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Eye on China, Army focuses on mountain warfare

Except china is there any other country in the world who calls the tibetans living in india as Seperatists??Infact china is the agressor as well as the occupier of their territory.China should be grateful to india that indians dont allow anti china activity from the soil of india.The US always wanted india to train these tibetans against the chinese,which india refused way back in the 60's,frustrated US turned to china to attack india.When india wanted arms from the US to counter the chinese attack the americans simply turned them down.What do you think the americans want now,even 45+ years after that episode?begin an insurgency in china's backyard.China is just scared by trying to counter this new friendship between india and the US by creating bottlenecks where there would have been agreements.It is just a matter of time when india's patience runs out (china should realise this).:flame:

Dude you seriously need to pull your head out of your "where the sun doesn't shine." The Americans helped you with logistics, so you could move your men and machines more effectively.
War Mongers wet dream as described in the article.
Grow up people. If fighting Pakistan to the last sikh for War Monger was't enough he is now contemplating fighting to the last Indian.

India Pakistan and China
Need Trade
Need Peace
Need Transport links
Need more robust Market
Need Energy Links

Not the War Toys and death and destruction of our people.

As is stands today India China and Pakistan are capable of mass slaughter of Innocent human beings using nuclear and conventional toys.
War Mongers wet dream as described in the article.
Grow up people. If fighting Pakistan to the last sikh for War Monger was't enough he is now contemplating fighting to the last Indian.

India Pakistan and China
Need Trade
Need Peace
Need Transport links
Need more robust Market
Need Energy Links

Not the War Toys and death and destruction of our people.

As is stands today India China and Pakistan are capable of mass slaughter of Innocent human beings using nuclear and conventional toys.
tell them to china which is arming pakistanis so that chinese can fight till the last pakistani with india then jump themselves in
PRC history ...

lets start...

Korea, Vietnam, India .. USSR ....

all neighbors were attacked ...

its good india is preparing for chinese preemptive actions in himalayas,,


by nature PRC is like a bully ...

and evey nation surrounding should do all it can do stop this bully ...

Let's start with you explaining Sikkim.
so india army think if china going to invade india they have to send their troups over a moutain?
so india army think if china going to invade india they have to send their troups over a moutain?
again a good example of high chinese IQ ...

india and china border is 100% high altitude and mountainous india needs these divisions to defend herself from a arrogant nation called PRC ... chk you geography ..
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China should be grateful to india that indians dont allow anti china activity from the soil of india.

Where is the Dalai Lama based then? Tibuktu? His followers are always in front of the Chinese Embassy demonstrating and protesting. What do you call that, a walk in the park?

The US always wanted india to train these tibetans against the chinese,which india refused way back in the 60's,frustrated US turned to china to attack india.

Excuse me, India in '62 received arms and supplies from the USSR, USA, France, UK AND ISRAEL (if you want to know more of the details I would gladly provide it). What a pitty that much of the military aid received by the Indian Army were captured unopned by the fastly advancing Chinese troops. Where are you getting your stuff from? It's to the blessing of the Tibetans that they didn't receive training from India, they would have been vastly dissappointed.

China is just scared by trying to counter this new friendship between india and the US by creating bottlenecks where there would have been agreements.

New friendship? Well, I guess Indians are quite adapt at making new friends, or rather renewing old acquaintances. Starting with Subhas Chandra Bose, who went to bed with Nazi's in WWII, then was rebuked by the Soviets so he went to Imperial Japan to no avail. So Uncle Sam who fought the Nazi's, Soviets and Japan is now a friend? You must be related to either Ghandi or Nehru, who in their haste to gain power fell prey to the British scheme of splitting India into 3 parts. Of course you'll take the McMahon illegal demarcation too since it's something for nothing. And while you are at it, why not annex Sikkim too, a country so tiny by comparison. So who was the bully in that case?

