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Expats more patriot than residents of Pakistan


Aug 30, 2010
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United Kingdom
This is a Rant thread,if you don't like rants don't read any further.

The thing is that Pakistanis residing inside Pakistan are non enthusiastic boring bunch...Their Patriotism is limited to just living there and blaming us the expats for leaving their country...They are way less informed about whats happening in the country of their residence than we the expats..They are passive and to much extent lame.
What i am saying is very obvious from this website alone...Operators are expats,and most active members are expats...Most threads opened about anything new happening in Pakistan is by expats.
Comments are from Expats...
Most knowledgeable comments are from Expats...Its hard to find what is going on in a resident Pakistani's mind.I can guess their minds are dark places with no residual hope and no urge to struggle for a change.
Of course my views are based on what i see online.

Very soon i will have same ideas about People of Pakistan as mr.Vcheng.
This is really a very blinkered view man.

There are two Pakistanis living in Pakistan here that I have a lot of time for (unfortunately one hardly posts now).

Fatman and Taimi.

There must be others of course as well but these two are top of my mind.

I miss Jana too. No one knows where she is? Hope she's ok.
Obviously you u will value any precious thing more when it is not with you....

BTW i live in Pakistan & am Hardcore patriottic citizen...
This is a Rant thread,if you don't like rants don't read any further.

The thing is that Pakistanis residing inside Pakistan are non enthusiastic boring bunch...Their Patriotism is limited to just living there and blaming us the expats for leaving their country...They are way less informed about whats happening in the country of their residence than we the expats..They are passive and to much extent lame.
What i am saying is very obvious from this website alone...Operators are expats,and most active members are expats...Most threads opened about anything new happening in Pakistan is by expats.
Comments are from Expats...
Most knowledgeable comments are from Expats...Its hard to find what is going on in a resident Pakistani's mind.I can guess their minds are dark places with no residual hope and no urge to struggle for a change.
Of course my views are based on what i see online.

Very soon i will have same ideas about People of Pakistan as mr.Vcheng.
I am afraid you are right.You see you are doing Pakistan an extremely big favor by opening threads and commenting on ****.Oh yes it shows a lot of patriotism.Two bit hopeless idiotic Pakistanis like me and 190 million others who are studying and working their *** off to contribute to the country's economy are just so non-patriotic.Yes you did Pakistan a huge favor by leaving it so you wouldn't be a burden on it and people like me who plan to stick with it through thick and thin are just so unpatriotic cuz we are a burden on it's economy.Shame on me.!!
I dont want to comment of patriotism of one citizen to others...but the facts (as u say them, i am no statistician) based upon which you opened this thread seems little bit immature.
I dont agree with you at all ..Infact i think mostly expats view Pak through the prism of countries, where they live....For example, If one lives in America he will view things in Pak, from an American perspective/narrative ..and will be more symapthetic to America than Pak....maybe bcoz he lives there & is more exposed to the local media there, and hence his opinions are shaped tht way,..esp regd institutions of Pak...He doesnt understand the ground situation in Pak..but will mostly believe what is fed to him by the local media abt Pak... OR there maybe another reason for this also..the factor of social acceptability...when u live abroad, obviously u would want to integrate there in the main stream society and be socially acceptable there, hence u would want to adopt popular stance there,and dont want to be totally isolated which may eventually lead to your own reshaping of views/thinking....They even can hear someone spread negativity abt Pak...on the other hand, I will never ever hear anything bad abt Pak at any cost.......Ofcourse i am not talking abt all, there are exceptions, but most of the cases, whom I have seen personally
I dont want to comment of patriotism of one citizen to others...but the facts (as u say them, i am no statistician) based upon which you opened this thread seems little bit immature.

you missed the first line of the thread..Rant is the keyword..google it.

I am afraid you are right.You see you are doing Pakistan an extremely big favor by opening threads and commenting on ****.Oh yes it shows a lot of patriotism.Two bit hopeless idiotic Pakistanis like me and 190 million others who are studying and working their *** off to contribute to the country's economy are just so non-patriotic.Yes you did Pakistan a huge favor by leaving it so you wouldn't be a burden on it and people like me who plan to stick with it through thick and thin are just so unpatriotic cuz we are a burden on it's economy.Shame on me.!!

lol..you made me laugh...our contribution towards pakistani economy is ten times more than you lot.
our remittencs run into billions of dollars..
you missed the first line of the thread..Rant is the keyword..google it.


