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Erdogan turns back to Europe...

75%-80% FDI into turkey comes from EU and USA.Its tourism depends to a major extent on travellers from these regions and EU accounts for 45% of its exports(foreign trade being ~ 50% of its GDP).So erdogan rhetoric about moving away from europe is just classic populist wishwashing.In case of a major rift with europe due to erdo fanaticism,both would suffer a bit,but effects on turkish economy would be devastating.
Nothing wrong there. I believe Erdoğan is a smart politician, to be a politician you have to be a good liar, and be able to use whatever means you have to secure your power base and forward your interest and that of the country when necessary. That's politics for you.
So I don't see anything wrong in what Erdoğan has done, contrary to what some people might think.
During the flight back to Turkey from a trip to africa Erdogan gave a interview.
He claimed that the relation between Germany and Turkey have improved a lot the last weeks... after the release of some political prisoners with german passport and turkish background.
Most important sentence.. "we are forced to reduce our enemys and increase our friends" ... no more Nazi claiming and terrorist supporter claims, he wants good relations with the EU and all EU member states ... source T-online claiming a interview done by turkish Hürriyet

can some turkish member confirm the claims from T-online? What force Erdogan to make a 180° turn?


Not unlike Trump change his tone on North Korea almost daily. Cannot count how many times he changes from one extreme to another about China since assuming presidency.
Nothing wrong there. I believe Erdoğan is a smart politician, to be a politician you have to be a good liar, and be able to use whatever means you have to secure your power base and forward your interest and that of the country when necessary. That's politics for you.
So I don't see anything wrong in what Erdoğan has done, contrary to what some people might think.

Literally anyone is better then Theresa May. :lol:
There is no U-turn,we knew this was going to happen,all that anti Europe rethoric was only for Turkish voters,elections are over so back to business as usual.
Meanwhile, Europeans have written Erdogan off as a basket case.
I doubt, there will be any improved relations until he is out of the picture.
People will not forget his insults.
he's just a barking clown that we laugh at here and there listening to bullshit stories. nothing else.
I doubt, there will be any improved relations until he is out of the picture.
People will not forget his insults.
That's what people said when the Turks downed that Su-24, now the Russians are selling S-400 to Turkey...
The geopolitical scene can be so unpredictable at times.
Merkel used the anti-Erdogan/Turkish rethoric for her election too... everyone is happy in the End...
But both sides knows that Turkey in EU is no more... well I think they didn't really wanted it in the first place... since Veto were used since decades... mostly by France's past Presidents...

Anyway back in realPolitics... Enjoy the Show...
Not unlike Trump change his tone on North Korea almost daily. Cannot count how many times he changes from one extreme to another about China since assuming presidency.

Donald Trump is the ultimate con man and a clown.

All politicians lie or exaggerate to some extent or another, he however has taken it to an entirely new level.
Europe and Turkey need each other.

Now that elections are over in Europe, both sides can get back to business.
That's what people said when the Turks downed that Su-24, now the Russians are selling S-400 to Turkey...
The geopolitical scene can be so unpredictable at times.
Business is business, and EU countries will be doing business with Turkey regardless of Erdogan.
Politically, Turkey is in the freezer until Erdogan is gone, but that does not rule out deals
that are enforced by circumstances.
Politicians change their statements like underwear. Erdogan despises Europe for its imperialist past as well as continuing hypocrisy, racism and xenophobia. That doesn't mean he won't try to improve relations with them though. Wars --be it economic or the kind that's fought with weapons-- require financing, influence and cunning. Erdogan is smart enough to keep his friends close, and his enemies closer.
The Greeks have been lazy in their approach to border control, the border between turkey and Greece is a major point of entry for irregular migrants into central europe.

The Mediterranean Sea is a major financial and critical transit route for migrants from north Africa and Syria.

Europe needs turkey just as much as turkey needs Europe. In the coming months after brexit, I expect there to be increased interest on the part of Europe to reach out to Turkey under proposals listed in the European Neighbourhood Policy review 2017.

Europe relies on turkey to expedite the return of migrants and ebb the flow into Greece. Increased maritime patrols along the med and a stable eastern border.

Things are looking positive for Turkey. with the departure of Britain, the EUs main member with the power to veto further integration has been removed.

Whilst EU may not admit Turkey into the EU straight away and may consider further cooperation agreements to sweeten the pot, the future EU seeks to reclaim it's importance on the global stage to counter the view that it stands greatly diminished by the departure of the UK.

Good luck Turkey!
Politicians change their statements like underwear. Erdogan despises Europe for its imperialist past as well as continuing hypocrisy, racism and xenophobia. That doesn't mean he won't try to improve relations with them though. Wars --be it economic or the kind that's fought with weapons-- require financing, influence and cunning. Erdogan is smart enough to keep his friends close, and his enemies closer.
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