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extreme poor Chinese with daily income less than $0.5


Oct 10, 2014
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I just searched some extreme poor villages deep inside a mountain in China which is said to be with average income below $1/day, and shocked Pesident Xi

From the report(text: “窥一斑知全豹,到这里就是要了解我国的真实贫困状态。如果能看到真贫,从北京3个半小时的路程就值了。”习近平希望“窥斑”的阜平县,曾为晋察冀边区政府所在地,目前属全国连片特困区,村民人均年收入900多元。 you can use google translate), the extreme poor village is said to be with average annual income of 900 Yuan, which means less than $0.5/day/person. so let's say, if there are 100 villagers, then Chinese govt will put 100 ppl with income below $0.5 into statistics, but the reality is : only old ppl and children are living in the villages. nearly all ppl of working age are working in the cities where monthly salaries are hundreds of dollars or more





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This is Hebei.

Hebei is the dump of Beijing and Tianjin. They transferred all the low efficient manufacturings with high pollution to Hebei. I feel sorry for Hebei.
. .
Did you notice that these "old people in absolute poverty" own a flat screen TV, regular TV, and DVD player?

Actually their living standard is higher, this is due to China's prosperous commodity economy, the common electronic devices cost lower, but the environment and social benefit lag behind.
. . .
Yes, there's a real poor Chinese family, fortunately in village they have small lands and poultry to provide food for them, less extra living expenses.
OH... man, how a 0.5$ per day poor Chinese family can have two televisions, and one is the LCD TV ? LOL ! :rofl:

Only in China ... 0.5$ per day ! :pop:
There is no country without poor people. We should see what percentage of people are below poverty line.



总理 李克强


第一章 总  则

  第一条 为了加强社会救助,保障公民的基本生活,促进社会公平,维护社会和谐稳定,根据宪法,制定本办法。

  第二条 社会救助制度坚持托底线、救急难、可持续,与其他社会保障制度相衔接,社会救助水平与经济社会发展水平相适应。


  第三条 国务院民政部门统筹全国社会救助体系建设。国务院民政、卫生计生、教育、住房城乡建设、人力资源社会保障等部门,按照各自职责负责相应的社会救助管理工作。



  第四条 乡镇人民政府、街道办事处负责有关社会救助的申请受理、调查审核,具体工作由社会救助经办机构或者经办人员承担。


  第五条 县级以上人民政府应当将社会救助纳入国民经济和社会发展规划,建立健全政府领导、民政部门牵头、有关部门配合、社会力量参与的社会救助工作协调机制,完善社会救助资金、物资保障机制,将政府安排的社会救助资金和社会救助工作经费纳入财政预算。


  第六条 县级以上人民政府应当按照国家统一规划建立社会救助管理信息系统,实现社会救助信息互联互通、资源共享。

  第七条 国家鼓励、支持社会力量参与社会救助。

  第八条 对在社会救助工作中作出显著成绩的单位、个人,按照国家有关规定给予表彰、奖励。

第二章 最低生活保障

  第九条 国家对共同生活的家庭成员人均收入低于当地最低生活保障标准,且符合当地最低生活保障家庭财产状况规定的家庭,给予最低生活保障。

  第十条 最低生活保障标准,由省、自治区、直辖市或者设区的市级人民政府按照当地居民生活必需的费用确定、公布,并根据当地经济社会发展水平和物价变动情况适时调整。


  第十一条 申请最低生活保障,按照下列程序办理:




  第十二条 对批准获得最低生活保障的家庭,县级人民政府民政部门按照共同生活的家庭成员人均收入低于当地最低生活保障标准的差额,按月发给最低生活保障金。


  第十三条 最低生活保障家庭的人口状况、收入状况、财产状况发生变化的,应当及时告知乡镇人民政府、街道办事处。



第三章 特困人员供养

  第十四条 国家对无劳动能力、无生活来源且无法定赡养、抚养、扶养义务人,或者其法定赡养、抚养、扶养义务人无赡养、抚养、扶养能力的老年人、残疾人以及未满16周岁的未成年人,给予特困人员供养。

  第十五条 特困人员供养的内容包括:







