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Extremist threat to family planning clinic

You're calling Rahman a hitler after advocating the fact that any third child should be taken away from the parents?

Oh and of course, you are warned for name calling. No NAME calling, that too to a mod! Please learn to be respectful of others or else you're inviting trouble.

please sim aquil save your self some time rather then giving me a lecture on manners and name calling go and read your own messge you left me.

what do you call that.?
it dont do any thing to me it only shows a part of your personality and also stop telling me over and over again that i am asking for trouble.

too much power abuse in this country dont know when these people will learn their lessons.
Pakistan needs forced family planning. People are too uneducated to make economic sense in some areas. If a child needs to be told right from wrong because they don't know what to do, then an uneducated person does also. Only question for me would be should the law be applied to everyone such as the rich also.

thats a very good point round runner

and yes law should be applied to rich and poor both rich in this country are the most uneducated people you can ever meet.
and yes forced family planning is only way to solve this problem.
You're calling Rahman a hitler after advocating the fact that any third child should be taken away from the parents?

Oh and of course, you are warned for name calling. No NAME calling, that too to a mod! Please learn to be respectful of others or else you're inviting trouble.

yes mr asim aquil every 3rd child should be taken away.

because do you know why.?

when i go out on the roads of pakistan in my nice car with lots of money in my bag for shopping to those nicely marbelled shopping centers where men like you are dictating every one and every thing
every time
i see a little child begging on the street for money with his little sweet hands out and so much hope and intellegence in his eyes his eyes just saying give me a chance please people just one chance.

My heart dies.

and i give him money he goes and tells his friends and then i see lots of them there is more and more they all want one chance. and my heart dies as many times as them.

so save your good mannerisms and do your self a favour try only reply to a message which has been addressed to you.

^ For reasons of equality you might need to extend it to the rich. But lots of kids for the rich won't lead to lots of beggars on the street, so there won't be so many hungry mouths. Though I wouldnt favour creating a gene pool based on wealth, so it would perhaps be better to apply it to everyone.

Personally I'd like to see a Pakistan where Baloch are forced to breed more with each other and create lots of Balochis, and Punjabis are forced to breed less so that the ethnic groups can be equalled out. But this is just in the interests of genetic conservation.
^ For reasons of equality you might need to extend it to the rich. But lots of kids for the rich won't lead to lots of beggars on the street, so there won't be so many hungry mouths. Though I wouldnt favour creating a gene pool based on wealth, so it would perhaps be better to apply it to everyone.

Personally I'd like to see a Pakistan where Baloch are forced to breed more with each other and create lots of Balochis, and Punjabis are forced to breed less so that the ethnic groups can be equalled out. But this is just in the interests of genetic conservation.

these are extremely conservative views
eqality is the first and ut most priority there is no diffrence between rich or poor no black is better then white and no white is better then black no rich is better then poor and no poor is better then rich there is no such things like baloch or punjabis there is no diffrent laws for diffrent people every one have one same law.
these are extremely conservative views
eqality is the first and ut most priority there is no diffrence between rich or poor no black is better then white and no white is better then black no rich is better then poor and no poor is better then rich there is no such things like baloch or punjabis there is no diffrent laws for diffrent people every one have one same law.

Well, if you read my post, you would see I was in favour of equalizing the Baloch and Punjabi populations.

And there is such a thing as a Baloch and a Punjabi, and if it's necessary to have different laws for people to equalize their way of life, then there should be different laws for different people.

In fact I havent got a clue where you got what you wrote from - it certainly wasnt written in this thread.
What we need is Aturk to deal with these mullahs.

Although some of these actions can be taken as very extreme and unacceptable, but those are equally unacceptable to the Islamic and Pakistani society who have the Satan of Ataturk ideology in their minds.:pakistan:
I think the point where these people oppose family planning is the abortion and definitely its a kind of murder if somebody go ahead with it without acceptable reasons such as danger to the life of mother etc. If some one goes for it for some wrong reasons e.g. if the child to be born is a female then it will not be allowed to kill it in a Islamic society.
What the hell is a "family planning clinic" what do they do?
Funny but i am being serious what is a family planning clinic?

A family planning centre is exactly what it says on the tin. A centre that helps prevent families having more kids than they can sustain through advice and the use of contraceptives.
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