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I dont know, you should as Kurds which freedom they are fighting for.
Yes, hamas fight for Jew free Israel, from Jordan river to the Mediterranean sea.
Its not ''the kurds'' its just the PKK and those who support them.
They want an independend country(the eastern part of Turkey which never belongend to them)
So shall we give it to them?
Dilema huh?
Give Palestine to the palestines?
Hamas doesnt fight for a jew free Israel,they fight for a world free of jews.
Are...are you serious? Kurds didn't even have the right to speak their own language in Turkey until recently. In fact, the whole pretext for these negotiations are that PKK will lay down arms and Kurdish people will get more minority rights.
What do you care about kurds?
Your objective is just to make us look bad,if you would have been to Turkey then you would talk different.
Turkish society is made up of many cultures and races and kurds are fully in tegrated in the western cities.
Only the kurds who live in the east where the poverty is talk about freedom.
Its more a economic demand for work and prosperity.
They think that if they have a own country they will be better of economicly(which will never be the case they will be allways dependend on Turkey).
It is easy to convince illiterate people,thats why they support the PKK(most are asiret consisting of at least a 1000 people and some are as big as 30000,one supporter of PKK means all of them)
Ask the kurds who are doing well if they support the PKK of free will.
^says the boy who's never been to Turkey

Lol. What have I said in that post that you don't agree with; everything is factual.

On a side note, you are no longer allowed to mention Armenia, or any other country that you have not been to, in any of your posts.

What do you care about kurds?

I'm glad that you said this, as it gives me insight into the Turkish mindset. Maybe if your people had any regard for other races, Turkey's history would not be stained with genocide and oppression.

Your objective is just to make us look bad,if you would have been to Turkey then you would talk different.
Turkish society is made up of many cultures and races and kurds are fully in tegrated in the western cities.
Only the kurds who live in the east where the poverty is talk about freedom.
Its more a economic demand for work and prosperity.
They think that if they have a own country they will be better of economicly(which will never be the case they will be allways dependend on Turkey).
It is easy to convince illiterate people,thats why they support the PKK(most are asiret consisting of at least a 1000 people and some are as big as 30000,one supporter of PKK means all of them)
Ask the kurds who are doing well if they support the PKK of free will.

My objective is the full and frank recognition of the truth. It is the actions of Turkey that "make you look bad", not my compulsion to bring them to the spotlight.

"Only the kurds who live in the east where the poverty is talk about freedom."...well of course. When a country as well-endowed as Turkey has so many people in poverty (especially of a certain race), you know there is a discrimination issue. Instead of suppressing the Kurdish voice, you should be supporting self determinance. How can you call for the independence of TRNC based on the aforementioned principle but then turn around and say that Kurds do not have that right?

"they think that if they have a own country they will be better of economicly"...you just said they were in poverty under Turkish rule.
Lol. What have I said in that post that you don't agree with; everything is factual.

On a side note, you are no longer allowed to mention Armenia, or any other country that you have not been to, in any of your posts.

I'm glad that you said this, as it gives me insight into the Turkish mindset. Maybe if your people had any regard for other races, Turkey's history would not be stained with genocide and oppression.

My objective is the full and frank recognition of the truth. It is the actions of Turkey that "make you look bad", not my compulsion to bring them to the spotlight.

"Only the kurds who live in the east where the poverty is talk about freedom."...well of course. When a country as well-endowed as Turkey has so many people in poverty (especially of a certain race), you know there is a discrimination issue. Instead of suppressing the Kurdish voice, you should be supporting self determinance. How can you call for the independence of TRNC based on the aforementioned principle but then turn around and say that Kurds do not have that right?

"they think that if they have a own country they will be better of economicly"...you just said they were in poverty under Turkish rule.
What does they THINK mean in your opinion?
Dude get over it you dont count and never will.
Lol. What have I said in that post that you don't agree with; everything is factual.

On a side note, you are no longer allowed to mention Armenia, or any other country that you have not been to, in any of your posts.
Lol, big loss for me :) I talk about military, I don't give a sh.t about your country.
I'm glad that you said this, as it gives me insight into the Turkish mindset. Maybe if your people had any regard for other races, Turkey's history would not be stained with genocide and oppression.
It's not. As I've explained zillions of times before.
What does they THINK mean in your opinion?
Dude get over it you dont count and never will.