  第十六条 申请特困人员供养,由本人向户籍所在地的乡镇人民政府、街道办事处提出书面申请;本人申请有困难的,可以委托村民委员会、居民委员会代为提出申请。


  第十七条 乡镇人民政府、街道办事处应当及时了解掌握居民的生活情况,发现符合特困供养条件的人员,应当主动为其依法办理供养。

  第十八条 特困供养人员不再符合供养条件的,村民委员会、居民委员会或者供养服务机构应当告知乡镇人民政府、街道办事处,由乡镇人民政府、街道办事处审核并报县级人民政府民政部门核准后,终止供养并予以公示。

  第十九条 特困供养人员可以在当地的供养服务机构集中供养,也可以在家分散供养。特困供养人员可以自行选择供养形式。

第四章 受灾人员救助

  第二十条 国家建立健全自然灾害救助制度,对基本生活受到自然灾害严重影响的人员,提供生活救助。


  第二十一条 设区的市级以上人民政府和自然灾害多发、易发地区的县级人民政府应当根据自然灾害特点、居民人口数量和分布等情况,设立自然灾害救助物资储备库,保障自然灾害发生后救助物资的紧急供应。

  第二十二条 自然灾害发生后,县级以上人民政府或者人民政府的自然灾害救助应急综合协调机构应当根据情况紧急疏散、转移、安置受灾人员,及时为受灾人员提供必要的食品、饮用水、衣被、取暖、临时住所、医疗防疫等应急救助。

  第二十三条 灾情稳定后,受灾地区县级以上人民政府应当评估、核定并发布自然灾害损失情况。

  第二十四条 受灾地区人民政府应当在确保安全的前提下,对住房损毁严重的受灾人员进行过渡性安置。

  第二十五条 自然灾害危险消除后,受灾地区人民政府民政等部门应当及时核实本行政区域内居民住房恢复重建补助对象,并给予资金、物资等救助。

  第二十六条 自然灾害发生后,受灾地区人民政府应当为因当年冬寒或者次年春荒遇到生活困难的受灾人员提供基本生活救助。

第五章 医疗救助

  第二十七条 国家建立健全医疗救助制度,保障医疗救助对象获得基本医疗卫生服务。

  第二十八条 下列人员可以申请相关医疗救助:




  第二十九条 医疗救助采取下列方式:




  第三十条 申请医疗救助的,应当向乡镇人民政府、街道办事处提出,经审核、公示后,由县级人民政府民政部门审批。最低生活保障家庭成员和特困供养人员的医疗救助,由县级人民政府民政部门直接办理。

  第三十一条 县级以上人民政府应当建立健全医疗救助与基本医疗保险、大病保险相衔接的医疗费用结算机制,为医疗救助对象提供便捷服务。

  第三十二条 国家建立疾病应急救助制度,对需要急救但身份不明或者无力支付急救费用的急重危伤病患者给予救助。符合规定的急救费用由疾病应急救助基金支付。


第六章 教育救助

  第三十三条 国家对在义务教育阶段就学的最低生活保障家庭成员、特困供养人员,给予教育救助。


  第三十四条 教育救助根据不同教育阶段需求,采取减免相关费用、发放助学金、给予生活补助、安排勤工助学等方式实施,保障教育救助对象基本学习、生活需求。

  第三十五条 教育救助标准,由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府根据经济社会发展水平和教育救助对象的基本学习、生活需求确定、公布。

  第三十六条 申请教育救助,应当按照国家有关规定向就读学校提出,按规定程序审核、确认后,由学校按照国家有关规定实施。

第七章 住房救助

  第三十七条 国家对符合规定标准的住房困难的最低生活保障家庭、分散供养的特困人员,给予住房救助。

  第三十八条 住房救助通过配租公共租赁住房、发放住房租赁补贴、农村危房改造等方式实施。

  第三十九条 住房困难标准和救助标准,由县级以上地方人民政府根据本行政区域经济社会发展水平、住房价格水平等因素确定、公布。

  第四十条 城镇家庭申请住房救助的,应当经由乡镇人民政府、街道办事处或者直接向县级人民政府住房保障部门提出,经县级人民政府民政部门审核家庭收入、财产状况和县级人民政府住房保障部门审核家庭住房状况并公示后,对符合申请条件的申请人,由县级人民政府住房保障部门优先给予保障。


