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Why do you keep using that word? You're as much of a 'sand nigger' as dani is

unbelievable...seeing anyone outside of western europe or north america try to act like a straight up racist white weeb has to be the cringiest thing ever

Did you miss all the racist BS uttered by your beloved Dani against Pakistanis?
. .
Why do you keep using that word? You're as much of a 'sand nigger' as dani is

unbelievable...seeing anyone outside of western europe or north america try to act like a straight up racist white weeb has to be the cringiest thing ever

The term sand neggro is specifically designed for people who are from sand countries with a "sand appearance" if u know what I mean and its obviously clear that Turkey has not sand and also not that appearance, we have nothing to do with these subhumans. I havent seen that word used against Turks in any way and being a weeb has nothing to do with being western or na. East Asia has quite a lot of influence on Turks via Animes and KPOP and thats just the way it is. Ur the one drawing parallels between us and the euros/americans and thats ur problem, not mine.
The term sand neggro is specifically designed for people who are from sand countries with a "sand appearance" if u know what I mean and its obviously clear that Turkey has not sand and also not that appearance. I havent seen that word used against Turks in any way and being a weeb has nothing to do with being western or na. East Asia has quite a lot of influence on Turks via Animes and KPOP and thats just the way it is. Ur the one drawing parallels between us and the euros/americans and thats ur problem, not mine.

walking talking cringefest - trying to justify his racist weeb behavior..now that's something

i've seen greeks and cypriots called 'sand niggers' by wasps here. you think you're any different? LOL
you know what they say about 2 wrongs and how they add up

So literally some Non-Muslim from an Arab country is crying that I am a terrorist (for liking Turkey and other Muslim countries) and making takfir on other Muslim countries, but you are only concerned when our Turk brother calls him a sand n-gger?

Go back through the thread and read it. Then come back.
So literally some Non-Muslim from an Arab country is crying that I am a terrorist (for liking Turkey and other Muslim countries) and making takfir on other Muslim countries, but you are only concerned when our Turk brother calls him a sand n-gger?

Go back through the thread and read it. Then come back.
i know damn well that dani will get banned or punished eventually but that weeb won't - that's why i'd rather call out the weeb for acting up like a wasp racist
walking talking cringefest - trying to justify his racist weeb behavior..now that's something

i've seen greeks and cypriots called 'sand niggers' by wasps here. you think you're any different? LOL

There is nothing wrong from reminding arabs where they stand and Greeks are not Turks I also never saw Greeks being called that way, that must be u projecting again. That term really gets u, awalys. I asume you got confronted with that term, ehhh? :D
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There is nothing from with reminding arabs where they stand

What? 'where they stand'??? What kind of a point is that? Holy fudge you must be real sad to think that you have some pedestal to stand on and feel like you can behave like that, weeb.

Greeks are not Turks I also never saw Greeks being called that way

They were called wogs in the last century and in this century they found a new word for them - go figure.

It gets to me when I see some sad weeb do it. That's where the buttons really get pushed. Go back to watching those wapanese cartoons of yours kid cause your messed in the head. Trying to justify a racist imitation of anime obsessed wasps on this forum - now that's not right at all.
arabs are disgusting creatures and its a known fact that these subhumans deserve to be called out for their behaviour, there is nothing wrong with it.

you will have to accept that we will remind certain folks of their place

Trash talk and intense prejudice against another like this can never be justified - ever. You've got problems (like most weebs).

not mine and im not imitating any "wasp" here, using an anime profile and shitting on arabs for their behaviour is now imitating westerners or what, someone must have shit on ur brain that ur projecting so much bullshit.

This isn't even projecting at this point. This is a 1:1 copy of how racist wasps behave on the internet - top to bottom. Lose the attitude weeb and look in the mirror - maybe that oughta give a better picture.
Trash talk and intense prejudice against another like this can never be justified - ever. You've got problems (like most weebs).

It can and it will and u will learn to understand this lol

This isn't even projecting at this point. This is a 1:1 copy of how racist wasps behave on the internet - top to bottom. Lose the attitude weeb and look in the mirror - maybe that oughta give a better picture.

The problem with you is that ur indeed projecting, Turks have been using anime profiles for a very long time, I for example have been active on various platforms for almost a decade and have often used anime profiles and back then that term "weeb" wasnt even used. Ur cringe with drawing parallels with wasps, get that out of ur brain and accept from now that there are also Turks using anime profiles while shitting on arabs,armenians,greeks.
It can and it will and u will learn to understand this lol
If this is normal to you then I truly wonder where it goes from there on...

, I for example have been active on various platforms for almost a decade and have often used anime profiles

You must be real proud to even bother mentioning this. There really isn't a limit as to how low this gets doesn't it?
This really is something..
Why do you keep using that word? You're as much of a 'sand nigger' as dani is

unbelievable...seeing anyone outside of western europe or north america try to act like a straight up racist white weeb has to be the cringiest thing ever
These turkified anatolian apes don’t know they are using an insult that is used against all Muslims but maybe these animals forgot that and they think that are nordics or Anglo saxons:lol: also this animal use the word subhuman because he knows that these are his people what’s why he likes to through is filth on the others:lol:
If this is normal to you then I truly wonder where it goes from there on...

You must be real proud to even bother mentioning this. There really isn't a limit as to how low this gets doesn't it?
This really is something..

Its normal and its a harsh reality, there is a reason why arabs made themself so unsympathetic in the eyes of Turks and the pov I share will only increase in the coming times. Arabs can blame themself for that.


@Constantin84 I don't really care what you think.

Bosnia, Kosovo, and Albania are much better countries than any other in the Balkans. I know alot of great leaders of those countries and I have many friends from those countries. Alija Izetbekovic is the best.

You guys only dislike them because they are Muslim countries in Europe, which goes against your propaganda that Islam is foreign to the region.

I find it interesting you take up for Iran, one Islamophobe and a European fascist defending an Islamic Republic. Actually we know who is the enemy of Islam and who is our friend very well.

kosovo , better than other countries in that area . are you kidding us?
Not really you scumbag and fake Islamist donkey don’t you know that San bigger is racist western slur used also against Pakistani but it’s amazing how scum like you sucking up to these Anatolian animals that he even gives them green light when they call his Pakistani people sand niggers

Also I am stating a fact not making takfir you lying scum that most Albanians don’t give a fk about your Arab religion or Islamist lol.

Sorry again loser you are Indian while they are Anatolian who have nothing to do with you difference between you and them like the difference between Nigeria and France :lol:


Get ready for your next ban. You deserve to be called that and much worse honestly.

Coming on a Pakistani forum to be racist against Pakistan, can't get more obsessed then that.

camel fucking bedoin sand nigger nothing is going to change that reality, u are subhumans and this is a natural all known fact :D

He has problems being called insults, apparently has many admirers, but feels absolutely no shame calling others donkey, terrorist, Africans.

Biggest hypocrite I have seen in a long time.
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