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Expert | Israel attack on Iran ' imminent '.

Iran invested billions of dollars in Hezbollah, in same time when Iranian youth cant find job, takes drugs and iranian girls prostitute themselves in Dubai.

And what Hezbollah has achieved? killing 120 Israeli soldiers. Wow. But since then Hezbollah afraid to look towards Israel. They hide under ground like rats.

Since they cant kill Israelis anymore they resort in slaughtering Syrians.

This is hilarious coming from someone in Israhell. Considering you steal up to 20 billion dollars from tax payers.
You shouldn't have all these problems in your hellhole.

Meet the Israeli prostitutes who are ready to pay income tax - Magazine Israel News Broadcast | Haaretz

Israel's Poverty Rate The Highest In Developed World

Israel Anti Drug Authority - Overview of the Drug Situation in Israel
All Iran and Syria can do is launch some rockets to terrorize civilians. In 1991 Iraq launched 39 Scuds on Israel and they caused virtually zero damage.

Israel on the other hand can unleash thousands tons of bombs on all Syrian bases, destroy all Syrian air force and government and command centers within one week. After that Assad's army will simply collapse.

in 1991, Iraq's army was worthless because it was recovering from the Iran-Iraq war, and Iran is not like Iraq, neither is Syria.

You're assuming that this is what will happen if Israel attacks Syria, but let me remind you of Lebanon when Israel conducted it's aerial campaign there. Simply blanketing an area with bombs does surprisingly little damage to an enemy, as Israel learned the hard way in 1982.

Besides, accusing Iran and Syria of terrorizing civilians and ignoring Israel does the same is foolish. No military nation is innocent in this regard.
We lost 120 soldiers and neutralized ur armed group. Your beloved Assad lost over 20,000 but armed groups are capturing his cities.
1-u will lose more in future
2-neutralized?? i heard they r still kicking ur a$$ (israhell):smitten:
3- insurgents r losing the battle:bounce:

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So you are saying that Sunnis in Syria would accept overlordship of Shias and reconcile with their inferior political position just to spite Israel?????

Do you even know how these plethora of Arab countries came into existence. They did not came into existence because Turks found some ummahastic love for Arabs but by declaring independence and fighting against ottomon Army when Otomons were under attack by allies, most notably battle of megiddo.

War and Peace is not a profession of simpletons who are going to throw away their hardgained position for sake of some nebulous construct.

That is not what I'm saying at all, don't put words into my mouth.

First off, it wouldn't be to spite Israel, instead it would be to used as an excuse by the Assad regime to turn the attention away from the civil war. As much as rebels hate Assad, they'd defend their country from Israel.

Nationalism would play a major role in any conflict with Israel. If Israel were to go to war with Syria, the opposition would end up supporting the government forces, at least temporarily. After all, the enemy of my enemy is my ally for the time being.

Everything else you've said is irrelevant to the discussion at hand.

????? u better be ignored....:P
That is not what I'm saying at all, don't put words into my mouth.

First off, it wouldn't be to spite Israel, instead it would be to used as an excuse by the Assad regime to turn the attention away from the civil war. As much as rebels hate Assad, they'd defend their country from Israel.

Nationalism would play a major role in any conflict with Israel. If Israel were to go to war with Syria, the opposition would end up supporting the government forces, at least temporarily. After all, the enemy of my enemy is my ally for the time being.

Everything else you've said is irrelevant to the discussion at hand.

This is again an infantile analysis of situation, destined to fail its reality check like the theory that Maoists will support India in case of war with Pakistan. ( which one of my countryman was postulating in another thread.)

In Assad vs FSA, Assad is a status-quoit party and FSA is the agent of change. Status quo suits Assad perfectly. FSA gains nothing by helping Assad when his Airforce and armor is being destroyed by Israel.

They would lap up this opportunity to improve their position in Syria.

What you are postulating would only had been possible if FSA would have been an status quoist power and Assad would have been an upstarter.
This is hilarious coming from someone in Israhell. Considering you steal up to 20 billion dollars from tax payers.
You shouldn't have all these problems in your hellhole.

Meet the Israeli prostitutes who are ready to pay income tax - Magazine Israel News Broadcast | Haaretz

Israel's Poverty Rate The Highest In Developed World

Israel Anti Drug Authority - Overview of the Drug Situation in Israel
Poor in Israel will be a rich man in Iran. Besides poors in Israel are Ultra Orthodox Jews and Bedouins who simply dont want to work. In Iran educated youth cant find a job, because mullahs invest billions in terror.

And by the way, you are a good example: you fled to US, away from failed mullahs.

in 1991, Iraq's army was worthless because it was recovering from the Iran-Iraq war, and Iran is not like Iraq, neither is Syria.
Iraq fired modified Scuds and all Iranian super duper missiles are actually modified Scuds.