  第四十一条 各级人民政府按照国家规定通过财政投入、用地供应等措施为实施住房救助提供保障。

第八章 就业救助

  第四十二条 国家对最低生活保障家庭中有劳动能力并处于失业状态的成员,通过贷款贴息、社会保险补贴、岗位补贴、培训补贴、费用减免、公益性岗位安置等办法,给予就业救助。

  第四十三条 最低生活保障家庭有劳动能力的成员均处于失业状态的,县级以上地方人民政府应当采取有针对性的措施,确保该家庭至少有一人就业。

  第四十四条 申请就业救助的,应当向住所地街道、社区公共就业服务机构提出,公共就业服务机构核实后予以登记,并免费提供就业岗位信息、职业介绍、职业指导等就业服务。

  第四十五条 最低生活保障家庭中有劳动能力但未就业的成员,应当接受人力资源社会保障等有关部门介绍的工作;无正当理由,连续3次拒绝接受介绍的与其健康状况、劳动能力等相适应的工作的,县级人民政府民政部门应当决定减发或者停发其本人的最低生活保障金。

  第四十六条 吸纳就业救助对象的用人单位,按照国家有关规定享受社会保险补贴、税收优惠、小额担保贷款等就业扶持政策。

第九章 临时救助

  第四十七条 国家对因火灾、交通事故等意外事件,家庭成员突发重大疾病等原因,导致基本生活暂时出现严重困难的家庭,或者因生活必需支出突然增加超出家庭承受能力,导致基本生活暂时出现严重困难的最低生活保障家庭,以及遭遇其他特殊困难的家庭,给予临时救助。

  第四十八条 申请临时救助的,应当向乡镇人民政府、街道办事处提出,经审核、公示后,由县级人民政府民政部门审批;救助金额较小的,县级人民政府民政部门可以委托乡镇人民政府、街道办事处审批。情况紧急的,可以按照规定简化审批手续。

  第四十九条 临时救助的具体事项、标准,由县级以上地方人民政府确定、公布。

  第五十条 国家对生活无着的流浪、乞讨人员提供临时食宿、急病救治、协助返回等救助。

  第五十一条 公安机关和其他有关行政机关的工作人员在执行公务时发现流浪、乞讨人员的,应当告知其向救助管理机构求助。对其中的残疾人、未成年人、老年人和行动不便的其他人员,应当引导、护送到救助管理机构;对突发急病人员,应当立即通知急救机构进行救治。

第十章 社会力量参与

  第五十二条 国家鼓励单位和个人等社会力量通过捐赠、设立帮扶项目、创办服务机构、提供志愿服务等方式,参与社会救助。

  第五十三条 社会力量参与社会救助,按照国家有关规定享受财政补贴、税收优惠、费用减免等政策。

  第五十四条 县级以上地方人民政府可以将社会救助中的具体服务事项通过委托、承包、采购等方式,向社会力量购买服务。

  第五十五条 县级以上地方人民政府应当发挥社会工作服务机构和社会工作者作用,为社会救助对象提供社会融入、能力提升、心理疏导等专业服务。

  第五十六条 社会救助管理部门及相关机构应当建立社会力量参与社会救助的机制和渠道,提供社会救助项目、需求信息,为社会力量参与社会救助创造条件、提供便利。

第十一章 监督管理

  第五十七条 县级以上人民政府及其社会救助管理部门应当加强对社会救助工作的监督检查,完善相关监督管理制度。

  第五十八条 申请或者已获得社会救助的家庭,应当按照规定如实申报家庭收入状况、财产状况。



  第五十九条 县级以上人民政府社会救助管理部门和乡镇人民政府、街道办事处在履行社会救助职责过程中,可以查阅、记录、复制与社会救助事项有关的资料,询问与社会救助事项有关的单位、个人,要求其对相关情况作出说明,提供相关证明材料。有关单位、个人应当如实提供。