And you do? What, because your Turkish? I'll tell you, Turkish dumb@sses are a dime a dozen around here. You ignored every single point I made in the post because you also acknowledge Turkey's hypocrisy.

It's not.

"It's not." Yeah, like you are some kind of expert. There is hard evidence of Turkish discrimination (in regards to Kurds, Armenians, ethnic minorities), hypocrisy (contradictory viewpoints on, say, NKR and TRNC), and genocide.

But wait! Turkish internet troll Legionnaire says "It's not." Your persuasive powers are magical.

As I've explained zillions of times before.
You have lied zillions of times before.
"It's not." Yeah, like you are some kind of expert. There is hard evidence of Turkish discrimination (in regards to Kurds, Armenians, ethnic minorities), hypocrisy (contradictory viewpoints on, say, NKR and TRNC), and genocide.
We have killed Armenians, Turks and Kurds who got angry about hinchak and tashnak raids attacked them on the road and strongly disagreed them, but the government didn't choose killing as a policy, we've got hard damn evidence in Ottoman archives which Armenians never cared to look at.

Don't you think, a government that takes extra taxes from citizens with non-state religions, would not keep count of them? Exact figure of died Armenains during the deportations was 53 thousand, including those of neutral causes. My condolences, but you've cried for an hundred years now, it's time to move on.

In TRNC Turks were the victims and as for Kurds they are equal Turkish citizens since the establishment of the republic. Pretty much the same with Istanbul Armenians.
We have killed Armenians, Turks and Kurds who got angry about hinchak and tashnak raids attacked them on the road and strongly disagreed them, but the government didn't choose killing as a policy, we've got hard damn evidence in Ottoman archives which Armenians never cared to look at.

Don't you think, a government that takes extra taxes from citizens with non-state religions, would not keep count of them? Exact figure of died Armenains during the deportations was 53 thousand, including those of neutral causes. My condolences, but you've cried for an hundred years now, it's time to move on.

In TRNC Turks were the victims and as for Kurds they are equal Turkish citizens since the establishment of the republic. Pretty much the same with Istanbul Armenians.

Everytime a Turk talks about history, especially as it pertains to Armenians, I want to throw up. You saying that Hunchak and Dasknaks were the ones that started provocations is like saying that America declared war on Japan, and in response the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor.

Nobody cares about your archives because we know what is in them. Are you aware that there is also hard evidence that the Holocaust does not exist? But it relates to something so specific and obscure that, while true, it does not alter the reality of the situation.

Don't waste your time trying to push your denialist history on me. UN will recognize the Armenian Genocide by 2015, as will most intellectuals in Turkey.

"In TRNC Turks were the victims and as for Kurds they are equal Turkish citizens since the establishment of the republic. Pretty much the same with Istanbul Armenians."

I'm done talking about history with you. But Kurds are not equal Turkish citizens. Are you saying that they have the exact same rights as you do?
Everytime a Turk talks about history, especially as it pertains to Armenians, I want to throw up. You saying that Hunchak and Dasknaks were the ones that started provocations is like saying that America declared war on Japan, and in response the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor.
Yeah, you've never sided with Russians, your thugs never raided Turkish and Kurdish villages wearing Russian army uniforms. We've made that part up. You've never collaborated with French invasion forces too.

Nobody cares about your archives because we know what is in them.
Of course, what good are historical files when you have fairy tales of keyboard historians like Kajutyun. The reality is, Turkey wants 1915 events investigated by an objective party. Armenians do not.
Don't waste your time trying to push your denialist history on me. UN will recognize the Armenian Genocide by 2015, as will most intellectuals in Turkey.
There was a Time when everybody in the world believed the world is flat. Doesn't make it so.

I'm done talking about history with you. But Kurds are not equal Turkish citizens. Are you saying that they have the exact same rights as you do?
Yes, exact same.

There have never been any concentration camps, gas rooms or stuff like that in Turkey. You're just looking for excuses for your butthrt.
Yeah, you've never sided with Russians, your thugs never raided Turkish and Kurdish villages wearing Russian army uniforms. We've made that part up. You've never collaborated with French invasion forces too.

