building that program."

US Air Force Maj. Will "D-Rail" Andreotta and US Air Force TSgt. Robert James in front of an F-35A at Joint Base Andrews on Thursday.Amanda Macias/Business Insider

He added: "So it's not a surprise to me that on any given day that we encounter things wrong with this airplane. Now is the time to find those things and fix them. The perfect example is our insulation problem we have right now.

"The mark of a good program is not that you don't have any problems but that you find things early. You fix them. You make the airplane better, the weapons system better, and you move on."
. .
F-35 Insulation Fix: All Air Force Planes Flying By End Of Year
By COLIN CLARKon October 14, 2016 at 2:49 PM

F-35 production line

WASHINGTON: Israel and Japan are likely to get their first F-35 Joint Strike Fighters on schedule (12.12.16), and the Air Force‘s operational F-35s should be flying by the end of this year without faulty insulation in fuel pipes that could damage the aircraft, the F-35 Joint Program Office says.

“Rapid progress is being made in fixing 15 operational F-35A aircraft needing modifications to repair non-compliant Polyalphaolefin (PAO) coolant tubes,” the JPO said in a statement. “Modifications started 7 October on the first four aircraft and the work takes about three weeks to complete. All 15 aircraft are expected to fly again by the end of the year.”


First Israeli F-35

Flight operations for the 15 F-35A aircraft were suspended in September following an inspection and discovery of debris in the fuel tank of an F-35A aircraft. A supplier provided insulation that disintegrated when immersed in fuel. Neither the JPO nor Lockheed martin have identified the supplier, which continues to provide the program with insulation. It’s unlikely they’ll make the same mistake twice.

The 42 aircraft still in assembly — including those for Israeli and Japan — should start rolling off the line with fixed insulation in December.

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/cultural...israels-first-adir-f35i.435975/#ixzz4NJVsjzLZ

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