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Erdogan is back

What’s the point of this argument?

It is human nature for people to like others that they do not see as a threat, who they see as deferential or submissive.

In reality, Chinese history is much deeper than Japans or Korea’s and modern Chinese tech is way more advanced. But white people will never acknowledge this or give Chinese people an ounce of credit. Why? Because China threatens their dominance. It’s that simple.

IMO Chinese people should wear their pure hatred as a badge of honor. Unlike Japan or South Korea at least China stands against the west as an equal and peer competitor.

Back to the topic, I think China should help Erdogan to re-establish his Neo-Ottoman dream.

A Neo-Ottoman empire will first be more devastating to the ecosystem of NATO, not preliminary to China.
Back to the topic, I think China should help Erdogan to re-establish his Neo-Ottoman dream.

A Neo-Ottoman empire will first be more devastating to the ecosystem of NATO, not preliminary to China.
Erdogan has shown many times that he is two faced and can’t be trusted. There is literally no leader that has managed to piss off as many countries and backtracked or flip flopped on his positions as many times as he has.

If China helps him rebuild a neo Ottoman Empire the next thing he would do is push for pan Turkism and Uyghur separatism as soon as China is down. That’s just the type of opportunist he is.

He’s good at giving speeches but he’s a hypocrite and he’s not going to lift a finger to help the Palestinians unfortunately. If he did, I’d change my impression of him but I am pretty sure he won’t.
Erdogan has shown many times that he is two faced and can’t be trusted. There is literally no leader that has managed to piss off as many countries and backtracked or flip flopped on his positions as many times as he has.

If China helps him rebuild a neo Ottoman Empire the next thing he would do is push for pan Turkism and Uyghur separatism as soon as China is down. That’s just the type of opportunist he is.

He’s good at giving speeches but he’s a hypocrite and he’s not going to lift a finger to help the Palestinians unfortunately. If he did, I’d change my impression of him but I am pretty sure he won’t.

Due the geographical vicinity, a rising Neo-Ottoman will be preliminary more devastating to NATO & western countries.

PS, no one could break away Xinjiang from China.

Also, the US is a bigger problem to Xinjiang than Turkiye.
Due the geographical vicinity, a rising Neo-Ottoman will be preliminary more devastating to NATO & western countries.

PS, no one could break away Xinjiang from China.

Also, the US is a bigger problem to Xinjiang than Turkiye.
China has better partners in the region than Turkey. And if anything the region has a careful balance of power with many conflicting relationships that the best China can do is to create a regional framework that incorporates the interests of the major Muslim powers in the region like Iran, Turkey, KSA and Egypt, maintain a workable balance of power between these players and integrate them into China’s financial and military sphere to the detriment of Israel. When this actually happens, the Muslim countries will actually have a chance to respond effectively the next time Israel attempts to genocide the Palestinians if they don’t accomplish it this time.
China has better partners in the region than Turkey. And if anything the region has a careful balance of power with many conflicting relationships that the best China can do is to create a regional framework that incorporates the interests of the major Muslim powers in the region like Iran, Turkey, KSA and Egypt and integrate them into China’s financial and military sphere to the detriment of Israel. When this actually happens, the Muslim countries will actually have a chance to respond effectively the next time Israel attempts to genocide the Palestinians if they don’t accomplish it this time.

Only Turkiye, KSA, Iran can play a pivotal role in the Middle East.

But the current problem is that those aforementioned countries are all reluctant to make the first move, and right now it is a stalemate with Israel.

They all want to see their opponent getting weakened first in the bloodshed against Israel, then they will move in the last to reap all benefits.
Only Turkiye, KSA, Iran can play a pivotal role in the Middle East.

But the current problem is that those aforementioned countries are all reluctant to make the first move, and right now it is a stalemate with Israel.

