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Even a midget nuke strike will lead to massive retaliation, India warns Pak

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Ha Ha Ha....this Indian govt really makes me laugh.

They know that we have hands big enough to press the tiny pakistani chicken balls but we really lack the power to press the mighty chinese dragon balls, so the best way out is to deflect the attention from china to pakistan. :rofl:

So you think this is just a diversionary tactic as well? :pop:
its funny how Indian military leaders..politicians and intellectuals are shaking in their boots fraud of Pakistani nukes and statement after statement us released warning pakistan of le massive retaluation :lol:
while Pakistan is calm and relaxed about whatever nuclear capabilitiesor doctorine India has got.
no such warning or threatening statement is ever mae by a pakstani intellectual or military man.
now now who is nervous


This is just an attempt to divert attention from china to pakistan.

Indian govt is comfortable dealing with pakistan but uncomfortable dealing with china.

They know they can bash up pakistan anytime they want, they cant do the same to china. As I wrote above, pakistan is a punching bag for Indian politicians.

But who will tackle China? :sick:

So you think this is just a diversionary tactic as well? :pop:

My post was in simple english, yet you have to ask me the same thing again ?
Just out of interest ,what would india do if the indian army crossed the border and where nuked in pakistan.

See what i meant some people can't beat the habit of saying the same endeavour knowing perfectly it would only self destruct. Rather than fighting the enemy on it's own soil which there ancestors fought courageously, they would nuke there own country. See what i explained in post# 116.

Jamati's also have inherited the same signs i mentioned in my previous post.
Going of your logic if you have studied at a madrassa your a "baboon"

Osama bin ladin did not go to any madrassa
Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh went to the london school of economics
Sayeed Salahudeen studied at the University of Kashmir,
Ayman al-Zawahiri went Cairo University and has a master's degree in surgery

The indian propaganda media machine has got you indians believing that its a load of poor uneducated madrassa students who are the problem when the facts say otherwise.

More than anything I'm dismayed how some Indians use the term Baboon as a derogatory remark considering it's one of the idols in Hindu religion. !!
See what i meant some people can't beat the habit of saying the same endeavour knowing perfectly it would only self destruct. Rather than fighting the enemy on it's own soil which there ancestors fought courageously, they would nuke there own country. See what i explained in post# 116.

Answer the question.........what would you do if pakistan halted the march of the indian army on pakistani soil by nuking you in pakistan.

This is just an attempt to divert attention from china to pakistan.

Indian govt is comfortable dealing with pakistan but uncomfortable dealing with china.

They know they can bash up pakistan anytime they want, they cant do the same to china. As I wrote above, pakistan is a punching bag for Indian politicians.

But who will tackle China? :sick:

My post was in simple english, yet you have to ask me the same thing again ?

It was a rhetorical question. :lol:
So pakistan where fortune tellers in the 50s and had a prophecy that china would be a superpower?

Hold it....still there is long time left for the thing in bold to actually happen.
Headlines would be Pakistan just nuked it's own nation intentionally because they couldn't defend their nation on their own will.

Well by nuking attacking indian forces on pakistani soil we have defended ourselfs.

took the easy step of pressing the sissy button.

Of course you indians would never take the "sissy option" if it came to china....LOL

Hold it....still there is long time left for the thing in bold to actually happen.

But its happening a lot quicker then indian turning into a superpower.
When we were in the cold war, we too had ' specific' policies towards other nations that had nothing to with then USSR. You see that today too with 'specific' strategies towards Iran vs. N Korea or Syria. Walk and chew gum...a concept done by the have's and perhaps not by the have not's, else they would be concentrating in saving their ilk in Syria and not relying on Judea Christian country US to once again come in save it's people from their ruthless dictators. .

First of all US cold war policy has everything to do with the USSR, read up on the history before you blurt out random analogies. Also there is no such thing as judea Christian US that it a new concept that started in the 1940s around the time of ww2 that has no mention in the constitution and is only peddled forward today ironically by indian fobs on this forum such as yourself.

The majority of syrians have not asked for US help so I do not see why you bring them up. :offpost:
these Kind of statement Shows how pathetic you guys Do we give a rats azz No You can do whteve u want do who gives a sht :D ^Pakistan will use every thing available for the safeguard of the country
Why are Indians repeating the same threat again and again

Psychological reason is because they know deep down that they are not capable of doing that and out of fear keep repeating the warning to sound credible....... Do we Pakistani's look like some one who can be frightened by war or massive retaliation threats?
Reminds me of the famous million soldier march by the supa powa indian army............next time send them with equal number of balls...we don't kill faggots

Don't wish for something that you may live to regret

even then they will have shortage of balls.........i mean you can do your calculation....... :whistle:

This is just an attempt to divert attention from china to pakistan.

Indian govt is comfortable dealing with pakistan but uncomfortable dealing with china.

They know they can bash up pakistan anytime they want, they cant do the same to china. As I wrote above, pakistan is a punching bag for Indian politicians.

But who will tackle China? :sick:

My post was in simple english, yet you have to ask me the same thing again ?

what India cant handle is their sense of inferiority and needs to brave up a bit.
Cowards issue verbal threats over and over again...

I have to admire the genius of Indian nuclear strategists..
A country like Pakistan will only ever use midget nukes when no other options are left and their armed forces are being over run.In that case a small nuclear device may be detonated to hold the onslaught.
But with such a silly nuclear doctrine from India..Pakistan or China or any other adversary who reaches a point where nuclear weapon use id inevitable,they may now start with a missile on Bangalore,Delhi,Bombay and Calcutta...rather than firing one at the very people who came to fight them..
so in effect the Indian nuclear strategists are using their own civilians as nuclear shield for their armed forces which is shameful...
Its same as saying "If you want to kill a few thousands of our soldiers,you better kill a few hundred thousands of our civilians" .
what India cant handle is their sense of inferiority and needs to brave up a bit.
Cowards issue verbal threats over and over again...

Clarifying your nuclear policy cannot be called a threat.

And I repeat - Indian govt. will be happy if situation becomes India V/s Pakistan instead of the current India V/s China.

India is a free democracy..yeah and thats good...but its a shame that Indian army is completely sidelined when it comes to decision making.

Indian govt. must listen to the army. When army says, we need to show some aggression, govt must approve it. Aggression does not always mean war, just aggressive posturing.

Indian hard posturing in 1967 and 1986 made the chinese run away at lightning speed.
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