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Experts Caution U.S. on Overconfidence on World Stage


Feb 1, 2010
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United Kingdom
At a U.S. congressional hearing to discuss irregular warfare, it wasn’t the threat of terrorists, drug cartels or violent global activists that prompted the biggest warning.

Rather, the greatest threat is the hubris of U.S. leaders who believe the whole world loves the America and its message of peace, strength and stability, a panel of warfare experts told a House panel on March 27.

Testifying before the U.S. House Armed Services Committee’s emerging threats and capabilities panel, Seth Jones of the Rand Corp., Robert Killebrew of the Center for a New American Security and David Maxwell of Georgetown University’s security studies program were asked what the U.S. military needed to do to prepare for future threats.

This prompted a fairly common discussion of cyber threats, jihadists and the ability of terrorists to rapidly evolve tactics so they seem a step or two ahead of counter-terrorist forces.

Jones, however, then added that one of the biggest threats is a continued feeling that the U.S., because of its military might, is invulnerable to serious harm, which he said is a return to a pre-9/11 feeling.

“Hubris is thinking everybody likes us,” he said, when in reality, the U.S. image overseas “is deeply troubling.”

For Maxwell, the biggest challenge for the nation’s leaders is trying to think far ahead about threats and challenges: “We are focused on threats now and [our enemies] are focused on the future.”

The three experts said it was difficult to predict what form future threats might take or the tactics that U.S. foes might employ, which is why they recommended flexible planning, dual-use equipment and nimble forces that can adapt on the fly.

Jones spoke of the need for better interagency cooperation, especially between the Defense Department, State Department and Agency for International Development. Killebrew said the Treasury Department needed to improve its ability to freeze illegal monetary assets that fuel many insurgencies as they blend with crime syndicates. “Treasury has to be better on cutting off funding streams,” he said.

Maxwell said the military needs stronger cyber defenses in addition to an improved ability to carry out cyber attacks of its own.

“Defense of a computer network is very, very hard,” he said, describing it as being much like defense against terrorist attacks, where a successful defense against hundreds of attacks doesn’t matter if just one attack slips through.

Experts Caution U.S. on Overconfidence on World Stage | Defense News | defensenews.com
When US breaks into 20 pieces in in 2020, most of us outside the US would've seen it coming. But the AMericans would still be believing they're a superpower that will last forever :lol:
When US breaks into 20 pieces in in 2020, most of us outside the US would've seen it coming. But the AMericans would still be believing they're a superpower that will last forever :lol:

US has 51 states. Just thought a little geography might help with your posts not sounding so misinformed.
Lets get outta no game..Point is US is gonna break soon and we should make sure the sooner it happens the better it is for the humanity ...

Your point is unproven as of yet. USA is not going to break up for the foreseeable future.
50 + DC. /runs away ashamed of his lack of geography skills :lol: << my skills or lack thereof, so there is no misunderstanding.

Erm, DC is the District of Columbia, which is Federal territory, and thus not a state.

USA has 50 states.
^^ Aren't you a nitpicker! :blink:

Yes i know it is a federal district, but it represents the 51st entity! 50+1 so in talking terms i just wrote 51 instead of 50 states and 1 federal district...when i was typing that i just wanted to troll a bit and was in a hurry.

Did i explain enough?
Lets get outta no game..Point is US is gonna break soon and we should make sure the sooner it happens the better it is for the humanity ...

your point is absurd given current trajectory, and can be no more proven than Pakistan breaking up by 2015, China breaking up by 2020, or the UK being broken up by 2017.

A 'shattered union' US would be a great calamity to the world, millions would starve for lack of American grain, millions more from an eruption of hostilities that the US' power had kept from blowing, and the passing of a great innovator would be mourned as the coming of a new dark age.

This does not consider the fact that the US has many very accurate nukes, that can reach all around the world.
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