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Even Philippinos themselves don't believe US will help them in Spratly

As for fighter plane crash,no country in this world can even come close when comparing to India.
Perhaps you dont know that we use them for training and mock missions . We wont keep our planes in museum or on airfields .
Mr/Mrs: Martian2

If needed, Viet Nam will let US based for FREE, that also meaning U.S just keeping broke with no sweats. I belief Philippines will do the same too.

Rent is a tiny component of a major U.S. base

You don't understand. Rent is unimportant.

The major costs are building or fixing the infrastructure for a base. It has to be equipped with unimaginable tons of equipment. Housing has to be built or upgraded. Facilities for the troops and families have to be built or upgraded. Fuel and ammunition storage depots have to be built or upgraded. Maintenance and repair hangars have to be built.

Finally, the cost of maintaining a functioning base is enormous. You are thinking of only one tiny piece of the cost. Just ferrying all those troops and personnel to Cam Rahn Bay or Subic Bay is very expensive. The United States can no longer afford these kind of extravagances.

The reality is the U.S. is broke and a new round of base closings are coming. U.S. senators and congressmen are fighting like cats and dogs to save bases in their state or district. It is completely ABSURD to think an expensive major U.S. base will open in Asia.



"US Senate candidates spar over Groton sub base
Originally published: June 25, 2012 4:39 PM
Updated: June 25, 2012 6:22 PM
By The Associated Press MICHAEL MELIA (Associated Press)

HARTFORD, Conn. - (AP) -- Connecticut's leading candidates for U.S. Senate are sparring over who is best-positioned to protect the Groton submarine base, a huge employer that is vulnerable to Pentagon spending cuts.

U.S. Rep Chris Murphy and former U.S. Rep. Christopher Shays are touting their Washington experience as they target former wrestling executive Linda McMahon, who says politicians like them carry some of the blame for the government being in such financial straits.

None of the candidates argues for anything less than an all-out effort to protect Naval Submarine Base New London. But the posturing over the last week highlights how candidates on both sides are trying to use a theme of government insider versus outsider to their advantage ahead of the November election.

Since the administration of President Barack Obama raised the possibility of base closings in January, Connecticut officials have been rallying to stress the importance of the sub base and the investments made by the state to increase its military value. The base was nearly closed in 2005 by a Base Closure and Realignment Commission, called BRAC, and many fear it soon will be targeted again. (article continues)"



"Florida Times-Union - Jun 13, 2012
State officials want to be ready if the new round of closings moves ahead. ... While no new round of base closings has been announced, military leaders expect one in the next few years ... Shipyard in North East USA Mig hard."
Rent is a tiny component of a major U.S. base

You don't understand. Rent is unimportant.

The major costs are building or fixing the infrastructure for a base. It has to be equipped with unimaginable tons of equipment. Housing has to be built or upgraded. Facilities for the troops and families have to be built or upgraded. Fuel and ammunition storage depots have to be built or upgraded.

Finally, the cost of maintaining a functioning base is enormous. You are thinking of only one tiny piece of the cost. Just ferrying all those troops and personnel to Cam Rahn Bay or Subic Bay is very expensive. The United States can no longer afford these kind of extravagances.

Fair enough, I will make more clear about what I said "FREE BASED" if needed.

With our Vietnamese and Viet Nam Gov, once we think something really need we will do at all cost. We will "Pay for based" and in return U.S will train or supplies us their spies satellites to tracking all activities what PLA moves.

U.S need to control China, and we just needed to protect and stop CMS harassing our fishermen and commercial ships. Plus, stop whatever your 9 dashes claims.
Fair enough, I will make more clear about what I said "FREE BASED" if needed.

With our Vietnamese and Viet Nam Gov, once we think something really need we will do at all cost. We will "Pay for based" and in return U.S will train or supplies us their spies satellites to tracking all activities what PLA moves.

U.S need to control China, and we just needed to protect and stop CMS harassing our fishermen and commercial ships. Plus, stop whatever your 9 dashes claims.

No. Your country is too poor. The Japanese pay billions to host U.S. troops. Your country Vietnam is broke with a collapsing currency. You can barely pay to feed your own people. The idea of paying to host expensive American troops is ludicrous.


In the last five years, the Vietnamese Dong has collapsed from 16,000 to 21,000 per U.S. dollar.


"Viet Nam News - Jun 5, 2012
The US dollar appreciated against the Vietnamese dong and peaked around VND21,000 per dollar yesterday compared to the rate of 20870 ..."
Oh please, spare me the propaganda.

Did the U.S. fire a single cruise missile to defend its ally Georgia in the Russo-Georgian War of 2008? Clearly not.

Oh please, not this nonsence again, was there a security pact between US and Georgia.
Fair enough, I will make more clear about what I said "FREE BASED" if needed.

With our Vietnamese and Viet Nam Gov, once we think something really need we will do at all cost. We will "Pay for based" and in return U.S will train or supplies us their spies satellites to tracking all activities what PLA moves.

U.S need to control China, and we just needed to protect and stop CMS harassing our fishermen and commercial ships. Plus, stop whatever your 9 dashes claims.

U.S. satellite intelligence will only tell you arrival date of PLA

U.S. satellite intelligence is worthless. Vietnam's problem is stopping the high-tech PLA war machine. Having satellite imagery of the PLA rolling towards your country will do you no good.

The J-10s, J-11s, H-6 bombers, WZ-10 attack helicopters, MLRS, Type 99 main battle tanks, etc. are the problem for Vietnam.

It is the PLA war machine that you can't stop. Satellite imagery has no effect on Chinese weapons of war.


How can Vietnam stop the PLA Type 99 main battle tank? You can't. There will be a few casualties, but the mechanized PLA Army cannot be stopped.
No. Your country is too poor. The Japanese pay billions to host U.S. troops. Your country Vietnam is broke with a collapsing currency. You can barely pay to feed your own people. The idea of paying to host expensive American troops is ludicrous.

Cam Ranh Bay is pay for itself, plus we will pay whatever it needed to be done. In the "trade off" U.S need to provide us their spies satellites to see all activities from PLA and that's all we need.

We know when to play and how to play card, that's a gifted from God to Viet Nam. You will know what I talk about and you are living in U.S you know the U.S phrase "Country First" right?

U.S provide us spies satellites that also good for U.S to avoid confront head-to-head with China, but Viet Nam will be.[If U.S does not want it, then Russia wills] The winner takes all and that is a win-win situation.

Like China, Soviet Union try not to confront head-to-head with U.S last time and paid/aids for us fighting with U.S then China could claims its BIG HELP to Viet Nam also took Paracel Islands from Viet Nam in 1974. Am I right?
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