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Explaining Low IQ Scores in Africa, South Asia

Taking a remark out of context, one can pretty much discredit anyone, including Einstein. Not long ago, the PC brigades just "universally" discredited and condamned the discoverer of DNA and Nobel Prize Winner, Dr. J D Watson, for speaking in public in line of Rushton and Lynn's analysis. ( note: even the fields of studies of Watson and Rushton/Lynn are closely related)

your guess is out of context.

The remark is not out of context...Rushton holds racial superiority views. And this is par for course for him.I guess he would have fit right in his native SA in the apartheid era. After all the dumb blacks could not be expected to look after themselves after all!!

Watson did not win his Nobel for his race views.

This is my last post on this issue..you have your views and I have mine. If you have kids please don't tell your kids that they are superior to others genetically.
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I think there has been about eleven Chinese Nobel prize winners 5 of which live in the USA and 9 Muslems which more then half live out side Islamic countries, not good when you consider there are only 13 million jews and 3 billion Muslem and Chinese.
List of Chinese Nobel Prize Laureates from Planck's Constant

About 9 from India.
List of Nobel laureates by country - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Dont I just irritate the hell out of you or is it the truth that bothers you so much..?

Oh lord not this again. China has only joined the scientific community in the last 30 years and most its institutions are still fighting to catch up to other research universities. Nobel prizes are given for world class research (I don't count the peace prize because it's a joke) and China has to make up for lost ground.

Even so the very few Chinese expatriates who had access to American/western universities were able to win their fair share of nobel prize. When you consider how few chinese expatriates there were in the west, it is a great accomplish for them to win so many nobel prizes.

And given the number of chinese graduate students in america and the funding poured into chinese universities, China is well on her way to becoming a research power.

and btw welcome back.
Taking a remark out of context, one can pretty much discredit anyone, including Einstein. Not long ago, the PC brigades just "universally" discredited and condamned the discoverer of DNA and Nobel Prize Winner, Dr. J D Watson, for speaking in public in line of Rushton and Lynn's analysis. ( note: even the fields of studies of Watson and Rushton/Lynn are closely related)

Interestingly the article to that Chem prof on race and IQ I posted before was about Watson and this is the entire email

Thanks - yeah, I'd been reading about that. When I saw it the other night, I called out to my wife "James Watson has put his foot in it", and she called back "Again?"

He's been known for a long time (decades) to be a seriously loose cannon when speaking off the cuff. This tendency hasn't declined with age, either. I've lost count of the times that he's said things that have made people want to strangle him - clearly, his survival skills are impressive.

I've been thinking about how, and if, to blog this. The problem is, the
comments section would turn into a zoo and a half,
because the topic of whether there are genetic differences in things like intelligence is an instant argument bomb. The thing is, there may well be - but detecting them, understanding them, and figuring out what (if any) real-world difference they make would require the sort of close study that no one has ever funded, or looks likely ever to. The topic of intelligence alone is enough of a quicksand swamp; when you add race to it you've got a research area that's giving off enough radiation to glow in the dark.


Let's not forget that Watson has now been forced from his research chair and has become a scientific pariah.
Why is that so, when literacy rate of India is atleast 20 percent higher as compared to pakistan's literacy rate????

You would not give an IQ test that involved reading to some one that could not read.

"The term IQ, or Intelligence Quotient, generally describes a score on a test that rates the subject's cognitive ability as compared to the general population. IQ tests use a standardized scale with 100 as the median score. On most tests, a score between 90 and 110, or the median plus or minus 10, indicates average intelligence. "

"What is this cognitive ability being measured? Simply put, IQ tests are designed to measure your general ability to solve problems and understand concepts. This includes reasoning ability, problem-solving ability, ability to perceive relationships between things and ability to store and retrieve information. IQ tests measure this general intellectual ability in a number of different ways. They may test:

•spatial ability: the ability to visualize manipulation of shapes
•mathematical ability: the ability to solve problems and use logic
•language ability: This could include the ability to complete sentences or recognize words when letters have been rearranged or removed.
•memory ability: the ability to recall things presented either visually or aurally"

So your IQ score is relatively stable, no matter what education you acquire. This does not mean that you can't increase your intelligence. IQ tests are only one imperfect method of measuring certain aspects of intellectual ability. A lot of critics point out that IQ tests don't measure creativity, social skills, wisdom, acquired abilities or a host of other things we consider to be aspects of intelligence. The value of IQ tests is that they measure general cognitive ability, which has been proven to be a fairly accurate indicator of intellectual potential. There is a high positive correlation between IQ and success in school and the work place, but there are
many, many cases where IQ and success do not coincide."