It is just a matter of time when india's patience runs out (china should realise this).:flame:[/QUOTE]

And then you'll do what? Fall back on your Arjun(k) MBT (Main Ballistic Target for the Chinese T-96 & T-99), your LCA (Low Caste Aircraft) and your rented Russina sub's? Check out these pix of your pride and joy on their 63rd anniversary. Really gay beach stuff!:rofl:


You didn't even fight to throw the Brits out. You were most fortunate that it was a battered, decrepit and maligned UK that HAD to pull out of India. Remember Clement Attlee? When asked how much did Ghandi's Peace movement had to do with British existing India, Lord Attlee's answer was "MINIMAL!". During the 400 years of British colonial rule, she did not bother with giving India any degree of "democracy" and overnight India found that tea bag, added hot water, stirred it up and came up with the sewage that it's now labeled with the moniker "The World's Largest Democracy".

The World's Largest DEMOckery is more like it. :tongue:
The World's Largest DEMOckery is more like it. :tongue:

Yes yes, i got your point.

India is bad, chinese are angels.

Why dont u attack us with your super J-xx and DF 31 and ASAT and give eternal freedom to 1.2 billion people.:pop:
China should be grateful to india that indians dont allow anti china activity from the soil of india.

Where is the Dalai Lama based then? Tibuktu? His followers are always in front of the Chinese Embassy demonstrating and protesting. What do you call that, a walk in the park?

The US always wanted india to train these tibetans against the chinese,which india refused way back in the 60's,frustrated US turned to china to attack india.

Excuse me, India in '62 received arms and supplies from the USSR, USA, France, UK AND ISRAEL (if you want to know more of the details I would gladly provide it). What a pitty that much of the military aid received by the Indian Army were captured unopned by the fastly advancing Chinese troops. Where are you getting your stuff from? It's to the blessing of the Tibetans that they didn't receive training from India, they would have been vastly dissappointed.

China is just scared by trying to counter this new friendship between india and the US by creating bottlenecks where there would have been agreements.

New friendship? Well, I guess Indians are quite adapt at making new friends, or rather renewing old acquaintances. Starting with Subhas Chandra Bose, who went to bed with Nazi's in WWII, then was rebuked by the Soviets so he went to Imperial Japan to no avail. So Uncle Sam who fought the Nazi's, Soviets and Japan is now a friend? You must be related to either Ghandi or Nehru, who in their haste to gain power fell prey to the British scheme of splitting India into 3 parts. Of course you'll take the McMahon illegal demarcation too since it's something for nothing. And while you are at it, why not annex Sikkim too, a country so tiny by comparison. So who was the bully in that case?

It is just a matter of time when india's patience runs out (china should realise this).:flame:

And then you'll do what? Fall back on your Arjun(k) MBT (Main Ballistic Target for the Chinese T-96 & T-99), your LCA (Low Caste Aircraft) and your rented Russina sub's? Check out these pix of your pride and joy on their 63rd anniversary. Really gay beach stuff!:rofl:


You didn't even fight to throw the Brits out. You were most fortunate that it was a battered, decrepit and maligned UK that HAD to pull out of India. Remember Clement Attlee? When asked how much did Ghandi's Peace movement had to do with British existing India, Lord Attlee's answer was "MINIMAL!". During the 400 years of British colonial rule, she did not bother with giving India any degree of "democracy" and overnight India found that tea bag, added hot water, stirred it up and came up with the sewage that it's now labeled with the moniker "The World's Largest Democracy".

The World's Largest DEMOckery is more like it. :tongue:[/QUOTE]

COUPLE OF WORDS for you- 1st learn how to post in PDF...Ok then reply ,am gonna show where you stand.
sikkim joined india with all the consent of its ppl when a aggressive and bully and arrogant nation called PRC wanted to take over this little country with no military ...

At the end of the day, it was India who send troops to Sikkim to coerce it join India "voluntarily".

