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'Every brick will be countered with a stone,' PM Imran warns Modi against action in AJK

Brothers I want an answer for something and its bugging me and want to see what's in the enemy mind.
Why Indian Hindu's all of a sudden start thinking like they are superior to us.
They have got no proud history of any conquests other then to accumulate wealth and live in the slumps of Indian poverty. Over centuries they have been ruled by others notably by Muslims. Apart from the last decade when they have become bit more economically stable, got nothing to show for.

I don't know if Hindus feel racially or even culturally superior to Muslims. I think what we are seeing is partly a revenge psychosis for having been ruled for a long time by the Muslims and partly a growing confidence because, since early 1990s, their economy is growing rapidly, their leaders are sought and paraded like celebrity in the West (of course for commercial reasons), partly because of the calculation that Pakistani economy is on its knees and so good time to be aggressive, and partly because their perception of the likely Pakistani gains in Afghanistan.

So pretty sure much more than just Hindutva revivalism is stoking Modi's moves in Kashmir. Sections of Indian press saying some real estate mafia is supporting this to buy choice land in Kashmir. But it's a very stupid move. I actually welcome it because the status quo is broken and we are back to 1947/48. No more tying down Pakistan's hand because of the yoke of the Shimla Agreement which Pakistan was forced to sign because of the 1971 War. What the Indians had not expected was the harsh response in the Western media. They could of course ignore the global media. Israel does it all the time when it bombs the crap out of Gazans. But they will find IoK very hot to stay in.

If there is going to be a war then it's likely to be the bloodiest war since WWII.
Why don't we plant false flags?

that would be signing a death trap. nobody is on our side - you want whole world will to gang up on Pakistan? this is the actual plan of our enemy to get desperate and do it and they are sure we are going to do it. thats why they are beefing up there defenses.

@Hakikat ve Hikmet

Lets see how this whole saga unfolds, as I have said before Pakistan cannot take a defensive approach now especially with Indians cancelling the special status of J and K.
that would be signing a death trap. nobody is on our side - you want whole world will to gang up on Pakistan? this is the actual plan of our enemy to get desperate and do it and they are sure we are going to do it. thats why they are beefing up there defenses.

@Hakikat ve Hikmet

I am pretty sure it’s a “High Priest” oracle syndrome!! Little do they know the power of the Sheyatin is receding now (it goes up and down in a cyclic fashion)!!! All of the promises from the Sheyatin are fake anyway!! No wonder they’re getting one “surprise” after and over another!!! According to the Indian sources, Modi and his tight knit gang take major decisions in a very secretive and abrupt manner without consulting the broad range of known experts....
I don't know if Hindus feel racially or even culturally superior to Muslims. I think what we are seeing is partly a revenge psychosis for having been ruled for a long time by the Muslims and partly a growing confidence because, since early 1990s, their economy is growing rapidly, their leaders are sought and paraded like celebrity in the West (of course for commercial reasons), partly because of the calculation that Pakistani economy is on its knees and so good time to be aggressive, and partly because their perception of the likely Pakistani gains in Afghanistan.

So pretty sure much more than just Hindutva revivalism is stoking Modi's moves in Kashmir. Sections of Indian press saying some real estate mafia is supporting this to buy choice land in Kashmir. But it's a very stupid move. I actually welcome it because the status quo is broken and we are back to 1947/48. No more tying down Pakistan's hand because of the yoke of the Shimla Agreement which Pakistan was forced to sign because of the 1971 War. What the Indians had not expected was the harsh response in the Western media. They could of course ignore the global media. Israel does it all the time when it bombs the crap out of Gazans. But they will find IoK very hot to stay in.

If there is going to be a war then it's likely to be the bloodiest war since WWII.
Shows the difference in mindset, muslims ruled India for over 700 yrs yet never in history can we find an account where muslims decreed themselves racially superior to other human biengs despite the fact that we actually were superior in almost every aspect of life ranging from knowledge to military.

Why do hindus seek revenge?, what did muslims do to them?, if stories of hindu genocide and forced conversions that BJP spins were true, do u really think there would a single hindu left in the subcontinent after 700 yrs of muslims rule. I would present a similar case study for u to compare, in spain muslims ruled for 800 yrs yet we literally have no trace there as we were systematically murdered, cast away or converted after muslim rule fell in spain. If u really want revenge, seek westward, focus ur attentions on the British.
Doesn't this particular statement sound regressive and negative. Brick for stone ? like he is saying development vs chaos. He should have said pellet vs stone or gun vs stone ? It gives a very shady feel to it. Just my opinion. :what:
Show your Wuhan spirit and don't be so poetic.

Nice to see you back soldier now get ready to work Pigeon commander!!!

Just came here to take a few laughs. And see the dissonance from actualities along LC and Kashmir, pervasive here.
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