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Erdogan: If Libya wants, Turkey will decide to send troops

Some Arab nations dont have genuine leader anymore who have sincere willingness to hear to its own people. Look at Egypt military who crushes democracy there, Syrian leader who could step down to avoid civil war but keep holding power. Yemen where political solution is abandoned and choose military solution instead. And now Libya where it is clear that Libyan people doesnt need another dictator like Khadafi raise to power again but Haftar and his supporter dont t listen to all of that.

Other Muslim nations seems to be able to do smooth transition from authoritarian ruling into democracy just like Indonesia, Turkey, Pakistan, and many Muslim African countries, Alhamdulillah. Some Arab countries like Marocco and Tunisia Alhamdulillah also have good leaders. They should take some lesson from these countries.

On the other hand, recent development in Algeria and Sudan give hope that these countries can also follow the foot step of their fellow Muslim nations who are successful in making such transition.

So who are you to judge any other nation...!?
Who are you to judge what happened in Egypt .......!?

Have you been with us during the times of political and Security turmoils ....!?

Have you had a gun on a fear of thieves and terrorists ??!
Have you lived many days in summer and during Ramadan and having iftar without electricity throughout the country ... !?

Have you felt safe when you are seeing the Armored vehicles and Tanks of the Egyptian Army marched in the Streets .... ?!


Have you seen the demonstrations of the Egyptians on 30 June 2013 that led to the Army stepped in .

and where are all of you that pretending to support Islam ..... !? Just watching TV and feeling pity for us .....
What about supporting Muslims in your vicinity in Burma or China ...!? It would be better for you rather than talking about things you don’t know ....

I’ve been explaining what was happened here in PDF for years but it seems like you people speak from and Ideological point of view.

Finally, who are the leaders today in Indonesia or Pakistan or the Dictator Erdogan ....!?

You have been ruled for about 30 years by 1 person and removed him just 16 years ago ..... now you are giving lessons.....!!?

Considering that you are in a politically stable region not like the ME .
You know and everyone knows that Egypt is a peaceful country ..... and Egyptians are a peaceful and welcoming nation ....but when it comes to war , they are tough Soldiers.

So now , in your opinion .... what is the proper response that Egypt have to do while the Egyptians are hearing the war drums coming from Anadul and approaching their boarders in Libya ....!? Considering all the logistical and Media support done by Erdogan to the terrorists in Egypt.

We both know that TR isn't preparing an invasion of EGY...
What is at play is a game of influence... And asset management...

Now... Ofc you can arm yourself if you wish... BUT do not ever make the same mistake as your forefathers and be used as a tool to fight for someone else...

A lot of gov are trying to push EGY to act because of your military capabilities... And proximity while them are at home far from the conflict zone or protected by superpowers...
They can Taste what ever they want from our little Babies .... THE EGYPTIAN FAC
Be it :
1- Ambassador MKIII FAC with Harpoon Missiles (~180 KM) Exclusively made for the EGYPTIAN NAVY. ( 4 pieces).
View attachment 595049
The following pic is in Greece ;)
View attachment 595050

2- Kadesia class FAC with Otomat Missiles ( ~180 KM )

View attachment 595051

3- Molniya FAC (my favorite) :yahoo:with Moskit Missiles ( ~120 KM ) Mach 3 supersonic which no vessel in the Turkish Navi can handle :coffee:
View attachment 595052

Of coarse those Babies have to be protected .... so they will operate under the umbrella of Naval Air Force of F-16s & MIG-29s with a variety of Air and Naval Missiles operating from Egyptian Air Bases 30 KMs from the Libyan Boarders and 50 KMs from the Mediterranean shores .... with umbrella of 1000 KMs inside the Mediterranean.

Those Turks have to know that ..... their greedy intentions will lead them to be destroyed ..... this will be a real war not like what you did in Syria or even what you are doing with Cyprus and Greece ..... The Egyptian Army will not lock on your pieces then let them go .... or dancing around each other like you and Greece are doing or even write a complain to UN ..... the Turkish threat of the Egyptian interests in Mediterranean and occupying Libya will lead to a war that the Turks will regret their recklessness.:agree:


Turkey produces its own anti-ship missiles with 200+km range and cruise missiles with 300+km range
as for your "umbrella" of F-16s and MiG-29s, Turkey has 200+ BVR capable F-16s which are flying with latest AIM-120C7, your F-16s are practically useless as they lack any BVR capability and MiG-29s are already outdated despite being brand new. The only threat to Turkish Air Force are the small number of Rafales and a year ago US blocked sale of SCALP missiles to Egypt, your Air Force is a joke despite its large size.

Here is Turkish F-16 armed with domestic SOM cruise missile and AIM-120 missile, and you think you can win a war against Turkey? LOL


here is Turkish made MILGEM launching Turkish made anti-ship missile with 200+km range


Can somebody tell this Egyptian troll that big mouth never helped? Dude Israel mopped the floor with you in 6 days imagine what Turkey could do... :lol:

Stop comparing yourself to a nation thats been traditionally militaristic throught its history, and dont come up with ''MamLuk WeRe OuR SlaVeS'' bla bla but ask yourself why you needed those slaves to fight your wars, in the end those slaves ruled your lands on top of it too. :D


Turkey produces its own anti-ship missiles with 200+km range and cruise missiles with 300+km range
as for your "umbrella" of F-16s and MiG-29s, Turkey has 200+ BVR capable F-16s which are flying with latest AIM-120C7, your F-16s are practically useless as they lack any BVR capability and MiG-29s are already outdated despite being brand new. The only threat to Turkish Air Force are the small number of Rafales and a year ago US blocked sale of SCALP missiles to Egypt, your Air Force is a joke despite its large size.