HowStuffWorks "What constitutes a person's IQ?"
IQ tests have nothing to do with race. it doesn't matter what your skin colour is, its all about where you are raised. the IQ tests of pakistan and india are gona be low because all they do in the schools their is MEMORIZE. unlike in the U.S. and other western countires where they teach you to think out side the box, the students in pakistan and india just memorize.
IQ tests have nothing to do with race. it doesn't matter what your skin colour is, its all about where you are raised. the IQ tests of pakistan and india are gona be low because all they do in the schools their is MEMORIZE. unlike in the U.S. and other western countires where they teach you to think out side the box, the students in pakistan and india just memorize.

You should see the schools in China.
One thing I have allways wondered about and this about the Ashkenazi Jews IQ might explain it.

"Given that Jews comprise a mere 1/4 of 1% (13 million) of the world's population (6 billion) and that 99% of the world is non-Jewish, the following list of accomplishments by Jews is quite impressive.

Of the 660 Nobel prizes from 1901-1990, 160 have been won by Jews. Jews have won more Nobel prizes than any other ethnicity. They have won 40 times more than should be expected of them based upon population statistics"
Jewish Accomplishments

If I am not mistaken the majority of the worlds chess champions have been jews.

I think there has been about eleven Chinese Nobel prize winners 5 of which live in the USA and 9 Muslems which more then half live out side Islamic countries, not good when you consider there are only 13 million jews and 3 billion Muslem and Chinese.
List of Chinese Nobel Prize Laureates from Planck's Constant

About 9 from India.
List of Nobel laureates by country - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Dont I just irritate the hell out of you or is it the truth that bothers you so much..?

Nobel peace prize is OPINION there are many scientists of other races that do great things.

If Jews are supposedly super intelligent beings why does Israel perform poorly on international competitions where there is a point system rather than a panel of judges?


Why is the USA team 4/6 chinese? 1 English and 1 Irish?

International Mathematical Olympiad

AS for all of the other Jewish achievements you will see that most of them are awards handed out by a COMMITTEE OF JUDGES but in actual competition they fall short. All of this is evidence that jews have more influence as a group.

And as for world chess champions most of them have been russians
What are the schools in China like I have no idea.

From what I can remember a lot of memorization and recitation. The biggest difference with American schools I think is volume. Students were just expected to cover more material and do problems and questions ad nauseum.
Nobel peace prize is OPINION there are many scientists of other races that do great things.

If Jews are supposedly super intelligent beings why does Israel perform poorly on international competitions where there is a point system rather than a panel of judges?


Why is the USA team 4/6 chinese? 1 English and 1 Irish?

International Mathematical Olympiad

AS for all of the other Jewish achievements you will see that most of them are awards handed out by a COMMITTEE OF JUDGES but in actual competition they fall short. All of this is evidence that jews have more influence as a group.

And as for world chess champions most of them have been russians

Russian Jews

The listing of world chess champions of Jewish descent given below is based on the list of so-called "undisputed world chess champions," a category whose definition reflects the fact that the world chess championship was in dispute in the years 1993-2006. In 1993, the then world champion Garry Kasparov and his challenger Nigel Short broke with the Fédération Internationale des Échecs (FIDE), which had sponsored the world chess championship matches since 1948, and organized the Professional Chess Association (PCA) to sponsor their 1993 championship match. As a result, between 1993 and 2006 there were both FIDE and PCA champions. Kasparov was the PCA champion from 1993 until 2000, when he lost the title to Vladimir Kramnik. Former world champion Anatoly Karpov was appointed the FIDE champion in 1993 and held that title until he lost it to Alexander Khalifman in 1999.* In 2006, Kramnik became the first undisputed world chess champion since 1993 and was succeeded shortly thereafter by Viswanathan Anand, who won the title from him in 2007. Excluding the disputed period 1993-2006, the chess players of Jewish descent listed below held the world chess championship approximately 55% of the time since its inception in 1886:

Wilhelm Steinitz (1886-1894)
Emanuel Lasker (1894-1921)
Mikhail Botvinnik (1948-1957, 1958-1960, 1961-1963)
Vasily Smyslov 1 (1957-1958)
Mikhail Tal (1960-1961)
Robert (Bobby) Fischer 2 (1972-1975)
Garry Kasparov 3 (1985-1993)

Jewish World Chess Champions

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