You're assuming that this is what will happen if Israel attacks Syria, but let me remind you of Lebanon when Israel conducted it's aerial campaign there. Simply blanketing an area with bombs does surprisingly little damage to an enemy, as Israel learned the hard way in 1982.
In 1982 we destroyed massive Syrian defence and shot down over 80 Syrian jets without single loss.

On the ground Syrian army fled leaving intact tanks.

neutralized?? i heard they r still kicking ur a$$ (israhell):smitten:
Sure. They dont dare to breath in Israeli direction since 2006.
Iraq fired modified Scuds and all Iranian super duper missiles are actually modified Scuds.

Simplistic view of any conflict between the two, very simplistic.

This is again an infantile analysis of situation, destined to fail its reality check like the theory that Maoists will support India in case of war with Pakistan. ( which one of my countryman was postulating in another thread.)

In Assad vs FSA, Assad is a status-quoit party and FSA is the agent of change. Status quo suits Assad perfectly. FSA gains nothing by helping Assad when his Airforce and armor is being destroyed by Israel.

They would lap up this opportunity to improve their position in Syria.

What you are postulating would only had been possible if FSA would have been an status quoist power and Assad would have been an upstarter.

My analysis is quite logical, simply because there is more hate for Israel than there is for Assad. Of course the FSA would take advantage of the situation, but they wouldn't simply let Israel roll all over Syria, because the next target for Israel would possibly be the FSA, which is filled with anti-Israel Islamists.

Warring factions don't have tunnel vision, they look at multiple objectives and see what is the bigger threat and what will benefit them more.

Anyways, we're still arguing about a situation that will probably never occur. Israel will not risk war with Iran, so the threat of an attack on Iran is nothing more than a threat. If Israel wanted to attack, they would have done so already without saying anything, as they've done in the past.
well I googled this 'expert' his name is Dr. Mike Evans. First thing I saw was him posing for a picture and shaking hands with netanyahu. It seems that this 'expert' is biased and actually would like an attack on Iran.

Michael David Evans (born June 30, 1947) is an author, journalist, commentator and the head of several international non-profit organizations in the U.S. and Netherlands. Evans is also a Christian Zionist.

Evans has written 42 books and has provided analysis and commentary on Middle East affairs for a variety of media. He has appeared on network television and radio shows. His op-eds have been published in The Washington Times, The Jerusalem Post and others. He founded and serves as head of a number of politically conservative Christian organizations.

Mike Evans (journalist) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You seem to believe that this is a purely Muslim concept. It's a foolish assumption.

India has done similarly in the past against the Moguls and the British, not to mention Pakistan. So has China, the US, Britain, etc, etc, so on and so forth.

I can see what type of person you are, and until you leave your sectarian attitude behind, don't ever reply to me.

LOLL, don't ever reply to me?? just because I called you out on what is actually true? you act as if its a privilege to reply to you - LOL. Run along kid.

And, yeah all the examples you gave about India and China etc are true and those were not based on religious or jihaadi wars, it was for Indians.

And dont tell me you never heard of the hatred towards the evil jew, yindoo and the evil west, now you have added up Buddhists to the list as well.
he ya right:rofl:
Iran invested billions in Hezbollah. Iran invested billions in Hamas. Now Hamas and Hezbollah are slaughtering each other + Iranian IRGC pilgrims. Meanwhile Iranians die because of lack of medicaments while their daughters work hard in Dubai.
Iran invested billions in Hezbollah. Iran invested billions in Hamas. Now Hamas and Hezbollah are slaughtering each other + Iranian IRGC pilgrims. Meanwhile Iranians die because of lack of medicaments while their daughters work hard in Dubai.

In 2006, 55 pharmaceutical companies in Iran produce more than 96 percent (quantitatively) of medicines on the market, worth $1.2 billion annually.[57] Iran’s pharmaceutical market is estimated to be worth $1.87 billion (2008), $2.31 billion (2009) and $3.65bn by 2013 (projected).[2][58][59] The drug market in Iran is heavily in favour of generic medicines, which contributed US$1.23bn to the total in 2009, with patented drugs at US$817mn and OTC medicines at US$262mn.[59]
by wiki
this is the highest independence in pharmaceutical production in ME and among highest in the world

and about hamas and hezbollah what u said has no more value than dogs SH!T (no insult)
they r kicking yor a$$ :rofl::sniper:
i understand your obsession :partay:
U dont even bother to read the link. Virtually all prostitutes in Israel are illegal migrants.

by wiki
this is the highest independence in pharmaceutical production in ME and among highest in the world

and about hamas and hezbollah what u said has no more value than dogs SH!T (no insult)
they r kicking yor a$$ :rofl::sniper:
i understand your obsession :partay:
Iran - Iranian patients lack medicine - over Nuclear Program - YouTube


You get 80 billion petrodollars a year but still u are a third world country in terms of medicine, literacy level, gnp per capita and so on. How its possible? - because crazy mullahs spend all Iranian people billions on terrorists and crazy psychopath regimes.
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