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Enough is Enough Military should takeover this BS govt now!

If you respect Kayani, it is because he earned it by abiding by the law of the land and not overstepping his authority.
You must always keep this in mind.

The Army Chief has no business running the government, never ever should he dirty his hands in politics.
The acceptance of such military intervention is a huge disgrace to the memory of our founding father, we should outgrow this tendency to support the "doctrine of necessity" at the cost of constitution and ideology of Pakistan.

In addition to being morally incorrect and constitutionally illegitimate; Army rule led to long term unrest and never solved the major issues, instead it led to huge problems many of which are the critical ones we face today.
If we sustain democracy for 20 years with 4 successive governments without military interference, we would manage to escape this endless cycle of blame games which sadly are much more potent because of past Army interference in politics.

I have too much respect for the Army to see it go down the drain again because of such self centered people who rape the constitution and disgrace the uniform by becoming head of state.
A uniformed head of state enjoys too much power to not be intoxicated by it, this has happened to all military dictators.
Our politicians are corrupt and immature but still in a democracy which has no military interference...the absolute power of a head of state is nowhere near that of an Army dictator.
The risk is too much on top of the fact that the act itself is illegal!

Every time a military dictator comes he ruins not only the country because of resetting the democratic evolution process but also manages to tremendously damage the Army and its entire leadership.
Since an Army dictator needs the support of Corps Commanders to support his unconstitutional reign, many of them are appointed not on merit but on personal likes and dislikes.
This also applies on other general rank promotions which are politically influenced.

General Kayani has worked arduously to bring back the honor and integrity to the uniform, that should no more be abandoned at any cost no matter how severe the crisis.

Patience is a virtue we need to abide by in these testing times; now more than ever we should realize that there are no shortcuts on the path to success and prosperity.
Army rule will always be victim to one person's lust for power (even more so than our current leadership) and will eventually cause more problems, that is a fact which we should all learn by our hearts.

This story might be set on other countries but country like pakistan where SUPREME COURT passed order against Govt and Govt are not really interested to take any single action against thr own. Country like that MILITARY interference is very IMPORTANT!

Current situation Govt challanged Supreme court (Rule of Law) what do you think ?? what CJ doo ? calll Military or what ?? Kindly explain me please.
Actually i think neither a military nor a democratic system yield good governance .. a combined military and democratic system would stabilize the country because then there wont be any martial law or this political BS and everyone would be under there own skin :)
This story might be set on other countries but country like pakistan where SUPREME COURT passed order against Govt and Govt are not really interested to take any single action against thr own. Country like that MILITARY interference is very IMPORTANT!

Current situation Govt challanged Supreme court (Rule of Law) what do you think ?? what CJ doo ? calll Military or what ?? Kindly explain me please.

Under a military dictator the Supreme Court was forcibly removed and the Chief Justice manhandled...just because 2-3 worthless advisers convinced Musharraf to do so.
Please do not think that Military is the solution to our woes.
Under a military dictator Islam was used as a purely political tool and eventually gave rise to sectarianism and extremism which has damaged the fabric of our society.
The effect of military rule is detrimental in the long run and not to mention against the constitution of Pakistan.

When the power of military and government rests with one man, he gains absolute power which corrupts absolutely.
This is the reason we have had longest stints by Military dictators because they just cant get enough and have too much power to be easily dislodged.
In their power games the military also suffers tremendously since its leadership is used as a political agent.
You have no idea how negatively a military dictator impacts the military itself.

To strengthen the system we first have to let it run for more than 10 years to at least understand the flaws...there are no shortcuts in life and certainly not here.

Pakistanis do not deserve a military run country, why set the bar so low because we have had a bad run?
In the history of great nations even a hundred years is a small time...we have to stop giving in to our urge to see quick fixes.
Yeah... Enough of these deceitful cycles of democracy and dictatorships!
What do you think guys ? enoug is enough BS govt put all money in thr pockets no electricity, no clean water even water for our agriculture, totally failed in forigen policy and now playing game with judicry Zardari even not take any proper and serious desicion in the fav of this country even totally failed in every policy and still continue dectator policy. This govt stop all funds of our main stuctures especially nuclear on the name of economy crisis and put all money in his pocket (zardari).

Before threating Army on the name of policities (so called 3rd power) and now offering 2 year of extension to Kiyani Damn it Zardari and his Govt. Its enough now i think Military should take over this govt CJ must pass order of Emergency immediatly!

What do you think guys ?

No sane citizen would ever think of that.

Which Regiment of the Pakistan Army you belong to?
Guys don't look at indian's opinions. They are your enemies - do not listen to them for advice.

As far as my position is concerned, we just need someone who is able to govern effectively. Military is far more capable of that then the thug government of zardari.
Guys don't look at indian's opinions. They are your enemies - do not listen to them for advice.

As far as my position is concerned, we just need someone who is able to govern effectively. Military is far more capable of that then the thug government of zardari.

Who would fight Taliban and guard your borders then, "Begum Nawazish Ali" ??
Is that a serious question? The military is more than capable of ruling and doing its normal job at the same time.
The military is meant for soldiering and not ruling.
As one whose family has always served with honor in Pakistan Army i would say nothing is more hateful to me than an Army dictator who rapes the constitution and forever disgraces the uniform he wears.

What every soldier wants is an honorable commander and not some politicized uniform wielding head of state...

What the country needs is good governance and that cannot come at the cost of destroying the constitution.

Just as we are upset over every small difference of opinion between current government and judiciary, how can we be so ignorant on the other hand to demand a breach of the constitution by Army?
This is the point where I feel there must be a DEMOCRATIC way to get rid of incompetent govt……..yes, we don’t need politicians, we need good managers and administrators, but my friend believe me Army is not the one we are looking for……..we need administrator without uniform being chosen by people of Pakistan who has no affiliation to any political party that’s it.
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