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Erdogan: If Libya wants, Turkey will decide to send troops

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No mud. It's the desert.

Suffice it to say that after this statement.... many of my Libyan friends who are supporting Sarag and against Haftar , they started to question what is happening..... they imagined the divided Syria and occupied Syrian lands with many international powers presence ....
They also started to attack Sarag government for its recent movements that dragged Libya into international and regional conflicts.
It is Libya, from where the final downfall of the Empire started as the brainless coup mongers removed the Ottoman Army from Libya following the successful coup attempt against Sultan Abdul Hamid Han (RA). Now, Libya is being returned to Turkey. Allah-u Azimushshan took the glory away, and HE is returning it....

YOU are the ONE, the ETERNAL ONE. ONLY YOU are worthy of worship and praise....

If YOU open a door it can't be closed; if YOU close a door it can't be opened...

La Galibe Illallah...
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We will make it Turkic state and you will watch and sit:-).

You are already Arabized on most fronts. There is absolutely nothing “Turkic” about Libya and Libyans and never were nor ever will be. Like the Syrian fiasco, nothing will change and the solution will be found among the Arab Libyan fractions inside Libya. Egypt will be the dominant player in Libya as usual. Not the only Arab country that has a significant say in the affairs of Libya.

But if you want to waste money, time and lives on Arab internal matters and imaginary dreams (like every foreigner of late) be my guest. Seems like an obsession for half of the world.
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