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European Nations End Weapons Embargo, Creating Path to Arming Syrian Rebels

a jordanian tralking about poverty. hahahahahaha
We aren't as rich as GCC but we live much better than you guys, although we have no natural resources.
you are killing each other and we are enjoying. no one in iran hates each other. we have never killed each other like you guys.

long live assad!

Haven't your parents told you that lying is bad? Check the next, and don't forget to check Mojahedi Khalk, Jundo Allah, and Kurdish rebels. :) Actually I live a good life and no one killing anybody nor in GCC but we are the one who are enjoying your suffering not the other way around.

Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the leader of the revolution, stated that "60,000 men, women and children were martyred by the Shah's regime," and this number appears in the constitution of the Islamic Republic. A larger number of "70,000 martyrs and 100,000 wounded ... fought to destroy the rotten monarchy," has been given by a member of the Iranian parliament.

More recently, tabulation by Emad al Din Baghi, a researcher at the Martyrs Foundation (Bonyad Shahid) found a far lower number of casualties. Baghi found that between 1963 and 1979, there were 3164 dead among the anti-Shah movement. In Iran, the Martyrs Foundation, established after the revolution to compensate the survivors of fallen revolutionaries, could identify only 744 martyrs in Tehran, where the majority of the casualties were supposed to have occurred. The coroner's office and Tehran's main cemetery, Behesht-e Zahra, counted 895 and 768 martyrs, respectively.

According to historian Ervand Abrahamian, revolutionary courts executed more than 8000 opponents between June 1981 and June 1985. These were mainly members of the Mojahedin-e Khalq, but also included.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/middle...ath-arming-syrian-rebels-2.html#ixzz2Ub8irknB
Just so you know, Jordan never had the luxury to go welfare due to the over-flood of refugees from Iraq, Palestine, and today Syria. The Jordanian people have proven to be very generous, unlike some other terrorist regimes which seek nothing but destroying others' countries. And let me tell you something sunshine, if the fanatic mullahs tried to mess with Jordan, if and only if, then believe me, we will go after you.

They never dared to mess with us, despite our direct contribution in Saddam's holy war, they don't have sellouts in Jordan so they just can cry a river:

We aren't as rich as GCC but we live much better than you guys, although we have no natural resources.

Haven't your parents told you that lying is bad? Check the next, and don't forget to check Mojahedi Khalk, Jundo Allah, and Kurdish rebels. :) Actually I live a good life and no one killing anybody nor in GCC but we are the one who are enjoying your suffering not the other way around.

Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the leader of the revolution, stated that "60,000 men, women and children were martyred by the Shah's regime," and this number appears in the constitution of the Islamic Republic. A larger number of "70,000 martyrs and 100,000 wounded ... fought to destroy the rotten monarchy," has been given by a member of the Iranian parliament.

More recently, tabulation by Emad al Din Baghi, a researcher at the Martyrs Foundation (Bonyad Shahid) found a far lower number of casualties. Baghi found that between 1963 and 1979, there were 3164 dead among the anti-Shah movement. In Iran, the Martyrs Foundation, established after the revolution to compensate the survivors of fallen revolutionaries, could identify only 744 martyrs in Tehran, where the majority of the casualties were supposed to have occurred. The coroner's office and Tehran's main cemetery, Behesht-e Zahra, counted 895 and 768 martyrs, respectively.

According to historian Ervand Abrahamian, revolutionary courts executed more than 8000 opponents between June 1981 and June 1985. These were mainly members of the Mojahedin-e Khalq, but also included.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/middle...ath-arming-syrian-rebels-2.html#ixzz2Ub8irknB

That doesn't change reality. The Jordanians are enjoying their life, and if you go to the GCC you will see how much of a contribution these so-called POOR Jordanians -he was talking about- have made to their fellow friends and allies, and that also is helping Jordan itself to develop, so I would say it's a win-win situation bro.

They never dared to mess with us, despite our direct contribution in Saddam's holy war, they don't have sellouts in Jordan so they just can cry a river:


Not to mention kicking their a$$es when they proposed to give Jordan some oil :omghaha:
That doesn't change reality. The Jordanians are enjoying their life, and if you go to the GCC you will see how much of a contribution these so-called POOR Jordanians -he was talking about- have made to their fellow friends and allies, and that also is helping Jordan itself to develop, so I would say it's a win-win situation bro.

Not to mention kicking their a$$es when they proposed to give Jordan some oil :omghaha:
@Feyen and Iranians have lost hope in Assad victory, so they are turning into "Arabs are finishing eachothers and we enjoy watching that", so they don't give us the satisfaction over the BIG victory. Well, I'll make sure they will not have that satisfaction either. However, if you ask me whether I enjoy watching Iranians suffer or not, my answer is, I don't but there is no other way to stop their lunatic regime, either they topple it or just suffer until they do so.
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Now the west are "friends of terrorists"? Hmmm.
I hope really Russia walks the talk this time, when a first gun is passed to so called Syrian opposition.
More terrorism and more innocent people killed at the hand of these terrorist while more young under age girls for the fat khaleeji sheikhs.