They all want to see their opponent getting weakened first in the bloodshed against Israel, then they will move in the last to reap all benefits.
They are reluctant to make a move because they are dependent on the west, financially, diplomatically and militarily (except Iran). They are also afraid to be singled out.

If China can unite these three along with Egypt in a regional framework and reduce or cut off their dependence on the west, they could coordinate a unified action against Israel if necessary in the future.

China doesn’t need to do the fighting it just needs to change the ground realities.
After months of talking about peace,cooperation and friendship,Erdogan is back to his weird foreign policy,big talk and provocations.

From the "Eeey Yunan!" of 2020-2023,now it's "Eeey Israil!"

Now he warns Israel and calls Hamas "liberators". At the same time,he tells Israel not to look to Turkey for support and not USA.

He and his administration are definitely playing a double game. On the one side supporting Ukraine against the Russian Federation but then on the other side supporting Hamas.

Maybe out of sympathy for the Palestinians.

But this is the same guy who claimed Iran's nuclear program would threaten to trigger a regional arms race. He is not wrong.
Pretty much, but you're quoting a FETÖ snake that is Abdullah Bozkurt. These people are former accomplices of Erdo and they are even worse.

It's like saying Donald Trump is racist and quoting a KKK Grand Wizard :cheesy:

Holy shit they actually have a title called Grand Turk
View attachment 965220Sounds like something worthy of Lord of the rings
I can't wait for Greece to receive fifth-generation fighter jets and join forces with Israel and Cyprus to make Turkey think twice before nasty old fart Erdogan starts barking and making threats again.

I can not wait for the Turkish Air Force to receive stealth platforms KAAN , ANKA-3 and KIZILELMA also 250+ km SIPER Block2 air defense Missile to make little puppets think twice before nasty old fart BIDEN start barking and making threats again




Let me sum it up like this.
He will talk big as soon this episode ends, he will run back and start deals with israel.
All PR stunts
UAE, KSA & Turkey has not done a single thing to help people of Gaza.
Lebanon, Syria economy is in shambles, Lebanon majority of population dont want to get involved.
Egypt also has a asim whisky in power hence like Pak you won't see anything decent.
Very well-said. Exactly.

Impossible, both SK and Japan are your sweatshop slaves.

Without them remaining as a colony, you would lose two more slave countries to exploit.
Just because countries have alliances and their interests align,doesn't mean one is a "slave".

I can not wait for the Turkish Air Force to receive stealth platforms KAAN , ANKA-3 and KIZILELMA also 250+ km SIPER Block2 air defense Missile to make little puppets think twice before nasty old fart BIDEN start barking and making threats again
What's the reason you post the same photos again? You've posted them a gazillion times on the forum already.

You don't need to post photos. Unless you're trying to advertise those projects like a salesman.
Are you trying to justify British colonialism. Britain is like a twisted form of King Midas, everything it touched turned to shit or in other words, the whole world is like a human body and britain is the colon in the body, a very important part of the body that turns the food we eat to shit and that is why all the countries and places invaded by the british is said to have been colonized.
Seems you don't understand the context of why my post was made. Read the Chinese dudes post I was replying to. 😆😁

Those are completely idiotic comparisons and again shows how disingenuous and truly ignorant you are.

When the Ottomans ruled the levant, modern nationalism wasn’t a thing. The people there weren’t subjugated, they were existing as citizens in an empire that was more or less part of their cultural milleau. It was only in the late 19th century as modern ethnic nationalism began to take root that the British was able to foment rebellion against the ottomans and look how it turned out. The British completely fucked over the natives just like the deceitful, vicious snakes that you people are. Most intractable conflicts today can be traced to Britain.
Yes yes. It's always different for you because it's Others. But when it comes to your home country China suddenly things are different and that doesn't apply..🤣🤣
If you think Arab states should have been happy to stay under under the yoke and colonial rule of the Turks/Ottoman empire due to modernity and peace then you too should have allowed your country China to be ruled by Japan and the British empire. Afterall those two empire would have also brought about modernity and development to China compared to how disfunctuinal the country was during that period..🤣😂 Nothing different there. Just look at Hong Kong, Hong Kongers were living a better life compared to the Chinese in the mainland under British rule back then isn't it? Lol Afterall many Chinese were fleeing to Hong Kong back then. Lol
So if you want to justify Ottomans ruling over Arab states and saying the Arabs should have been happy about that then you too should say the same about your country towards Japan and Britain. Lol Just admit it that point you made was wrong and silly. No Arab will think they should have been proud to remain under Turkish rule . Lol
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Due the geographical vicinity, a rising Neo-Ottoman will be preliminary more devastating to NATO & western countries.