To speak or write in an angry or violent manner;

To utter or express with violence or extravagance.

1. Violent or extravagant speech or writing.
2. A speech or piece of writing that incites anger or violence.
3. Wild or uproarious merriment.
lol..you made me laugh...our contribution towards pakistani economy is ten times more than you lot.
our remittencs run into billions of dollars..

Sorry bro, don't agree one bit.

A country with a lot of money and no talent is not going to get anywhere in a hurry.

I was watching a section on BBC yesterday about what was being termed as the systematic genocide of the Hazara in Balochistan.

What can be said from that is that expat Pakistanis are more openly vocal about injustices back in their country, and by doing so, can raise awareness.

But that is more to do with the luxury of freedom of expression and safety on foreign shores than patriotism per se.
This is a Rant thread,if you don't like rants don't read any further.

The thing is that Pakistanis residing inside Pakistan are non enthusiastic boring bunch...Their Patriotism is limited to just living there and blaming us the expats for leaving their country...They are way less informed about whats happening in the country of their residence than we the expats..They are passive and to much extent lame.
What i am saying is very obvious from this website alone...Operators are expats,and most active members are expats...Most threads opened about anything new happening in Pakistan is by expats.
Comments are from Expats...
Most knowledgeable comments are from Expats...Its hard to find what is going on in a resident Pakistani's mind.I can guess their minds are dark places with no residual hope and no urge to struggle for a change.
Of course my views are based on what i see online.

Very soon i will have same ideas about People of Pakistan as mr.Vcheng.

Safriz i wish to say the following.

1. Its harsh to generalize and group 190 million people and bunch them in the same category.
2. The truth of the matter is we dont live eat and sleep in our own land daily - we dont know the true facts of what our people have to suffer and face from day to day hence to judge is wrong.
3. I think you are wrong in saying there is a lack of patriotism and quality. Fatman, Icarus, Xeric, Amir Hussain, Notorious Eagle, Bilal, Oscar, Irfan Baloch, Antibody Emmie and secur are just a few come to mind that post and i am educated by their posts and give me plenty of hope for the future (apologies to any i missed any!)
4. I am the son of an economic migrant and my father came here thinking he would work in a couple of years and go back to his soil - it obviously didnt work out - but i tell you their wasn't one day where he wouldn't pick up the "Jang" or his ears prick up about any news from Pakistan - he never (like me) ever ever even came close to thinking the Pakistanis in Pakistan were "non enthusiastic boring bunch".
5. Please Safriz before starting threads like this have a good think - and think hard who you are criticizing. Its our land - the land our ancestors made for us.

p.s. Not necessary to bring Cheng into this - he has his own reasons and shouldn't be brought into this.
I dont agree with you at all ..Infact i think mostly expats view Pak through the prism of countries, where they live....For example, If one lives in America he will view things in Pak, from an American perspective/narrative ..and will be more symapthetic to America than Pak....maybe bcoz he lives there & is more exposed to the local media there, and hence his opinions are shaped tht way,..esp regd institutions of Pak...He doesnt understand the ground situation in Pak..but will mostly believe what is fed to him by the local media abt Pak... OR there maybe another reason for this also..the factor of social acceptability...when u live abroad, obviously u would want to integrate there in the main stream society and be socially acceptable there, hence u would want to adopt popular stance there,and dont want to be totally isolated which may eventually lead to your own reshaping of views/thinking....They even can hear someone spread negativity abt Pak...on the other hand, I will never ever hear anything bad abt Pak at any cost.......Ofcourse i am not talking abt all, there are exceptions, but most of the cases, whom I have seen personally

Well i am in london an in this age of time we do have technologies , TV channels etc, i see , ARY News daily, Express News, etc, also there are online news papers as well, we do have ground facts about Pakistan and are in better shape to compare them with counterparts here :)
Well being working with people from all over the world we know what they actually saying under the line,
That is definitely the funniest thing I have ever heard. Maybe you should redefine the word "Patriot" in the dictionary before looking up "Rant". To have an economy based on remittances is the worst possible insult for a country who have patriots like you suggesting Pakistan has this many billions in resources. Everyone does what they feel is best suited for them. Pakistan does not need feelings and well wishers.

A person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend it against enemies or detractors.

A person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend it against enemies or detractors.

Dosnt sound right .. Should say, person who sits in a different time zone, commenting on the internal politics of a left behind country of origin while doing huge amounts of favors by sending money to the relatives he has so far been unable to bring along with him.
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