social trending?
even the biggest of haters like IMRAN of crouption , have to sit behind all of the major crouptors in our NA? why?
just because , we need a social revolution against all the ills!
as a one united nation?
but just look , how even IMRAN was fooled then made accepted, the whole dam system?
its not going away with, 1000 of elections & faked damocrazies for elites by elites?
we need a scocial revolution, by the only opposing force against the crouptors ( elites =landlords= industrialists=politicians= judges etc etc.)
the real peoples army! & the one & only opposing force against these so called, elites+ damocrats?
& against the crouptors ( elites) of pakistan , who happens to be our rullers?
who just only hve looted our country, but they arent are bold, brave, knowledgbles to bring us the needed social reforms?
the social reforms, which can unite us as a nation, & bring the end to the voilent culture, we have since ages?
till its not happening, nothing will be changed?