One day there will be free gulf army funded and armed by the same Europeans.
One day there will be free gulf army funded and armed by the same Europeans.

Tiny, puts it's nose into everything Qatar is sitting on top of 17 trillion $ worth of oil and gas. Coincidentally, this is the same amount that the US debt comes out at.

There were already some open accusations from the French MP's about Qatar backing rebels in Mali. Additionally, Africa just won't go quiet, with the deserts of southern Libya being proclaimed a potential safe haven for terrorists.

France calls for action against Islamists in southern Libya | Reuters

And now it seems a rift is opening in relations with the US as well. Aparently the "Syrian National Coalition" has too many Islamists in it.
You could also view the lifting of the embargo as a last ditch attempt to arm the "moderates" (if such a thing exists in Syria), in contrast to the more extremist ones that have been armed by some Arab countries.
Or, you could also view this as another card in the game of how to kill each other best.

In one camp, said the officials, are Qatar and Turkey, whose leaders are supportive of a political Islam that is gaining hold in Egypt, Syria, Tunisia and Libya. Qatar and Turkey have shown particular support for the Muslim Brotherhood, the Islamist movement whose politicians now dominate the governments in Cairo and Tunis and are active in Syria's opposition.

A second camp is led by Saudi Arabia, the U.A.E. and Jordan, Sunni monarchies whose royal families are hostile toward the Muslim Brotherhood and its potential for destabilizing their own political and economic systems, said these officials.

U.S. Grapples With Rift Among Mideast Allies - WSJ.com

Btw, good to see you back, always a pleasure reading your posts and the dry humour they contain. I lol'd hard at the contribution of 0 to science today.
Very good guys,very good.Hate each other as much as possible,after all we are all born to hate each other.

People really go mad on internet,I hope in reality,there is some difference.

Anyone surprised for European or American hypocrisy? Good 'Muslim' terrorists killing other Muslims and bad 'Muslim' terrorists killing westerners? Good Al-Qaeda (fighting against Soviets) and bad Al-Qaeda (fighting against Americans)?
Qatar will pay 1 day, USA will not protect them forever, they have betrayed and backstabbed the entire region, been meddling in affairs of much bigger countries even standing against Russia as if Qatar is anything compared to Russia.
Qatar will pay 1 day, USA will not protect them forever, they have betrayed and backstabbed the entire region, been meddling in affairs of much bigger countries even standing against Russia as if Qatar is anything compared to Russia.

How much time will it take for Russia to put a Russian "Smerch" in every Qatari behind?? They are playing like a true american pawn? America is not dependent on GCC oil anymore and that means they will be least bothered to invest in GCC security. Time for Arabs to play attention kiddos is running out very fast.
The GCC is a joke. As much as I, as a Turk, am against the whole Assad-Iran-(Shiites) alliance, you guys are right about the gulf arabs. I don't care how much money or oil they have. The west just lets them be and spend all their money on western arms because they don't want to lift their finger. In reality, if idiotic dictatorships like Qatar keep funding terrorist groups, such as in Syria, Mali, and probably Libya, it'll only take a matter of days for the West and it's friends to cripple the GCC. Don't get excited.

On-Topic: Unfortunately this embargo being lifted won't do much. The West is already starting to back-track because they're scared about the Islamists. The so-called moderates got slaughtered waiting for weapons and their arab "brothers" to come help them. Poor guys, rest in peace. I wish they had been helped before the revolution was hijacked.
just wait
Russia will betrayed syria & west will betrayed the rebel
assad & FSA will kill each other
Zionist : Great our plan is success

no more syria in future..........just ash.......................
How much time will it take for Russia to put a Russian "Smerch" in every Qatari behind?? They are playing like a true american pawn? America is not dependent on GCC oil anymore and that means they will be least bothered to invest in GCC security. Time for Arabs to play attention kiddos is running out very fast.
In fact, the US will never be energy dependent at all. Nowadays, it consumes 20 million barrel a day and the figure is expected to jump up in the next decade to 10 million barrel a day. In one way or another, the US will have to secure another energy sources overseas ,but I highly suspect that the US will remain that active in the ME anyway ,which is a good thing to us if you ask me.
I don't get the rational of the French and Brits, what do they think they will gain from this?
If they are thinking of small arms then it won't do too much since it seems the FSA has those in abundance. On the other hand if they mean MANPADS, especially Anti air missiles, then it's pretty stupid considering such past endeavors.

Is it just a way to pressure Russia away from supplying advanced weapons?
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