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Erdogan purpose for international peace keeping force in Palestine

If you really think that Hamas is killing civilians for fun then I have bridge to sell you? There are reports that Israel has implanted its agents in Gaza who, from time to time, lob some rockets into Israel, directly or through gullible desperate locals. Then of course Israel 'retaliates' MASSIVELY killing innocent people; that causes a 'reaction'...and thus the cycle continues. Which serves Israel well.

The main goal of Israel has ALWAYS BEEN to grab as much land as possible. They WANT to make the Palestinians move to Jordan--the 'real Palestine'--thus about duplicating the 'Reservations' model for the Native North Indians..But Israelis can't--not in this century. So they will instead 'dehumanize' the Palestinians--as 'savages' and 'terrorists'.

Besides, the real game is/was in the W. Bank..and Israeli land grab there speaks volumes about their true nature and intentions. The Israelis are the true savages here!!

The only reason why You think You may have a bridge to sell, is that You bought it yourself.

Hamas is not killing civilians for fun, they are killing civilians out of hatred.
They are killing their own civilians, which oppose their rule.
They are killing Israeli civilians in ways that violate the Geneva Conventions.
  • The attackers are dressed in civilian clothes - war crime.
  • The attackers are attacking purely civilian targets - war crime
  • Indiscriminate rocket attacks on population centers - crime against humanity
  • They do not separate their forces from civilians - war crime
  • They use protected areas like hospitals and UN buildings for military purposes - war crime
  • They refuse elections after they were elected - despicable
  • They use civilians as shields, making it legal for Israelis to kill Palestinian civilians.
  • They booby trap civilian housing, making it legal for Israel to destroy any civilian house.
The truth is that Hamas are violating every rule in the book.

Israel is certainly grabbing land on the West Bank, and they are in many cases doing it legally,
A) because the Israeli use old Ottoman Laws which were created to allow Muslims to do ethnic cleansing of the Ottoman Empire. Settlers trying to occupy land outside those laws are regularily rejected by the Israeli Supreme Court.
B) because most of the land was grabbed before the Palestinian Authority signed the Geneva Convention, and thus they are not allowed the protection of the Geneva Convention until that signature.
C) The Palestinians and Israelis have signed an agreement which divides up the West Bank.

The Palestinians are unlikely to win a legal battle, they should focus on trying to get justice,
which is not always the same thing.
They are unlikely to get justice as long as they insist on unacceptable terms.
You seem you know a lot, could you show me that law?
because the Israeli use old Ottoman Laws which were created to allow Muslims to do ethnic cleansing of the Ottoman Empire.
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You seem you know a lot, could you show me that law?

There is a BBC documentary about Palestine under the Ottoman Empire,
but I do not remember its name.
I believe it refers to:

The key part of the law is:
Arazi Mevat is land that nobody has claimed ownership of which has subsequently been neglected and remains uncultivated"

Wiki is not sufficiently detailed here.
Ownership of land under the Ottoman Empire was not absolute. This means that if you leave your land or do not use it, ownership is transferred to the state.

Israels supreme court has ruled that as an occupying power, they are not allowed to impose Israeli Law on the West Bank, and using British Law or Jordan Law is also not applicable, so the Ottoman Law is the one to use for any legal dispute.

As the occupying power, the Israeli Supreme Court has ruled that in the lack of a state, Israel is the closest thing, so if anyone abandons their land, ownership is transferred to the state of Israel.

Ownership of rocky hilltops, not used for agriculture can, according to this line of argument be transferred to the state of Israel, and thus legally be used for settlements.

The Ottoman Empire used this law to legally claim land after ethnically cleansing of the neighbourhood. Now the same law is used by the Israeli.
There is a BBC documentary about Palestine under the Ottoman Empire,
but I do not remember its name.
I believe it refers to:
I want you to show me the exact law citing an actual document from archives, that allows Muslims to ethnic cleansing. Not some BBC documentary or Wikipedia. These are no source.
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Yo people here are blaming Hamas for Israeli killing
1) Israeli has occupied and killed phalestanians for 70 years
2) there is no such thing as Israeli civilians ( those who came stole your home and let their soldiers kill whoever they want are not civilians and should die )
3) all Israel Night raids / rape / abuse / kill of unarmed people is OKAY but Hamas launching random rockets is bad and justifies these actions that's BS my friend

It's been over 70 years of massacres against phalestanians and now I see people blaming then for even a minor part of what's going on that's pathetic

By your guys logic I will slaughter your whole family and enslave your daughters because you stared badly at me and hurt my feelings
See I'm justified LOL
I want you to show me the exact law citing an actual document from archives, that allows Muslims to ethnic cleansing. Not some BBC documentary or Wikipedia. These are no source.

Why don’t you look at the sources in the Wikipedia article. There you have the full text.
Wikipedia pages with sources are perfectly OK for everyone literate.
Why don’t you look at the sources in the Wikipedia article. There you have the full text.
Wikipedia pages with sources are perfectly OK for the everyone literate.
I have exact sources regarding your claims, claims that allows Muslims to ethnic cleansing, that's why I want you show me an actual source but if you are going to write some non-existent laws from your behind then no point to ask you.
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From the Ottoman Landcode

”But if a person does not open up the place which
has been taken and transferred to him with the per-
mission of the official in order to be opened up as
aforesaid, and leaves it for three years in its past state
'without valid excuse, it shall be given to another.”

All the Ottoman Empire had to do was to run away the local population and keep them away for three years, and then they could lawfully take over the land.
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hahahaaha lol its useless force nothing will happen or change killing will continue , IDF will even kill the peacekeepers and no one will dare to say a word those who will go will have there coffined seal already and the situation for gaza will never change
From the Ottoman Landcode

”But if a person does not open up the place which
has been taken and transferred to him with the per-
mission of the official in order to be opened up as
aforesaid, and leaves it for three years in its past state
'without valid excuse, it shall be given to another.”

All the Ottoman Empire had to do was to run away the local population and keep them away for three years, and then they could lawfully take over the land.

Off course thats why the middle east is a mess. Your baseless merge don't have a end.
Off course thats why the middle east is a mess. Your baseless merge don't have a end.

The Middle East is in a mess because of people like You stick their head in the sand whenever things dont work out to their pleasure.
The Middle East is in a mess because of people like You stick their head in the sand whenever things dont work out to their pleasure.

The middle east is faked up because likes of you, defending israel against palastines, the most stupid arguments trying to defend the occupations.
The middle east is faked up because likes of you, defending israel against palastines, the most stupid arguments trying to defend the occupations.

International Law is an obstacle which is not appreciated by people preferring the Law of the Jungle, I agree on that.
The middle east is faked up because likes of you, defending israel against palastines, the most stupid arguments trying to defend the occupations.
Don't give that creature a microphone lol
The Middle East is in a mess because of people like You stick their head in the sand whenever things dont work out to their pleasure.
I would say situation in Syria changed very quickly from favorable to unfavorable. Kuridish factor change the ground reality where after the emergence of ISIS , NATO brought in Kurds to counter ISIS. It was totally uncoordinated effort to topple Assad.
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