Nobody has ever denied this. This is true, and I suppose that the Ottoman authorities would have been justified in convicting those belligerent Armenians (who numbered in the thousands, if that). But why did their have to be a genocide? Why were women and children systematically killed? Why were their death marches? Why were their concentration camps? Why was the term "genocide" coined specifically after what happened to Armenians?

There have never been any concentration camps, gas rooms or stuff like that in Turkey. You're just looking for excuses for your butthrt.

You dumb@ss. You've probably lived in Turkey your whole life, yet filled with such ignorance. If this is the case, then why is PKK talking with Turkish government. They are not negotiating for independence, but greater minority rights. Ocalan said so himself. Until recently, Kurds couldn't even speak their own language with commiting a crime.
Nobody has ever denied this. This is true, and I suppose that the Ottoman authorities would have been justified in convicting those belligerent Armenians (who numbered in the thousands, if that). But why did their have to be a genocide?
The problem starts here, there wasn't. There were local incidents but there was nothing systematical. Killing wasn't a policy and your numbers are so off, if we were strong enough to pull such a stunt we'd be the winning side of WWI.

You are accusing Turkey of killing a million people, how is this possible for a country that is fighting a war on 5 primary and 3 secondary fronts and losing. This is the main reason why Armenian gangs found a weakened authority in the first place. Does it seem like an ideal time to mobilize troops for trivial causes? like killing a million innocent people for example?

Have a heart.
Ocalan said so himself. Until recently, Kurds couldn't even speak their own language with commiting a crime.
What a source. Here's the script of Turkish penal law: TÜRK CEZA KANUNU
Could you please point me the article that's banning Kurds from speaking their native language?

Consider me physically throwing the book in your face.
The problem starts here, there wasn't. There were local incidents but there was nothing systematical. Killing wasn't a policy and your numbers are so off, if we were strong enough to pull such a stunt we'd be the winning side of WWI.

You are accusing Turkey of killing a million people, how is this possible for a country that is fighting a war on 5 primary and 3 secondary fronts and losing. This is the main reason why Armenian gangs found a weakened authority in the first place. Does it seem like an ideal time to mobilize troops for trivial causes? like killing a million innocent people for example?

Have a heart.
What a source. Here's the script of Turkish penal law: TÜRK CEZA KANUNU
Could you please point me the article that's banning Kurds from speaking their native language?

Consider me physically throwing the book in your face.

Armenian men, for the most part were killed in the following way: they were drafted into Ottoman army, where they were starved and this became vulnerable, and thus subsequently killed.

So what you are saying is that Armenians attacked the Ottoman Empire because it was weak?!?!?! What kind of new Turkish BS lie is this? Armenians did not attack the Soviet Union when it was weak. Know why? Because Soviet Union did not commit genocide against Armenians.

I'm not reading your country's BS laws, they are probably full of lies as well. Notice I said "until recently" in regards to Kurdish language ban. That being said, they are still missing many rights.

So consider me catching that book and shoving it up your @ss.
Armenian men, for the most part were killed in the following way: they were drafted into Ottoman army, where they were starved and this became vulnerable, and thus subsequently killed.
Ottoman Army, never recruited from among non-muslims ever.
So what you are saying is that Armenians attacked the Ottoman Empire because it was weak?!?!?! What kind of new Turkish BS lie is this? Armenians did not attack the Soviet Union when it was weak. Know why? Because Soviet Union did not commit genocide against Armenians.
Soviet union was never that weak. For one thing they've still had a full arsenal of nuclear weapons.
And you are christian orthodox' you enjoy sucking up to them.
I'm not reading your country's BS laws, they are probably full of lies as well. Notice I said "until recently" in regards to Kurdish language ban. That being said, they are still missing many rights.
penal law.. containing lies? this is the most stupid thing I've ever heard. There have never been any law banning any language from being spoken in Turkey. But why would you research when you have a terrorist leader's word for it.
So consider me catching that book and shoving it up your @ss.
You're frustrated because I just owned you again.
Armenians got removed to prevent further conflict. I believe if Turks wanted to commit a genocide there wouldn't be one Armenian left on this planet. I mean we didn't loose the war or something, we crushed our enemies and if we wanted we could clean Armenian ancestry from this world. They say 1.5 million Armenians died(almost all of Armenian population at the time). How many Armenians live today? there are 10's of millions of Armenians living today, it is impossible for an genocide to have taken place.

Archives actually show that Armenians committed genocide, which is a different story.
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