Here is Turkish F-16 armed with domestic SOM cruise missile and AIM-120 missile, and you think you can win a war against Turkey? LOL

View attachment 595093
here is Turkish made MILGEM launching Turkish made anti-ship missile with 200+km range

View attachment 595095
View attachment 595094
Soon Brother, soon :)

Atmaca may get first kill mark in E. Med If the coup lover Sisi have similar hot-headed behaviors like his fanboys regularly vomiting their poison in Turkey related threads.

Why are you arguing with those fabric head camel azz Arabs dudes?
Even Muhammad s.a.v couldn't command 'em and lost the field of Uhud battle against kuffars.
Arabs know perfect how to backstap Turks. This is in their dna. If they can't do it to Turks than they do it to each other.
Guys everything they have are downgraded, max range missile 180km:-), when our SOM missile are ready it will be 300 km range anti-ship missile.
We both know that TR isn't preparing an invasion of EGY...
What is at play is a game of influence... And asset management...

Now... Ofc you can arm yourself if you wish... BUT do not ever make the same mistake as your forefathers and be used as a tool to fight for someone else...

A lot of gov are trying to push EGY to act because of your military capabilities... And proximity while them are at home far from the conflict zone or protected by superpowers...

So we let those Barbarians come next to us without any response .... it will not happen .... they think that it will be easy invading Libya just like Syria .... they don’t know that if The political turmoil wasn’t during that time in Egypt .... they couldn’t invade Syria.
So we let those Barbarians come next to us without any response .... it will not happen .... they think that it will be easy invading Libya just like Syria .... they don’t know that if The political turmoil wasn’t during that time in Egypt .... they couldn’t invade Syria.
Then Invade Libya... Before anyone get in... Take out Haftar... and Take the area for you...
Pretty sure, most of Haftar forces will switch side in that moment... and current Haftar supporter will gladly abandon him for EGY...
Then Invade Libya... Before anyone get in... Take out Haftar... and Take the area for you...

We do not have that culture .... and you know it .

Don’t you know that the Americans asked Sadat to take out Libya or at least Eastern Libya with the Oil Crescent but he refused ..... the only economic benefits for Egypt comes from a peaceful developing Libya where the near Oil & Gas with low prices as it is close to Egypt and the Jobs that can be developed inside Libya for Egyptians ..... that’s all.

The Thing is that it is a National Security issue .... having NATO Bases on the Boarders of Egypt.
We do not have that culture .... and you know it .

Don’t you know that the Americans asked Sadat to take out Libya or at least Eastern Libya with the Oil Crescent but he refused ..... the only economic benefits for Egypt comes from a peaceful developing Libya where the near Oil & Gas with low prices as it is close to Egypt and the Jobs that can be developed inside Libya for Egyptians ..... that’s all.

The Thing is that it is a National Security issue .... having NATO Bases on the Boarders of Egypt.

See... That's where I wanted to get to... You are stuck as long as you think like that... The region is stuck... Everyone for their little home and border when Hell is next door...
That's the curse of Nationalism...

In the End... You gonna need to make a choice... Stay as you are... slowly fading away or get into the New way of doing things... Till then... Libya gonna be to whoever wish to take it... since Neighbors are stuck in the old age mentality...

Why Panarabism is doomed with current mindset
@CamelGuy @ArabianEmpires&Caliphates
Then Invade Libya... Before anyone get in... Take out Haftar... and Take the area for you...
Pretty sure, most of Haftar forces will switch side in that moment... and current Haftar supporter will gladly abandon him for EGY...
you have some strange ideas indeed.
See... That's where I wanted to get to... You are stuck as long as you think like that... The region is stuck... Everyone for their little home and border when Hell is next door...
That's the curse of Nationalism...

In the End... You gonna need to make a choice... Stay as you are... slowly fading away or get into the New way of doing things... Till then... Libya gonna be to whoever wish to take it... since Neighbors are stuck in the old age mentality...

Why Panarabism is doomed with current mindset
@CamelGuy @ArabianEmpires&Caliphates

So what do you propose then ..... you don’t want to intervene and don’t want to leave it alone .... so what is your point of view....?!
So what do you propose then ..... you don’t want to intervene and don’t want to leave it alone .... so what is your point of view....?!

Egypt should push Haftar to reconcile with the government in Tripoli. If a unified government is achieved and civil war comes to an end, it is a win-win situation for Libyans and everyone else.

If he refuses, wash your hands off with him and close your border. Supporting warlords will only increase the suffering of Libyans and insecurity in the region.

One important lesson from conflicts in Somalia and Libya: Never support the overthrow of an existing government through violent means. Once you remove it, it is very difficult to put it back together. There is also a Hadith that warned us no to start an uprising against a ruler unless he denies us (Muslims) from performing the required daily prayers. This is where we got it wrong in many conflicts throughout the Muslim world.
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