  第六十条 申请社会救助,应当按照本办法的规定提出;申请人难以确定社会救助管理部门的,可以先向社会救助经办机构或者县级人民政府民政部门求助。社会救助经办机构或者县级人民政府民政部门接到求助后,应当及时办理或者转交其他社会救助管理部门办理。


  第六十一条 履行社会救助职责的工作人员对在社会救助工作中知悉的公民个人信息,除按照规定应当公示的信息外,应当予以保密。

  第六十二条 县级以上人民政府及其社会救助管理部门应当通过报刊、广播、电视、互联网等媒体,宣传社会救助法律、法规和政策。


  第六十三条 履行社会救助职责的工作人员行使职权,应当接受社会监督。


  第六十四条 县级以上人民政府财政部门、审计机关依法对社会救助资金、物资的筹集、分配、管理和使用实施监督。

  第六十五条 申请或者已获得社会救助的家庭或者人员,对社会救助管理部门作出的具体行政行为不服的,可以依法申请行政复议或者提起行政诉讼。

第十二章 法律责任

  第六十六条 违反本办法规定,有下列情形之一的,由上级行政机关或者监察机关责令改正;对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予处分:








  第六十七条 违反本办法规定,截留、挤占、挪用、私分社会救助资金、物资的,由有关部门责令追回;有违法所得的,没收违法所得;对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予处分。

  第六十八条 采取虚报、隐瞒、伪造等手段,骗取社会救助资金、物资或者服务的,由有关部门决定停止社会救助,责令退回非法获取的救助资金、物资,可以处非法获取的救助款额或者物资价值1倍以上3倍以下的罚款;构成违反治安管理行为的,依法给予治安管理处罚。

  第六十九条 违反本办法规定,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

第十三章 附  则

  第七十条 本办法自2014年5月1日起施行。


in reality , chinese law requires goverment must support the poor people, and poor people can apply for help by the law, you can check
, that is why indians don 't believe that a poor family can have a house, or other facilities.
In an age of internet, it is easy to get the information you want. I will post some pictures, instead, of poor Indians or lower middle class Indians. The family are living in a house of 7,8 square meters in New Delhi, with a monthly income about 6000 rupees(year of 2012 or before).


host and hostess and their two boys by the door


a TV set and a washing machine


Two youngsters are preparing for taking bath


pictures on the wall, showing a happy family life.


rich or poor, each indian family has a shrine

neighborhood,women are gossiping.


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In an age of internet, it is easy to get the information you want. I will post some pictures, instead, of poor Indians or lower middle class Indians. The family are living in a house of 7,8 square meters in New Delhi, with a monthly income about 6000 rupees(year of 2012 or before).

View attachment 156974
host and hostess and their two boys by the door

View attachment 156949
a TV set and a washing machine

Two youngsters are preparing for taking bath

pictures on the wall, showing a happy family life.

View attachment 156955
rich or poor, each indian family has a shrine

neighborhood,women are gossiping.

I searched online, the original post didn't say how much they were earning, how did you get the 6000 ruppe information?
besides, they are definitely not poor family in India standard
they at least have electricity, but in India there are about 400 million ppl without electricity acess
looks like corruption is everywhere..In India,BPL Card holders has millions.in China,$.5 dollar every day can bring a house,a shop and a 44'' flat LCD/LED and a flat screen tv. :rofl:

by the way,does China provide some kind of scheme for poor??like India provides multiple schemes under BPL??

why do you laugh?
the $0.5/day is according to the government data, which is submitted to IMF/World bank as statistics
BBC News - Chinese families' worldly goods in Huang Qingjun's pictures
Chinese families' worldly goods in Huang Qingjun's pictures
By Angus FosterBBC News, Beijing

Amid China's tumultuous dash to become rich, one man's photographs of families posing with their worldly goods will soon seem like records from a distant era.

Huang Qingjun has spent nearly a decade travelling to remote parts of China to persuade people who have sometimes never been photographed to carry outside all their household possessions and pose for him.

The results offer glimpses of the utilitarian lives of millions of ordinary Chinese who, at first glance, appear not to have been swept up by the same modernisation that has seen hundreds of millions of others leave for the cities.