Well, Indian members are good at telling jokes
China should be grateful to india that indians dont allow anti china activity from the soil of india.

Where is the Dalai Lama based then? Tibuktu? His followers are always in front of the Chinese Embassy demonstrating and protesting. What do you call that, a walk in the park?

The US always wanted india to train these tibetans against the chinese,which india refused way back in the 60's,frustrated US turned to china to attack india.

Excuse me, India in '62 received arms and supplies from the USSR, USA, France, UK AND ISRAEL (if you want to know more of the details I would gladly provide it). What a pitty that much of the military aid received by the Indian Army were captured unopned by the fastly advancing Chinese troops. Where are you getting your stuff from? It's to the blessing of the Tibetans that they didn't receive training from India, they would have been vastly dissappointed.

China is just scared by trying to counter this new friendship between india and the US by creating bottlenecks where there would have been agreements.

New friendship? Well, I guess Indians are quite adapt at making new friends, or rather renewing old acquaintances. Starting with Subhas Chandra Bose, who went to bed with Nazi's in WWII, then was rebuked by the Soviets so he went to Imperial Japan to no avail. So Uncle Sam who fought the Nazi's, Soviets and Japan is now a friend? You must be related to either Ghandi or Nehru, who in their haste to gain power fell prey to the British scheme of splitting India into 3 parts. Of course you'll take the McMahon illegal demarcation too since it's something for nothing. And while you are at it, why not annex Sikkim too, a country so tiny by comparison. So who was the bully in that case?

It is just a matter of time when india's patience runs out (china should realise this).:flame:

And then you'll do what? Fall back on your Arjun(k) MBT (Main Ballistic Target for the Chinese T-96 & T-99), your LCA (Low Caste Aircraft) and your rented Russina sub's? Check out these pix of your pride and joy on their 63rd anniversary. Really gay beach stuff!:rofl:


You didn't even fight to throw the Brits out. You were most fortunate that it was a battered, decrepit and maligned UK that HAD to pull out of India. Remember Clement Attlee? When asked how much did Ghandi's Peace movement had to do with British existing India, Lord Attlee's answer was "MINIMAL!". During the 400 years of British colonial rule, she did not bother with giving India any degree of "democracy" and overnight India found that tea bag, added hot water, stirred it up and came up with the sewage that it's now labeled with the moniker "The World's Largest Democracy".

The World's Largest DEMOckery is more like it. :tongue:[/QUOTE]

If india's patience runs out then they will simply train and arm the tibetans and let them loose creating havoc in china the same way china arms NSCN(IM) and other seperatist groups in the eastof india.US would just be too happy to see that china never attacks india.what would china do then?????can there be a full scale war between two nuclear neighbours????india would love to watch the tibetans create havoc in china,that why china should stop poking india and be a little realistic.its always better to have india as a friend than an enemy.the days when india was weak economically are gone.an intelligent neighbour should think twice what it wants?india as an enemy or a friend.
As far as pakistan goes,china is arming pakistan to counter india(your enemies enemy is your best friend).For pakistan its the beginning of the end if they are not able to tackle the militancy and terrorism in their country.Fundamentalism only compounds problems instead of solving it.How long before even china washes its hands off pakistan????

Before '62 war ,yes india did train pilots in excess but the planes never came because india refused to let loose the tibetans against china.Kissinger made several trips to beijing,why???to nudge china to attack india.US armed the pakistanis instead and asked them to attack india '65 and '71 wars are a testimony.US used the pakistanis against the russians in afghanistan,aid flowed till the last of the russians left afghanistan,after ,there was no aid and pakistan was left in the lurch . India calculated this very thing and stayed away from a mess like this.India remained a non aligned country for a long time and took care of economy,after years of toiling hard india has become an economic powerhouse,now the americans want to sell the indians anything and everything,why?they need a counterweight against the chinese.its for china to realise that india is a peaceful country which has never been the agressor by poking india, chinese are creating problems for themselves coz india would talk to the americans for help .The americans would ask india to let loose the tibetans .:chilli:
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And then you'll do what? Fall back on your Arjun(k) MBT (Main Ballistic Target for the Chinese T-96 & T-99), your LCA (Low Caste Aircraft) and your rented Russina sub's? Check out these pix of your pride and joy on their 63rd anniversary. Really gay beach stuff!:rofl:


