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Even Philippinos themselves don't believe US will help them in Spratly

Ahem, let's try some Chinese logic.

A few losses are immaterial to China. China can manufacture a lot more J-10 fighters than you can possibly shoot down. That will not deter China from victory against Vietnam.
Ahem, let's try some Chinese logic.

A few losses are immaterial to China. China can manufacture a lot more J-10 fighters than you can possibly shoot down. That will not deter China from victory against Vietnam.
Hehe, but you can "manufacture a lot" of pilots to test with our SAM , don't forget your coward pilots dared not fly during VN-Sino conflict bcz the're scared stiff to our SAM:coffee:

Btw: if you're pilots, then do you have the gut to test our S-300 ? did you see what happen to Turkey F-4 when Syria shot it down with Russia missile ??
Hehe, but you can "manufacture a lot" of pilots to test with our SAM , don't forget your coward pilots dared not fly during VN-Sino conflict bcz the're scared stiff to our SAM:coffee:

Btw: if you're pilots, then do you have the gut to test our S-300 ? did you see what happen to Turkey F-4 when Syria shot it down with Russia missile ??

Turkey does not have a Beidou GPS satellite navigation system. Turkey also does not have thousands of short-range ballistic missiles and cruise missiles to bombard Vietnam's air defense network first. Only an amateur would compare Turkey to China. The two countries are in completely different classes.

1. China would use ballistic, cruise, and MLRS missiles to destroy Vietnam's air defenses.

2. Chinese fighter wings will fly with EW escorts (see J-10B with EW pods below).

3. Chinese WZ-10 attack helicopter gunships would move methodically and annihilate remaining Vietnamese air defense systems as the PLA moves south.


J-10B Vigorous Dragon is comparable to F-16E/Block 60


"Overall, the J-10B is thought to be comparable to the American F-16E/Block 60."

AESA - active electronically scanned array (or phased array radar)

IRST - infrared search and track. J-10B has Laser Rangefinder (LR) too. Should be IRST/LR.

RAM - radar absorbent material

DSI - diverterless supersonic inlet

ECM - electronic countermeasure

MAW - missile approach warning

EW - electronic warfare
Turkey does not have a Beidou GPS satellite navigation system. Turkey also does not have thousands of short-range ballistic missiles and cruise missiles to bombard Vietnam's air defense network first. Only an amateur would compare Turkey to China. The two countries are in completely different classes.

you are right. But in time, China may yet match Turkey.
Ahem, let's try some Chinese logic.

A few losses are immaterial to China. China can manufacture a lot more J-10 fighters than you can possibly shoot down. That will not deter China from victory against Vietnam.

I really respect what you are so proud of Chinese but you are just too much to put your China goes up to heaven and reaching a clown. Sometimes, you have to slap to your face to see if your feet on the ground yet.

One thing I know for sure, what China military has right now still can not be compare what U.S Army for the past 38 years ago for QUANTITIES and QUALITY. Wake up and have a cup of coffee, hope it could help you.
Turkey does not have a Beidou GPS satellite navigation system. Turkey also does not have thousands of short-range ballistic missiles and cruise missiles to bombard Vietnam's air defense network first. Only an amateur would compare Turkey to China. The two countries are in completely different classes.

1. China would use ballistic, cruise, and MLRS missiles to destroy Vietnam's air defenses.

2. Chinese fighter wings will fly with EW escorts (see J-10B with EW pods below).

3. Chinese WZ-10 attack helicopter gunships would move methodically and annihilate remaining Vietnamese air defense systems as the PLA moves south.
1. Ballistic, cruise, and MLRS missiles are useless against mobile air defense of Viet Nam. You will be wasting thousand of your missiles on inflatable decoys that we set up on the ground for your satellite to ...see . You have no choice but to pound those dummy sites and waste all your ammo

2. Chinese fighters wings are just practice targets for our air defence network if you can't destroy our air defence network except pounding our inflatable decoys. Even the Pechora2t can send out false signals to attract your HARM in case if you happend to detect a real SAM site

3. WZ-10 attack helicopters are just practice target for the Igla-S of our infantrymen. Same thing can be said for your Type whatever tank from RPG-29

4. China won't even mobilize 10% of its conventional forces to attack a country like Viet Nam so once again VICTORY is absolute certain for us. Please come and try us:wave:
1. Ballistic, cruise, and MLRS missiles are useless against mobile air defense of Viet Nam. You will be wasting thousand of your missiles on inflatable decoys that we set up on the ground for your satellite to ...see . You have no choice but to pound those dummy sites and waste all your ammo

2. Chinese fighters wings are just practice targets for our air defence network if you can't destroy our air defence network except pounding our inflatable decoys. Even the Pechora2t can send out false signals to attract your HARM in case if you happend to detect a real SAM site

3. WZ-10 attack helicopters are just practice target for the Igla-S of our infantrymen. Same thing can be said for your Type whatever tank from RPG-29

4. China won't even mobilize 10% of its conventional forces to attack a country like Viet Nam so once again VICTORY is absolute certain for us. Please come and try us:wave:

Sensor technology has improved greatly in the last 40 years. You can't use 1970s U.S. technology for a comparison.

