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Evangelicals Collbarate with Chinese Government to Convert Chinese

Thanks, I do however see Western Countries that have a strong bunch of followers with the pope and the Vatican.
Evangelical Christianity is the radical, pushy Christianity coming from USA.

Catholicism is associated with largely peaceful, humble countries like Latin America.

In fact, Catholic thought is associated with Marxism! Think Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro and Evo Morales.

Liberation theology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Evangelical Christianity is the radical, pushy Christianity coming from USA.

Catholicism is associated with largely peaceful, humble countries like Latin America.

In fact, Catholic thought is associated with communism! Think Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro and Evo Morales.

Liberation theology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thanks Sino, I'm muslim we have had similiar problems the saudis try to fund mosques in china my hometown I've stated before if you know anything about saudi funded mosques they are bad news, thankfully the CPC always rejected and funded it themselves. :D
SK is 30% christians, mostly protestentism. Thats what is spreading in china. Its called 'protestant work ethic', which spread in sk, is now chinese adopting.
Evangelical Christianity is the radical, pushy Christianity coming from USA.

Catholicism is associated with largely peaceful, humble countries like Latin America.

In fact, Catholic thought is associated with Marxism! Think Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro and Evo Morales.

Liberation theology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


I Agree, the many socialist leaders in south america. I don't think Castro is a catholic he said he was an atheist however there are catholic marxists.
I think 50/50 or at least 40% however South Korea is starting to get more evangelical South Koreans come to China as missionaries and try to spread separatism with the Koreans living here and try to convert them to be Christians.

Whether the Koreans from North or South, just deport all of them, since we don't need those parasites to live in our country. :coffee:
Whether the Koreans from North or South, just deport all of them, since we don't need those parasites to live in our country. :coffee:

I think there should be a ban on missionaries South Koreans, they will be deported if they try anything stupid in the mean time it would be best to keep sending the North Koreans that come to china back otherwise more will come only to find out 20 million of them on your border.
I think there should be a ban on missionaries South Koreans, they will be deported if they try anything stupid in the mean time it would be best to keep sending the North Koreans that come to china back otherwise more will come only to find out 20 million of them on your border.

We are behaving too nice with the illegal aliens, we should learn from US, just shoot em next time. :coffee:
We are behaving too nice with the illegal aliens, we should learn from US, just shoot em next time. :coffee:

Well the North Koreans the defectors get through the river, more drastic measures should be taken but I've met South Korean evangelicals I found them pretty annoying, I don't know why they are allowed to come in when their intentions are known ?
Well the North Koreans the defectors get through the river, more drastic measures should be taken but I've met South Korean evangelicals I found them pretty annoying, I don't know why they are allowed to come in when their intentions are known ?

We don't want to feed more useless people, just deport them all.

Furthermore, they can only cause more trouble within our border, since the crime rate has been increased with the increasing the illegal North Korean immigrants.
China wants to increase productivity of its worker and evangelicals want spread their faith . Protestant work ethic delivers both. Catholisism is dead in euro. Which r major catholic euro countries? Portugal, italy, greece, spain..do these countries sound familiar in current events?
We don't want to feed more useless people, just deport them all.

Furthermore, they can only cause more trouble within our border, since the crime rate has been increased with the increasing the illegal North Korean immigrants.

The south korean evangelicals usually like to convert the defectors to Christianity and offer them food, the south koreans also like to try and fan separatism with the koreans that already live here excluding the ones that come from North Korea, in short ban these people and get rid of the illegal north koreans.
China wants to increase productivity of its worker and evangelicals want spread their faith . Protestant work ethic delivers both. Catholisism is dead in euro. Which r major catholic euro countries? Portugal, italy, greece, spain..do these countries sound familiar in current events?

Both Protestant and Catholic are garbage, we don't need them. :coffee:

This article is spreading the garbage as well.
Christianity is another form of white supremacy. Anyone ever wondered why is that even though Westerners themselves don't even give a sh!t about bible/Christianity etc but they want "others" to follow it? Because Westerners think that Christianity is the only 'civilized' religion just as 'West' is the only 'civilized' nation .... Chinese better stop Christianity from spreading or else be ready to face another boxer revolution.

Plus : Many Muslims are soooooooooooooooooooooo dumb that they'll see hindus and Jews etc as their enemy whereas they don't even know that the REAL "enemy" of Islam is Christianity. Christians just want to eradicate Islam from the planet because Islam did to Christianity what Christianity does to others...i.e...Islam eradicated half of Christianity (The Church of East) from North Africa , Middle-East , and Asia Minor region ... Christianity couldn't get its 'revenge' but now Christianity is trying its BEST to damage Islam...But alas , Muslims will keep in their delusions of "Oh oh jews are this and hindus are this" ...:disagree:

Christians convert poor people from the society by remaining "under-ground" and all of a sudden you realize that your country now has a significant Christian population.. Here is a hint : This is what is happening IN Pakistan too .... Christians were no where to be seen in 1985 census data...Today they are the largest minority in Pakistan...Go figure!!!
Both Protestant and Catholic are garbage, we don't need them. :coffee:

This article is spreading the garbage as well.

Catholics are better, we have Christians in china they are very loyal to china. of course this is a troll thread.

China wants to increase productivity of its worker and evangelicals want spread their faith . Protestant work ethic delivers both. Catholisism is dead in euro. Which r major catholic euro countries? Portugal, italy, greece, spain..do these countries sound familiar in current events?

Spain, Portugal and Italy I believe.
Christianity is another form of white supremacy. Anyone ever wondered why is that even though Westerners themselves don't even give a sh!t about bible/Christianity etc but they want "others" to follow it? Because Westerners think that Christianity is the only 'civilized' religion just as 'West' is the only 'civilized' nation .... Chinese better stop Christianity from spreading or else be ready to face another boxer revolution.

Plus : Many Muslims are soooooooooooooooooooooo dumb that they'll see hindus and Jews etc as their enemy whereas they don't even know that the REAL "enemy" of Islam is Christianity. Christians just want to eradicate Islam from the planet because Islam did to Christianity what Christianity does to others...i.e...Islam eradicated half of Christianity (The Church of East) from North Africa , Middle-East , and Asia Minor region ... Christianity couldn't get its 'revenge' but now Christianity is trying its BEST to damage Islam...But alas , Muslims will keep in their delusions of "Oh oh jews are this and hindus are this" ...:disagree:

Christians convert poor people from the society by remaining "under-ground" and all of a sudden you realize that your country now has a significant Christian population.. Here is a hint : This is what is happening IN Pakistan too .... Christians were no where to be seen in 1985 census data...Today they are the largest minority in Pakistan...Go figure!!!

The true Christianity in the history has evolved into Islam, since both Jesus and Muhammad are the great prophets.

The white supremacists have built their own propaganda machine to brainwash their own citizens under the name of Christianity, and i bet that Jesus must piss off if he heard them to talk so much bullsh!t story about his personal backgroud, for example the Son of God. :coffee:
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