You didn't even fight to throw the Brits out. You were most fortunate that it was a battered, decrepit and maligned UK that HAD to pull out of India. Remember Clement Attlee? When asked how much did Ghandi's Peace movement had to do with British existing India, Lord Attlee's answer was "MINIMAL!". During the 400 years of British colonial rule, she did not bother with giving India any degree of "democracy" and overnight India found that tea bag, added hot water, stirred it up and came up with the sewage that it's now labeled with the moniker "The World's Largest Democracy".

The World's Largest DEMOckery is more like it. :tongue:

If india's patience runs out then they will simply train and arm the tibetans and let them loose creating havoc in china the same way china arms NSCN(IM) and other seperatist groups in the east of india.US would just be too happy to see that china never attacks india.what would china do then?????can there be a full scale war between two nuclear neighbours????india would love to watch the tibetans create havoc in china,thats why china should stop poking india and be a little realistic.its always better to have india as a friend than an enemy.the days when india was weak economically are gone.an intelligent neighbour should think twice what it wants?india as an enemy or a friend.
As far as pakistan goes,china is arming pakistan to counter india(your enemies enemy is your best friend).For pakistan its the beginning of the end if they are not able to tackle the militancy and terrorism in their country.Fundamentalism only compounds problems instead of solving it.How long before even china washes its hands off pakistan????

Before '62 war ,yes india did train pilots in excess but the planes never came because india refused to let loose the tibetans against china.Kissinger made several trips to beijing,why???to nudge china to attack india.US armed the pakistanis instead and asked them to attack india '65 and '71 wars are a testimony.US used the pakistanis against the russians in afghanistan,aid flowed till the last of the russians left afghanistan,after ,there was no aid and pakistan was left in the lurch . India calculated this very thing and stayed away from a mess like this.India remained a non aligned country for a long time and took care of economy,after years of toiling hard india has become an economic powerhouse,now the americans want to sell the indians anything and everything,why?they need a counterweight against the chinese.its for china to realise that india is a peaceful country which has never been the agressor by poking india, chinese are creating problems for themselves coz india would talk to the americans for help .The americans would ask india to let loose the tibetans .:chilli:[/QUOTE]
tell them to china which is arming pakistanis so that chinese can fight till the last pakistani with india then jump themselves in

I am sure Chinese would conduct joint military drills and provide arms and technology to India too if India was in good terms with them. However years of grudge and anti Chinese movements hindered the progressions of these great nations. Yes you heard me right, India is also a great nation and this came out of a Chinese mouth! :cheers:

Sometimes it is easier to forget, move on and love someone than to hold everything in and to forever hate someone. Afterall, what's done is done. It wasn't the fault of the current crop of Chinese people, it was something that happened half a century ago!
I am sure Chinese would conduct joint military drills and provide arms and technology to India too if India was in good terms with them. However years of grudge and anti Chinese movements hindered the progressions of these great nations. Yes you heard me right, India is also a great nation and this came out of a Chinese mouth! :cheers:

Sometimes it is easier to forget, move on and love someone than to hold everything in and to forever hate someone. Afterall, what's done is done. It wasn't the fault of the current crop of Chinese people, it was something that happened half a century ago!

That applies to chinese too, nobody cares what happened decaeds ago... just trying to be cautious.

But in the end, who's poking who, we all know that.
I personally never cared what happened in 62, and always had respect and friendship for chinese people no matter what the governments doing, but after spending time on this forum,i somewhat started hating chinese...or i shall i say started reciprocating hatred.
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