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Europe Spring - 2023

Wait til winter
It’s not going to be pretty for europeans in fall/winter. They’ve bitten more than they can chew.
Siding with usa means you’re done……expect usa to leave you high and dry……feel sorry for those who will be affected by this game by international globalists. They forced russia to do this. Now suffer the consequences.
UK will suffer its own crisis so don’t depend on it either.
ruining EU economies is most successful thing biden admin have done so far. all the others are failures.
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Russia has not the monopoly of European energy.
Russia has the monopoly of European CHEAP energy.

There are a lot of alternative energy source for Europe but none of them can be as cheap as Russian source due to its proximity and existing infrastructure. Russian energy has been one of the main reasons that European manufacturing powerhouse in Germany can maintain its competitiveness in the international market. Germany is the engine room of European economy, if it goes into recession, the rest of Europe will be worse.
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