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Export bids for JF-17 Thunder Multirole Lightweight Fighter Aircraft

More than 10 countries standing in the cue waiting for their turn to buy JFT. Trust me this is authentic news. The delay is because PAF wants at least 2 batches then export will initiate. China have decided to take strike version which is being tested there. Last i heard, they were preparing for induction but with WS-13 not RD-93.
When the PAF inducted the first squadron of Thunders, the focus and talk was that they were going to emphasis of A2G roles and take on A2A later. I took this to mean the weapons and avionics development were not complete hence the delay in A2A. A2G was more of rockets, dumb bombs and laser designation is relatively easy, so that part of training could go ahead.

I understand PLAAF wanting to go for the WS-13. However, what do you mean by a strike-version? Are you talking of a 2-seater? Or you are saying it still will be a single seater but somehow have enhanced A2G capabilities?
When the PAF inducted the first squadron of Thunders, the focus and talk was that they were going to emphasis of A2G roles and take on A2A later. I took this to mean the weapons and avionics development were not complete hence the delay in A2A. A2G was more of rockets, dumb bombs and laser designation is relatively easy, so that part of training could go ahead.

I understand PLAAF wanting to go for the WS-13. However, what do you mean by a strike-version? Are you talking of a 2-seater? Or you are saying it still will be a single seater but somehow have enhanced A2G capabilities?
A double seater dedicated attack or that mystical diamond shape variant.......
More than 10 countries standing in the cue waiting for their turn to buy JFT. Trust me this is authentic news. The delay is because PAF wants at least 2 batches then export will initiate. China have decided to take strike version which is being tested there. Last i heard, they were preparing for induction but with WS-13 not RD-93.

I have found your posts to be accurate;
however you need to post some more data to qualify your statement.
God Father " We are bigger than US Steel"
I am guessing JF-17 is a plane for a nation that can't afford better western planes.

However should those nations be investing in JF-17?
just take a loook on different foriegn forums ,asian,african even european forums regarding jft-- the bottlenecks are 1]paf needs first 2]ws13
Exporting the jf-17 is an uncomfortable idea to me. We know how greatly the PAF pilots have benefited over the years by flying aircraft that the IAF deployed. In an era when no nation is willing to sell us anything, or we simply cant afford it, the IAF is the one that has extensively tested the f-16 under the guise of the mrca. The jf-17 presents us with one trump card, an aircraft that the IAF would have absolutely no real world knowledge of. By exporting it to nations whose lack of funds are what qualifies them for their interest, we are putting great faith in countries that could easily sell or lease an aircraft or two to the Indians, who would pay a relative fortune for such inside knowledge of a key, future, cog of its main adversary.
^ JF 17 may be a very well accomplished machine, but its not a secret weapon that will be able to do things that a F 16 or other more advanced light fighter aircrafts can't do. So no biggie in terms of India getting its hands on one and learning all your secrets :)
^ JF 17 may be a very well accomplished machine, but its not a secret weapon that will be able to do things that a F 16 or other more advanced light fighter aircrafts can't do. So no biggie in terms of India getting its hands on one and learning all your secrets :)

Thats not the point. It could be even less advanced, but when it forms more than half your main adversary's force, you will be vvvvery interested in its capabilities. The reality is, knowing what the jf-17 is capable of will solve half the puzzle in bringing it down. Im sure you believe the IAF would do anything to gain an edge, any airforce would. Little advantages magnify into huge disparities in war and I doubt the IAF is naive enough to pass up a chance to evaluate our most important development.
The Americans and Israelis have over the years evaluated soviet era aircraft with great interest, even though they had far more advanced aircraft already in their arsenal...the reason is to gain that extra edge on the enemy.
Pakistan should focus on those countries who are looking to replace their planes such Mig-21 or F-5 or even those kind of MIGs which we have because JF-17 according to technology and weapons system and finally price is the best replacement for those planes and this will us our engineers more confident and we will be able to produce planes on Large scale which will benefit our economy and our defence industry to
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