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EU warns against ban on Geo

The EU has not meddled in you internal affairs....all they are saying is if your country restricts freedom of expression,they are just going to take away the special provision they have been giving your country....they have full rights to stop any special thing that they are giving you.

Interfering in your affairs would be when they say we will put trade sanctions/or stop trade if you do not unban tje media group....

All they have said was -you got to pay tax like everyone else if you hinder freedom of expreasion in your country...simple
mind yr business.

Sir, While I totally agree with the need for freedom of the press in order to have a well functioning democratic system, I do not know enough about GEO organizations to weigh in. I believe that freedom of the press also brings with it the need for the press to be responsible and honest educators of the citizens. If GEO is not that, then they are not helping the cause, they are hurting it. I don't think the USA government should get involved, especially this USA government. The Obama administration only supports a US press that carries water for Obama. I would not want to trust the Obama administration to recognize a free and unbiased press if they saw it. Let Pakistanis create and support a free press, if they want one.
No, I didn't know you but understand your mindset and mentality from Bangladesh, you can say Canadian-Bangladeshi citizen. You admit it before.

Get lost, please? :enjoy:
personal attacks is your cup of tea, so please carry on with your peripheries of whimsical ecstasy,
for I have already wasted more then what was worth of mine precious time, with your erraticism filled nugatory of any objectivity

Sir, While I totally agree with the need for freedom of the press in order to have a well functioning democratic system, I do not know enough about GEO organizations to weigh in. I believe that freedom of the press also brings with it the need for the press to be responsible and honest educators of the citizens. If GEO is not that, then they are not helping the cause, they are hurting it. I don't think the USA government should get involved, especially this USA government. The Obama administration only supports a US press that carries water for Obama. I would not want to trust the Obama administration to recognize a free and unbiased press if they saw it. Let Pakistanis create and support a free press, if they want one.

Sir, over here the issue isn't about the Freedom of Press so much as it is about the Freedom to Slander and the violation of the by-laws of the Regulatory Body that one agreed to and then deflecting criticism by howling about the Freedom of the Press to appear as a martyr for a righteous cause !
Sir, over here the issue isn't about the Freedom of Press so much as it is about the Freedom to Slander and the violation of the by-laws of the Regulatory Body that one agreed to and then deflecting criticism by howling about the Freedom of the Press to appear as a martyr for a righteous cause !

Then, I hope that the Pakistani system has procedures to cope with media transgressors. If they slander, then those who are slandered should take them to court for damages. If they violate the terms of their license then the licensing agency should punish them by fines, suspensions, ownership changes or non-renewal of their license.
No, I didn't know you but understand your mindset and mentality from Bangladesh, you can say Canadian-Bangladeshi citizen. You admit it before.

Get lost, please? :enjoy:

He is Bihari not Bengali. Although I agree with the last part, idk why he supporting geo so hard body.
For European Union we have only one thing to say Go to hell EU #BanGeo #HangGeo
Then, I hope that the Pakistani system has procedures to cope with media transgressors. If they slander, then those who are slandered should take them to court for damages. If they violate the terms of their license then the licensing agency should punish them by fines, suspensions, ownership changes or non-renewal of their license.

Actually their license has been suspended by the agency in charge of such things but whether or not it will be permanent is the question.
Then, I hope that the Pakistani system has procedures to cope with media transgressors. If they slander, then those who are slandered should take them to court for damages. If they violate the terms of their license then the licensing agency should punish them by fines, suspensions, ownership changes or non-renewal of their license.

They - the Ministry of Defense - has already taken them to the regulatory body which in turn will move the Court !

In the meantime the different media groups that were the rivals of this accused media group saw an opportunity to engage in the same marathon transmissions about analyzing and over-analyzing that bordered on slander just like the accused media group did with the ISI and by extension the Army - Thats whats made a mess of this situation !

That and the failure of the accused media group to even acknowledge that they've done something wrong - In their Opinion a marathon transmission where every accusation under the sun is thrown about against the Security Apparatus of the Country and the photograph of its Head is repeatedly shown as if hes on the Most Wanted List simply amounts to 'Broadcasting News' even if both the Constitution and the by-laws of the regulatory body explicitly say otherwise as do Journalistic Ethics hence why they've been criticized from responsible people from within the journalistic community !
Where was EU when Geo were spreading hatred against minorities? EU, USA etc, these guys are such hypocrites.

Ban GEO.
Armstrong, Sir, I can only offer an additional "American" technique for dealing with the GEO folks: (1) Find out who the real human being owners are, and (2) audit their tax liabilities with a very fine-toothed comb, and (3) fine them into extinction or throw them in jail. Obama would like to do this to Fox News and Rupert Murdock, but Murdock has too many barrels of ink and too many radio and TV stations to overcome!
He is Bihari not Bengali. Although I agree with the last part, idk why he supporting geo so hard body.

Just delusional bro, he doesn't know anything regarding GEO. Last time, he changed mind to support Bangladesh then India and then Pakistan and now back to Canada, he just working hard to believe himself as proud Canadian citizen to avoid Asian citizens, lol.
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