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Experts say Pakistan is on trajectory to failure


Dec 20, 2008
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Experts say Pakistan is on trajectory to failure

* Private foreign affairs group says Pakistan can turn back from ‘brink’ if given ‘tools and finances’

WASHINGTON: Pakistan is on a rapid trajectory to failure as a stable, democratic state and needs a boost of $4 billion in US aid and loans each year to begin turning around, a private foreign affairs group has concluded.

“Time is running out,” said the Atlantic Council, which urged more training and deployment of 15,000 Pakistani police within six months to bring order to the country.

Chance: “Given the tools and the financing, Pakistan can turn back from the brink,” the report said. “But for that to happen, it needs help now.”

The Pakistan government has six to 12 months to implement economic and security policies, or “face the very real prospect of considerable domestic and political turbulence”, said the report.

The US has given Pakistan about $12.3 billion in military and economic aid. The US Government Accountability Office says the US lacks a coordinated strategy in disbursing the aid and warns that Al Qaeda ‘continues to operate freely in Pakistan’s un-policed Tribal Areas’.

Vice President Joe Biden, former chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and Republican Senator Richard Lugar, the panel’s senior Republican, proposed last summer authorising $7.5 billion over five years in non-military aid for Pakistan. Similar legislation sponsored by Lugar and the new committee chairman, Democratic Senator John Kerry, is expected this year.

Kerry and Republican former Sen Chuck Hagel are the Atlantic Council’s honorary chairmen. Hagel, having left the Senate, is now council chairman.

The Obama administration, meanwhile, began a policy review this week with senior officials from Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Here for the talks, Pakistani foreign minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi said on Wednesday he was pleased with moves to increase US assistance to his country. “We need economic stability,” said Qureshi in an interview with The Associated Press. “Until we have economic stability we will not be able to get political stability.” He would not put a price tag on Pakistan’s needs.

The report itself said it was sounding an alarm “that we are running out of time to help Pakistan change its present course toward increasing economic and political instability, and even ultimate failure”. The situation has grown even more urgent, it said, with the November terror attacks in Mumbai. The report urged Pakistan to show it is serious in pursuing the perpetrators and other terrorists and terror organisations.

“The Mumbai crisis has yet to run its course,” said the report. “The use of military force or other coercive action must be avoided.”

Another concern in the report is that Pakistan might feel forced to enter negotiations with the Taliban and other insurgent groups and ‘grant further freedom of movement to insurgents’.

The report warned that Al Qaeda and other radical groups could be emboldened “with frightening consequences for vulnerable targets in Britain, Europe and even the United States”. Compared with the hundreds of billions of dollars poured into Iraq and the many billions into Afghanistan, aid to Pakistan has been ‘relatively miserly’, said the report. And the stakes in Pakistan are far larger and more important to long-term US interests, the report said. ap
Those People WHO are saying this BS don't know Pakistani Nation Very well.

We are in Crisis but it doesn't mean that we will never come up (as we have done it so many times in the Past as well).

Night is Darkest....Just Before the DAWN.
^^Well, ground realities doesn't seem to be different from what you are hoping.
Truth Just Slipped from your Tongue. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Pakistan is Going to see a Revolution soon. Everything is set, You will soon see a Revolution in Pakistan, same as Iran had.

Will the revoloution be an end to all the ills ?

Will Uncle Sam allow it ?
Will the revoloution be an end to all the ills ?

Will Uncle Sam allow it ?

What Your Favorite Uncle SAM did when Shah of Iran was asking for Refuge, Pakistan is Heading For a revolution and It will Change our system to a Great Deal.

But Pakistan is Not a Failed state, Only in Western Media Reports. Ground Realities are Different.
I think there was a stage where as BB sed pak may have been close to disentegration but things are much better and Improving like the deal in swat the taliban weakening in bajaur but waziristan will be a worry but things are on the up
Time will prove these experts are actually amateur :smokin: We have experienced tough situation many times. No tough time was strong enough to break our courage and determination. We've also witnessed many predictions about the failure of Pakistan. On independence, people said this country would not survive but the world witnessed, we survived and we are on the map of the world since 1947. We are in crisis now-a-days just because of our corrupt rulers. But that doesn't mean we’ll fail. We will rise with dignity Insha-Allah.

Pakistan Zindabad :pakistan:
Which experts??

World Bank Managing Director just said Pakistan was on the right track.

IMF says Pakistan has met all conditions and unlike Ukraine etc we are getting the second tranche of the loan.

The economist claims Pakistan has made a economic comeback. Our foreign reserves are rising again($9.846b in Jan to $10.388b in Feb 09), our Inflation rate is going down, FDI has increased by 18%, power shortage down to 1000MW from 4500MW blah blah blah

So which private foreign affairs group is this anyways??
A failed Pakistan can bring down India to it's knees.Imagine if Pakistan was extremely strong!

You gotta give the troll some credits, he keeps expressing his unwanted wet dreams on this board, Pakistan will not fail, period, we're in a dip, just like any other nation which has been in a dip, but we'll get over it, and I believe we'll be stronger then ever once we recover, our people, our government and our army will learn from these valuable experiences.
You gotta give the troll some credits, he keeps expressing his unwanted wet dreams on this board, Pakistan will not fail, period, we're in a dip, just like any other nation which has been in a dip, but we'll get over it, and I believe we'll be stronger then ever once we recover, our people, our government and our army will learn from these valuable experiences.

Our Army has Learned a Lesson and that's why Army is Keeping a Distance from the Current Politics and PAK Army has Extended Full support to the Elected Govt. BUT our Politicians have not Learned Anything at All.

Those people who are saying that Pakistan will become a Failed State, they need to look at their own Problems at Home, they are Facing Much Bigger Silent threats at Home.

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