But seen more closely, they also show the enormous social change that has come in a generation. So the photo of an elderly couple of farmers outside their mud house reveals a satellite dish, DVD player and phone.


"People's lives have changed enormously. Maybe their incomes haven't been affected as much as in the cities, but their thinking has," says Huang, 42, who was born in the oil-frontier town of Daqing and now lives in Beijing.

“Start Quote

Most people thought what I was proposing was not normal”

Huang Qingjun
Huang took his first pictures as a teenager, inspired by an uncle in an era when the obvious hobbies for the young were calligraphy and singing. His first proper camera, bought when he was 18, was the most valuable item in the family home.

The idea for the series about people's material goods, now called Jiadang (Family Stuff), came in 2003 with some photos he took for the magazine Chinese National Geography. But the project didn't really get under way until three years later, when Huang started travelling around China looking for suitable places and people.

"Most people thought what I was proposing was not normal. When I explained I wanted to set up a photo, that it would involve taking everything out of their house and setting it up outside, that took quite a lot of explaining," he says.

"But almost all of them, when they realised what I was trying to do, they understood the point."


One advantage of travelling to remote, poor areas was that people didn't have many possessions.

"They're not like people from the city, who have so much stuff that if you asked them to do it they'd reply it was too much effort," he says.

Some of the projects took a couple of days, others several months as he waited for one couple to move house. Their home, like millions of others, had been slated for demolition to make way for tower blocks or offices. As they sit on their bed, the wall behind them is marked with the Chinese character chai, meaning "tear down."


But it was a happy day, because the couple had received the compensation they had asked for.

Huang's project has taken him to 14 of China's 33 provinces, giving him an unusually broad perspective of how the country is changing. He is optimistic about the process, and where it will lead.

Four Big Things
  • Phrase dating from 1950s for most sought-after goods for newly married couples: sewing machine, bicycle, watch, radio
  • It's since come to refer to whatever is most fashionable at the time
  • By 1980s the four big things were: TV, washing machine, rice cooker, fridge
  • Now consumer goods flood China's cities, it tends to be used to describe people's aspirations for the latest thing
"In lots of Chinese villages, the government has delivered roads and connected them with electricity. This has been a huge change. If you've a road, you can move about. If you've got electricity you can have TV, you get the news and ideas about what the outside world is thinking.

"The biggest problems in rural areas now are how people can get better education for their children, and healthcare," he says.

Many photos appear to capture something that is about to be lost. Families camp as if about to move on. They are framed by houses that have just been expensively renovated or are about to be pulled down. The preponderance of cooking utensils, the paucity of clothes and items of leisure suggest a lifestyle that is about to be upended.

Most families have already acquired a TV, a few have washing machines. The pedal-driven sewing machine which in their parents' generation was every housewife's dream - known as one of the "four big things" - is pushed to the back of a few pictures.


A newly renovated house and a washing machine show the real change in a small Guizhou village.

It can't be long before the consumer goods, brand names and luxury goods that have been voraciously snapped up by China's urban middle class begin to sneak in to the pictures. A BMW car and flat-screen TV can already be seen in his portrait of film director Zhang Yuan, outside his home in Beijing.

Chinese spending habits
  • Government has tried in recent years to boost consumer spending with discount vouchers on appliances, furniture and cars
  • Many aspire to material goods, but a 2010 survey found they were more concerned with saving for education, healthcare and retirement
The Family Stuff pictures have not been widely seen outside China, though some have been shown at exhibitions in Paris and New York.

Next year marks the 10th anniversary of the first photograph, and Huang plans to mark it by returning to the places he visited - or those that are still recognisable - to see what has changed.

"In the last 10 years, China has seen such a fast rate of growth, I want to go back and see what the effects have been on their lives," he says.

He also hopes to broaden the project's range, including people from a wider range of backgrounds, like entrepreneurs and government officials. He's even thinking about asking Jack Ma, an internet entrepreneur and one of China's richest men.

"Those pictures probably couldn't manage to contain all of their possessions. But it could include the things they use every day.

"From the possessions each family uses in their daily lives, you get a good sense of the real levels of life for China's people."

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