You are right below-freezing. China is the No 2 super power, it is challenging the Western supermacy surely this will create jealousy and hate on the part of the white supermacists and on the part of the US and EU. China bashing is the current rule in the US particularly from failed US politicians who are in need of the right wing voters. It is mainly Asians including South Asians who are running the US and the EU. Let them bash, this will never stop China and the other emerging nations of Asia and South Asia from becoming the superpowers and ruling the world. If you do not answer them and do not fall into their provcation, these Western jealous will feel more frustrated and they will die in their mediocrity, hate and venon vomiting. This is what China is doing, despite the current bashing and military provocations by the US and the EU, China uses to remain silent thereby increasing their frustration. Chinese people remain calm despite the fact that the CIA along with their muppet recruits are trying to create disorders and mass protest in China. China is being portrayed as a threat while China bashing remains a top priority for the Western politicians and journalists.