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Exclusive images of strikes on targets in Afghanistan

I tried to confront the false claims and was met with the following in order of their occurance.
Not a Pakistani.
Not an Army Offr.
A false flag user.
A Brahman.
A twit.
A shit cleaner.
A chaprasi.
Told to fuk off.
And as of now the Mods have taken no action against the gross violation of forum rules. Heck far from stopping it they even encouraged it.
It has became a matter of integrity on my part.
Quote me a single curse or personal attack targeted towards anyone during the course of my discussion.
Nothing can be worse than calling your mother ugly in this case you are not questioning but criticising the very source that provides you bread and butter..allegedly...
I tried to confront the false claims and was met with the following in order of their occurance.
Not a Pakistani.
Not an Army Offr.
A false flag user.
A Brahman.
A twit.
A shit cleaner.
A chaprasi.
Told to fuk off.
And as of now the Mods have taken no action against the gross violation of forum rules. Heck far from stopping it they even encouraged it.
It has became a matter of integrity on my part.
Quote me a single curse or personal attack targeted towards anyone during the course of my discussion.
Yeah and you deserve all that and more.
Although your age is only in 30s, none the less, if you were such a professional or held high morals, you would have resigned rather than coming on an open forum and trying to prove yourself.

I doubt he is in 30s https://defence.pk/threads/the-national-guard.28466/
Lol nice find. You know this guy is trying to do which soldiers usually call as "stolen valor". That is when someone try to impersonate himself/herself to be military personnel when he/she is not it is called stolen valor
It's mind boggling to see that somehow the unthinkable happened.
Pakistanis who used to be the sensible ones turned into propaganda absorbing blocks like the Indians.
Yeah , because for you Indians it's propaganda, for us Pakistanis it's reality. Now buzz off.
For you Indians even our existence as a country is fake.
I just went by the fact that when he joined, his age shows as 24.
Whatever his age, on one side he claims to be part of the PA and then comes out with ridiculous claims....even the picture of dead militants he posted has nothing to do with APS.
This @Shiji is some abused bored Indian housewife enjoying all this attention. Just put her in your ignore list and the creature will disappear
I just went by the fact that when he joined, his age shows as 24.
Whatever his age, on one side he claims to be part of the PA and then comes out with ridiculous claims....even the picture of dead militants he posted has nothing to do with APS.
The picture was presented during a press release including several others that showed dead terrorist after APS attack. Let's suppose I was wrong and the pic is from the 35 PRs attack on Kidney Ridge.
What other "ridduculous" claims didnI make?
The picture was presented during a press release including several others that showed dead terrorist after APS attack. Let's suppose I was wrong and the pic is from the 35 PRs attack on Kidney Ridge.
What other "ridduculous" claims didnI make?
So when a member made the mistake, you were questioning the credibility of PDF,
Now you have made the same error, it's only logical we question your credibility and claims.
So when a member made the mistake, you were questioning the credibility of PDF,
Now you have made the same error, it's only logical we question your credibility and claims.
I have not backed from my narrative. Yes PDF integrity compromised the moment it didnot stop a member who made fake claims of planned military intervention inside another country without sourcing and bending the NEWS to support his own claims.
Okay let's make a deal, if the mods confirm I am :
1. A Pakistani
2. A serving member of the forces.
Then do all the actual PATRIOTIC Pakistanis that tried to redicule me agree to stop reproducing and not letting your gene poll corrupt any more of this Sacred Land?

If you are a serving officer, than you will be reported directly to GHQ. . you are not the only one serving here kitty kat :)
and by GHQ i did't mean GHQ section on PDF but GHQ where you have to salute your senior :)
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Stand back guys I got this, what colour is the boathouse at Hereford?!!!?
If you are a serving officer, than you will be reported directly to GHQ. . you are not the only one serving here kitty kat :)
Reported for what kaka? There are thousands of officers on social media that have their public profile pics in uniform.
You guys don't even know my rank, name, unit, appearance. And what did I reveal? The exact thing that is backed by the military?
Stand back guys I got this, what colour is the boathouse at Hereford?!!!?
PA mate not SAS. Ask anything on PA.
Reported for what kaka? There are thousands of officers on social media that have their public profile pics in uniform.
You guys don't even know my rank, name, unit, appearance. And what did I reveal? The exact thing that is backed by the military?

we don't need your ranks or rants both :D
once mods here are done with you, you will be reported to GHQ for your comments on Army and support of Indians and Extremist , who say PA does not have Black sheep's ..i am eagerly waiting for your real identity to come to light .. after all i am one of the tax payer :D
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