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Ex-army chief VK Singh tried to topple J&K government: Report

So acc. to you He has time as well as the guts to tell the media without GOI pernission about deals regarding TATRA trucks BUT he becomes as meek a lamb when it comes to beheading of Indian Soldiersand doesn;t even speak a word about it with the media.:omghaha:

Yes cause beheading of soldier can be sorted out by the Army on its own, so even if the MoD didn't decide to go to the media about the incident it wouldn't have changed anything. What exactly did the recent media tirade about the beheading of our soldiers get us?

Do you think it will deter Pakistanis from pulling of similar stunts in the future? Do you think Arnob Goswami screaming on the top of his voice will make Pakistanis stop doing such things? Media tirade and political statements got us nothing, in fact Antony's dilly dallying on whether it was Pakistani Army who conducted the operation or "people in Pakistani army uniform" embarrassed the Army even more. Indian Army would have exacted its revenge regardless of the media coverage.

Corruption in defence acquisition is a whole different issue, and this issue has been plaguing our country and the armed forces for a very long time. The armed forces have no control over this, they can't "fix" it on their own. They go complain to the babus of MoD and corrupt leaders who decide to do fck all about it. So what option was the General left with, if not go to the media? Wouldn't you do the same? Any patriotic and honest person would do that. Its called "whistle blowing", but then I don't expect Congress and its supporters to know anything about that.

Army even lied about the beheading then:


The Truth:

MY anger against VK singh is not because he shared a dias with modi but because he lied that it is because of decommision of his intel unit border incidents happened.

If that is the case why did such incidents like one above happened in his tenure when his intel unit had a free hand.

Yes Indian Army should start screaming like a distressed woman, hey look they beheaded our soldiers boo hoo, to hell with the morale of the soldiers right? :hitwall:
Yes cause beheading of soldier can be sorted out by the Army, so even if the MoD didn't decide to go to the media about the incident it wouldn't have changed anything. What exactly did the recent media tirade about the beheading of our soldiers get us?

Do you think it will deter Pakistanis from pulling of similar stunts in the future? Do you think Arnob Goswami screaming on the top of his voice will make Pakistanis stop doing such things? Media tirade and political statements got us nothing, infact Antony's dilly dallying on whether it was Pakistani Army who conducted the operation or "people in Pakistani army uniform" embarrassed theArmy even more. Indian Army would have exacted its revenge regardless of the media coverage.

Corruption in defence acquisition is a whole different issue, and this issue has been plaguing our country and the armed forces for a very long time. This armed forces have no control over this, they can't fix it on their ownw, they go complain to the babus of MoD and corrupt leaders who decide to do fck all about it. So what option was the General left with, if not go to the media? Wouldn't you do the same? Any patriotic and honest person would do that. Its called "whistle blowing", but then I don't expect Congress and its supporters to know anything about that.

Yes Indian Army should start screaming like a distressed woman, hey look they beheaded our soldiers boo hoo, to hell with the morale of the soldiers right? :hitwall:

Going by your logic we should also start hiding deaths of Soldiers in terror/militant attacks just like pakistanis. because they will be bad for the moral of our soldiers.:lol:

Remember this is not the 1980's when the Army routinely used to downplay the casualties during ops in Punjab and NE.
Going by your logic we should also start hiding deaths of Soldiers in terror/militant attacks just like pakistanis. because they will be bad for the moral of our soldiers.:lol:

Remember this is not the 1980's when the Army routinely used to downplay the casualties during ops in Punjab and NE.

A soldier dying in a gun battle is nowhere as demoralizing a soldier getting beheaded by a ****** fck. Why do you think jihadis go for beheading, rather than just shooting the soldiers, which lets face it, is much easier and less risky?

Cause killing the soldier is not their objective, the objective is to create maximum psychological impact, a demoralizing impact.
Media tirade and political statements got us nothing, in fact Antony's dilly dallying on whether it was Pakistani Army who conducted the operation or "people in Pakistani army uniform" embarrassed the Army even more. Indian Army would have exacted its revenge regardless of the media coverage.
That's because the soldiers who was sole surviving witness himself was confused as he later told the Army during questioning that the attackers wore Pathani Suits:

The lone survivor of the Poonch ambush on Indian army soldiers, Shambhaji Kute of the 14 Maratha Light Infantry (MLI) , had apparently identified the attackers as “armed men wearing Pathani suits” on the morning of August 6.

LoC attackers

A soldier dying in a gun battle is nowhere as demoralizing a soldier getting beheaded by a ****** fck. Why do you think jihadis go for beheading, rather than just shooting the soldiers, which lets face it, is much easier and less risky?

Cause killing the soldier is not their objective, the objective is to create maximum psychological impact, a demoralizing impact.

Deaths in fratricide(killing by fellow soldiers) is even more demoralizing but Army doesn't hide them do they?
That's because the soldiers who was sole surviving witness himself was confused as he later told the Army during questioning that the attackers were Pathani Suits:

LoC attackers

:lol: Yes blame it on the poor soldier. The Army had already said in its statement that it was Pakistani soldiers who were involved, so you are telling me Antony went and talked to the lone survivor personally and then decided to spill that statement in the Parliament. Such honest folks these Congressis are eh, they would only speak the truth! Laughable excuses.

It got Pakistan off the hook just like that, one stupid statement from the Defence Minister.
:lol: Yes blame it on the poor soldier. The Army had already said in its statement that it was Pakistani soldiers who were involved, so you are telling me Antony went and talked to the lone survivor personally and then decided to spill that statement in the Parliament. Such honest folks these Congressis are eh, they would only speak the truth! Laughable excuses.

