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Experts say Pakistan is on trajectory to failure

Time will prove these experts are actually amateur :smokin: We have experienced tough situation many times. No tough time was strong enough to break our courage and determination. We've also witnessed many predictions about the failure of Pakistan. On independence, people said this country would not survive but the world witnessed, we survived and we are on the map of the world since 1947. We are in crisis now-a-days just because of our corrupt rulers. But that doesn't mean we’ll fail. We will rise with dignity Insha-Allah.

Pakistan Zindabad :pakistan:

That's true. During Pakistan's independence in 1947, many countries thought Pakistan wouldn't survive and would fail miserably after a few days and would crawl back to India. They were all proven wrong and they will be proven wrong again this time.

Anyways, Pakistan is not in its worst crisis today, Pakistan was in its worst crisis in 1947 when the British changed the date of partition and left Pakistan into chaos leaving over a million people dead. If Pakistan got over that mega crisis, Pakistan can get over the dark tunnel we are facing today. In the end of every tunnel there is light.

We Pakistanis have faith in Pakistan and we will never let villan india's wet dream come true.
I don't really get them nut job. Who are these so called experts always comes up with this BS? Do they have some kind of barometer to measure failure? So what if there are some problems in pak but I think it's heading toward reconciliation and at the end peace will prevail. A country like Pakistan just don't fail because some jack *** wish so. sure, these guys would love to see Pakistan being vanished in thin air because it's the only Islamic state standing tall with Nuke. I think they are trying to psychologically breakdown people of Pak to make it weak and dysfunctional. Ignore would be best medicine for these mental case..

On the other note these are same so called experts predicted that India will be super power in near future whereas ground reality of India is that it's heading toward Armageddon to none existence. There are more than 100 different separatist groups exists in India from disputed territory of Kashmir to 7 sisters states on the eastern India.
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Well then I guess Pakistan will simply have to change friends from USA to China because Chinese media recently said that Pakistan was a promising nation and a strong ally better friends positive outlook such a fall may end up being soft and acting as a bounce to take us higher
These experts never said US will have a toilet economy lol..good experts wonder they are jobless or something?anyone...
Deleted... double post.

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Well then I guess Pakistan will simply have to change friends from USA to China because Chinese media recently said that Pakistan was a promising nation and a strong ally better friends positive outlook such a fall may end up being soft and acting as a bounce to take us higher

Not having to rely on friends for survival / sustenence is a better option both in life & international polity.

.. after all how long can anyone rely on friends ? and why should anyone ? after all we all have the same intellect & two hands to look after ourselves.
You keep telling yourself that my friend, keep dreaming of Pakistan heading towards failure, keep it up. :D

I'm not saying this but many people are saying it and many posts were made regarding this. If Pakistan fails or sustains itself has to be seen ovdr a perios, instead of passing judgements right away.
Its so funny how these american come up with their theory and speculation, It will be in their good if they could speculate -what happens to them next- America is in equally or bigger turmoil as pakistan, political , war , economics , social everything is messed up they are just making more enemies , and such irresponsible statement wont help them either.
A stable pakistan is in good will of india, And pakistan is a country based of surprise - when you think they are all gone- They jump out of now where.History told us this.

I hope pakistan come out such situation and people of pakistan can prosper and have good life as they deserve. Although i doubt it will be easy but its certainly not impossible.
A helping hand in such times to pakistan from india will mean much more than the history of disbelief and anger between them.Pakistan is a nation which think from heart a helping hand will prove to be in more good to india than pakistan.
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What some Indians are forgetting that our Army Generals and ISI Generals aren't exactly sleeping.They know situation much better then us.While the democratic government may look weak.Army have full backing of GOP and Pakistan will certainly one day get out of this mess.
I'm not saying this but many people are saying it and many posts were made regarding this. If Pakistan fails or sustains itself has to be seen ovdr a perios, instead of passing judgements right away.

You WANT to see it happen don't you.
I'm telling you, yourself and any other Indian will not see a failed Pakistan.
We have our bad moments, just like your country had in the 90's, infact, we had more "bad" moments because of America's policy, but we managed to get through it.
You WANT to see it happen don't you.
I'm telling you, yourself and any other Indian will not see a failed Pakistan.
We have our bad moments, just like your country had in the 90's, infact, we had more "bad" moments because of America's policy, but we managed to get through it.

AND we will Just Keep Rising From the Ashes.

A Hero is Born Only During the Crisis.

As i Have said in My first post of this thread, The people who are saying this BS, they Know just Nothing about Pakistani Nation.
I don't really get them nut job. Who are these so called experts always comes up with this BS? Do they have some kind of barometer to measure failure? So what if there are some problems in pak but I think it's heading toward reconciliation and at the end peace will prevail. A country like Pakistan just don't fail because some jack *** wish so. sure, these guys would love to see Pakistan being vanished in thin air because it's the only Islamic state standing tall with Nuke. I think they are trying to psychologically breakdown people of Pak to make it weak and dysfunctional. Ignore would be best medicine for these mental case..

Well, if such experts think they would psychologically breakdown us then they live in their own fantasy world. Such reports always boost our morale. These so-called experts have underestimated our confidence. Our morale is higher than Himalayan Mountains. Time is near when we will be one of the leading nations of the world, Insha-Allah. :pakistan:

On the other note these are same so called experts predicted that India will be super power in near future whereas ground reality of India is that it's heading toward Armageddon to none existence. There are more than 100 different separatist groups exists in India from disputed territory of Kashmir to 7 sisters states on the eastern India.

This definitely is going to be a reality. Kashmiris are going to get their fundamental right of freedom in near future.
Alright. Pakistan is headed for failure. Now can the experts give their "expert" attention to some other country, I wonder! :smokin:
I don't really get them nut job. Who are these so called experts always comes up with this BS? Do they have some kind of barometer to measure failure? So what if there are some problems in pak but I think it's heading toward reconciliation and at the end peace will prevail. A country like Pakistan just don't fail because some jack *** wish so. sure, these guys would love to see Pakistan being vanished in thin air because it's the only Islamic state standing tall with Nuke. I think they are trying to psychologically breakdown people of Pak to make it weak and dysfunctional. Ignore would be best medicine for these mental case..

On the other note these are same so called experts predicted that India will be super power in near future whereas ground reality of India is that it's heading toward Armageddon to none existence. There are more than 100 different separatist groups exists in India from disputed territory of Kashmir to 7 sisters states on the eastern India.

pakistan is not going to become a failed state . US wont allow it as it will become a heaven for extremists .
coming to ur post . it is hillarious .sir i must say but you dont know anything about india .
get a life for yourself
i would like to ask my pakistani frnds that dont they think that the era of musharraf was much better than this so called democracy . i think he was a gr8 leader and managed everything beautifully . pakistan was looking very solid under him . dont mind but this zardari guy looks lame to me .

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