PS, no one could break away Xinjiang from China.

Also, the US is a bigger problem to Xinjiang than Turkiye.
Lamo..dude Turkey views your country's oppression of Uygurs far more passionately and personally than the US can ever view it. The Turkish government has just tone down its opposition of Chinese suppression in Xinjiang just due to geo political realities for the moment . Vast majority of Turks still despise your country for the way it handles its Uygur region. Turks believe Uygurs are ethnic Turks and as such that they have a right to get involved in how their brethren are treated there. That won't change anytime soon. Don't be surprised Turkey starts making such remarks and noise about Uygurs in China soon when things change geopoliically in the region or politically in Turkey.

Many Turks weren't even happy witht their government not being firm enough with China even when Turkey was loudly protesting your treatment of Muslim Uygurs this past years. They wanted an even more radical government policy towards China

Moroever Turkey had already urge your government to close Uygurs Labour camps several times. Lol

Your government should try and listen to Turkey's concerns and end its "Brutal" policy in Xinjiang towards the Uygurs.😁 Other muslim countries like Pakistan,Bengladesh, KSA, Iran won't talk that loudly much about this issue obviously due to geopolitical realities since China has close economic and political relations with them. So I understand their plight. Afterall we have to be realitistic in life. When it comes to governments and states, National Interests always trumps any religious or moral considerations at the end of the day. Realpolitik. 😁
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Lamo..dude Turkey views your country's oppression of Uygurs far more passionately and personally than the US can ever view it. The Turkish government has just tone down its opposition of Chinese suppression in Xinjiang just due to geo political realities for the moment . Vast majority of Turks still despise your country for the way it handles its Uygur region. Turks believe Uygurs are ethnic Turks and as such that they have a right to get involved in how their brethren are treated there. That won't change anytime soon. Don't be surprised Turkey starts making such remarks and noise about Uygurs in China soon when things change geopoliically in the region or politically in Turkey.

Many Turks weren't even happy witht their government not being firm enough with China even when Turkey was loudly protesting your treatment of Muslim Uygurs this past years. They wanted an even more radical government policy towards China

Moroever Turkey had already urge your government to close Uygurs Labour camps several times. Lol

Your government should try and listen to Turkey's concerns and end its "Brutal" policy in Xinjiang towards the Uygurs.😁 Other muslim countries like Pakistan,Bengladesh, KSA, Iran won't talk that loudly much about this issue obviously due to geopolitical realities since China has close economic and political relations with them. So I understand their plight. Afterall we have to be realitistic in life. When it comes to governments and states, National Interests always trumps any religious or moral considerations at the end of the day. Realpolitik. 😁

The US doesn't give a sh!t about those Uyghurs, they just want to weaken China.

Our primary adversary is USA, not Turkiye.
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Are you trying to justify British colonialism. Britain is like a twisted form of King Midas, everything it touched turned to shit or in other words, the whole world is like a human body and britain is the colon in the body, a very important part of the body that turns the food we eat to shit and that is why all the countries and places invaded by the british is said to have been colonized.
Mfkers killed 100 million Indians in 40 years, from 1880 to 1920...even hitler, King Leopold, Mao and Stalin all combined will pale in comparison...
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