It got Pakistan off the hook just like that, one stupid statement from the Defence Minister.

When the solewitness is himself confused on the attackers you can't blame antony for following procedures.

Antony had to careful as many times terrorists wore Army uniforms from both sides.
For example during the chittisingpora massacare terrorists wore army/paramilitary uniforms.
[Bregs];4792472 said:
i have replied to him there is no need for you to pop out your head in every discussion because i have divergent view with you

But this is a forum and discussion will happen. It is a simple rule of vivaada or debate.

Don't get miffed just because you have no answers for valid questions thrown at you.
When the solewitness is himself confused on the attackers you can't blame antony for following procedures.

What procedures? How does LeT differ from PA to the IA when either of them do the same thing: attack them? :blink:

And what procedures are you talking about!? The point was that there was an attack from Pakistan and there was a living proof of that attack (let's get this straight; people don't just shoot themselves for fun).

Please don't tell me that the Defense Minister of the country has to say 'terrorists' wearing camo fatigues.

Antony had to careful as many times terrorists wore Army uniforms from both sides.
For example during the chittisingpora massacare terrorists wore army/paramilitary uniforms.

The massacre you're talking about happened when LeT terrorists wore INDIAN Army uniforms.

There is a world of difference.
The military intelligence unit set up by former army chief General VK Singh was involved in sensitive covert operations in Pakistan and was even on the trail of 26/11 mastermind and Lashkar-e-Taiba chief Hafiz Saeed, officials associated with it have told HT.
“Our main task was to combat the rising trend of state-sponsored terrorism by the ISI and we had developed contacts across the Line of Control in a bid to infiltrate Hafiz Saeed’s inner circle,” an official who served with the controversial Technical Services Division (TSD) said.
Army spook unit carried out covert ops in Pakistan - Hindustan Times
The military intelligence unit set up by former army chief General VK Singh was involved in sensitive covert operations in Pakistan and was even on the trail of 26/11 mastermind and Lashkar-e-Taiba chief Hafiz Saeed, officials associated with it have told HT.
“Our main task was to combat the rising trend of state-sponsored terrorism by the ISI and we had developed contacts across the Line of Control in a bid to infiltrate Hafiz Saeed’s inner circle,” an official who served with the controversial Technical Services Division (TSD) said.
Army spook unit carried out covert ops in Pakistan - Hindustan Times

Ain't this what a country does?

Shameless Congress now sides with Pakistan for votes.

How cheap.
But this is a forum and discussion will happen. It is a simple rule of vivaada or debate.

Don't get miffed just because you have no answers for valid questions thrown at you.

This is a forum right ! i am replying to each individual thread, i am not the one to shy away from my convictions like you who only see half side of a coin
Regardless of our caste, creed, or class....Plz all Indians on this site vote for MODI.....Even I an Indian American of South Indian descent (Chrisitian) want MODI so badly. Im tired of Congress lies. THey have enver done any good for India except to line their own pockets. Look at the development of Gujurat and look at Amethi? That itself should speak volumes. Rahul is incompetent and a tool born with a golden diaper. The idiot cares about nothing but his own pocket. Where is the charges of his bro-in-law and his shady land dealings..... I don;t like BJP but I think and feel MODI is the only capable person who can transfom India. Give Guu's a chance....they have shown the world how to make a buck and their abilities are on par with Jews....many things to consider.

This is a forum right ! i am replying to each individual thread, i am not the one to shy away from my convictions like you who only see half side of a coin

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/indian...e-j-k-government-report-13.html#ixzz2fhzKKgNp
ya right we know that dont we?
But u still havent answered for his questions?
Now dont blame me for poking my nose,just answer.

When the solewitness is himself confused on the attackers you can't blame antony for following procedures.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/indian-defence/278826-ex-army-chief-vk-singh-tried-topple-j-k-government-report-13.html#ixzz2fhzkP7BE
The sole witness is confused because he went through a nightmare but what happen to Mr Antony? I just dont understand?

Antony had to careful as many times terrorists wore Army uniforms from both sides.
For example during the chittisingpora massacare terrorists wore army/paramilitary uniforms.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/indian-defence/278826-ex-army-chief-vk-singh-tried-topple-j-k-government-report-13.html#ixzz2fi0AKdEi
As clarified they wore the uniform to fool Indian security in this case it was Mr Antony who was trying to fool the country and ended up as fool.
[Bregs];4795422 said:
This is a forum right ! i am replying to each individual thread, i am not the one to shy away from my convictions like you who only see half side of a coin

Wow! You blatantly and repeatedly call people here as RSS agents (Even though there are even non-Hindus who are replying to you) and now you're telling me that you see the other side of the coin?

Typical of your types. All talk. No substance.

And THAT is exactly what the people are pissed off about. Liberals only know how to debate, claim, counter-claim, refute and argue. When it comes to delivering, they fail miserably just like the 10 years of disastrous economic and national defense handling by the UPA and her allies.

Thanks for confirming.
Wow! You blatantly and repeatedly call people here as RSS agents (Even though there are even non-Hindus who are replying to you) and now you're telling me that you see the other side of the coin?

Typical of your types. All talk. No substance.

And THAT is exactly what the people are pissed off about. Liberals only know how to debate, claim, counter-claim, refute and argue. When it comes to delivering, they fail miserably just like the 10 years of disastrous economic and national defense handling by the UPA and her allies.

Thanks for confirming.

what can i do when substance is seen by you in the comments of BJP supporters,
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