Multi-spectral sensors on Chinese weapon systems should be able to identify decoys.

I'm not saying that China won't suffer losses in a war. Losses are inevitable. However, the brunt of the losses will be on the much weaker side (e.g. Vietnam).

The United States inflicted horrible losses on Vietnam in the 1970s. Today's China possesses weapons that 1970s U.S. could only dream about. I expect China to inflict much heavier losses on the Vietnamese military than 1970s U.S.
Sensor technology has improved greatly in the last 40 years. You can't use 1970s U.S. technology for a comparison.

Multi-spectral sensors on Chinese weapon systems should be able to identify decoys.

I'm not saying that China won't suffer losses in a war. Losses are inevitable. However, the brunt of the losses will be on the much weaker side (e.g. Vietnam).

The United States inflicted horrible losses on Vietnam in the 1970s. Today's China possesses weapons that 1970s U.S. could only dream about. I expect China to inflict much heavier losses on the Vietnamese military than 1970s U.S.
Wow, so I guess the super duper hyper Chinese technologies are going to pick apart decoys from the real deal ...ok that aside

The terrain of Viet Nam favors the defenders. Again, you will be asked to answer what % of your conventional forces especially fighters and tanks that you will mobilize to attack Viet Nam and the numbers that you're willing to lose before you once again declare "victory" and withdraw .

For all the above reasons that I listed, Viet Nam is more than capable to inflict massive losses on the airforce and tank forces of China to make China simply declare "victory" and pack up. In the 1970's we fought completely without air cover from Migs, SAM,AAA against the U.S in the South. Our troops fought solely in the South whereas our air cover was based solely in North Viet Nam. If a war break out with China right now, don't even expect to see the same scenario like how we fought against the U.S in the 70's
if you look at the trade between china & US and how much money the US owe china.. you can understand why..
Vietnam government is collapsing because of crazy corruption. Nobody believes in the VCP anymore. Only the common Vietnamese are starving and exploited. This is why they are shrieking like monkeys over the South China Sea to divert domestic attention, making aggressive moves against China too.

Now is the best time for China to launch agent orange attacks on Vietnam. Vietnamese should be a deformed nation forever! Then Laotians, Khmer and Thai will all laugh at deformed Viets.
Turkey does not have a Beidou GPS satellite navigation system. Turkey also does not have thousands of short-range ballistic missiles and cruise missiles to bombard Vietnam's air defense network first. Only an amateur would compare Turkey to China. The two countries are in completely different classes.

1. China would use ballistic, cruise, and MLRS missiles to destroy Vietnam's air defenses.
China had ballistic missiles in 1979, and China dared not use it, so don't dream China has the guts to use it now :coffee:
2. Chinese fighter wings will fly with EW escorts (see J-10B with EW pods below).
This is J-10, right.........and one pilot died in vain in this tragedy:coffee:

Martian said:
3. Chinese WZ-10 attack helicopter gunships would move methodically and annihilate remaining Vietnamese air defense systems as the PLA moves south.
SO you mean your WZ-10 is even far greater that Turkey F-4 or US apache ? So Vn can't take it down ??
Vietnam government is collapsing because of crazy corruption. Nobody believes in the VCP anymore. Only the common Vietnamese are starving and exploited. This is why they are shrieking like monkeys over the South China Sea to divert domestic attention, making aggressive moves against China too.

Now is the best time for China to launch agent orange attacks on Vietnam. Vietnamese should be a deformed nation forever! Then Laotians, Khmer and Thai will all laugh at deformed Viets.

You got brainwashed by PRC for sure, if you talk about agent orange or chemical weapons, Viet Nam still has a lot left over from U.S during the war. If Chinese loves to get agent orange we more than welcome to give you FREE included NAPALM bombs.
Let me make this clear Martian2, we elected to spend $4 billion dollars on 6 Kilo submarines and its infrastructure instead of spending that $4 billion usd to get another 80 su-30 or 30 systems of S-300 is a clear answer to you that we're more than confident and capable of waging a land and air war with you.
China please take some body of your own size
like USA EU NATO India i would support that clearly

China vs PH that dont looks nice
like USA took against Iraq Saddam Libya Afghanistan they are not even worth or fighting for die for

USA should take China India RUssia to fight with
well Philippines dont trust USA that is true i even read newspaper how the USA treat the spartly island issue and also they are reopening base in PH,
partly it is the fault of China if they did not mess a round here there would no been USA and everything would have been peaceful now USA have a excuse to have a lot of presence in ASIA
^ Don't worry for nations like Philippines and Vietnam we won't use more than 10 nukes each. Try to limit to 5 megatons.
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