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Enlist Pakistan as state sponsor of terrorism: US Congress committee

Pakistan asks for the services it renders to the US. They are free to airlift their supplies back and forth from Afghanistan.


really? what do you call asking for $800M worth of F16s for $300M and even for that $300M to come from US aid? remember? I just quoted you the recent one. There are numerous instances. Such as Paris club - look it up.
Since I used the term hunch...and not my belief...so it just shows what is possible but at least we can say that, he will not be as bad as he seems to be right now. That does not mean I will vote for him or ask my friends to vote for him.
Most of the folks voting for Trump will do it silently without any hints even to their near and dear ones. As a US citizen, I have also a hunch that he might be better for the common folks in the USA. By the by, his business partners in the ME are Muslims, so he knows how to deal with them. Looking at how he runs his family, I have a feeling that he has got some tips from his "Sheikh" friends..
really? what do you call asking for $800M worth of F16s for $300M and even for that $300M to come from US aid? remember? I just quoted you the recent one. There are numerous instances. Such as Paris club - look it up.

Really what do you call providing transport infrastructure for 10 years for getting in and out of Afghanistan for no charges at all? Remember?
This should be put in the funny section. Really.
And Rohrabacher should :suicide2:
really? what do you call asking for $800M worth of F16s for $300M and even for that $300M to come from US aid? remember? I just quoted you the recent one. There are numerous instances. Such as Paris club - look it up.

That wasn't aid you dolt....that's what he's trying to tell you. The $300m is CSF funding - the payment the US gives to Pakistan army for services rendered.
Stop asking for the US money and then you won't have to worry about what some congressman is saying in the Senate.
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1. True. The Americans will have to deal with this fact because Pakistan is simply looking out for its interests. Our interests dictate that we should have excellent relations with China.

2. That's just not true. The Americans nag and cry about Pakistan on a daily basis. They certainly rely on Pakistan in Afghanistan. Otherwise, the Americans wouldn't be nagging an crying.

3. Improving relations with Iran? Just wait till Trump makes it to the office. He will tear down the nuke accord and make Israel a happy ally.

4. Pakistan has been crystal clear about its role and influence regarding the Taliban. Pakistan has no magic wand. It never claimed it has one. It influences certain quarters of the Taliban, but that's where it ends. Pakistan cannot do anything about Americans living in a fantasy land regarding Pakistan's powers and magic with the Taliban. For you to sketch such a false picture is incorrect.

5. The elections in the US will prove only one thing to the world. How a bigoted man like Trump will make it to the office only to deteriorate an already fragile world situation. The Americans are hating everyone which will be their own downfall. From Mexicans labelled as rapists, to Black African Americans who are killed by a white police force and Muslims whose countries are invaded. Did I mention China, Russia, Iran? Don't make it sound rosy. It isn't not rosy.

6. India is living in a delusional world. India is a policeman of the US and it will abide by every word. Nothing more nothing less. Arabs who want to cosy up with India are free to do so. We don't care.

2. So you contest this claim? OK. Could you then list out dependency of USA on Pakistan?

USA did not nagged you much (It only made polite requests, until shitt got real in Osama's case) when it was REALLY dependent on you. Actually it has started badmouthing/nagging you only after its dependence on you is drastically reduced.

Someone here made a point about closing supply routes. Now answer me what different would closure of supply route make to USA when it only has around 8000 soldiers in Afghanistan! This is not 2012 when there were hundred of thousand of US soldiers in Afghanistan making them dependent on Pakistan. I don't think they need to even supply as Americans are not taking part in combat and are resting their arses on their bases. A couple of C-7 flights a month would service need of US forces.

And ANA is doing much better than most posters here acknowledge. Even without air-support, it has held back Taliban. If Taliban make any gains that threaten Afganistan seriously, US could simple bomb their advance into oblivion ,and after doing that, it could simply go back to its bases leaving Afghans to kill each other like they have done for nearly 1000 years.

3. Trump has "a snowball chance in hell" of a victory. What matters is that at present USA's relation with Iran are improving and Iranian mullahs too have calmed down a lot.

4. Your General was waltzing around the world (as recently as December last year) talking on behalf of Afghan taliban and presenting roadmaps of talks. After hyping Pakistan's influence so much (so as to impress upon US+UK to not make India a party to Afghan negotiations), not being able to deliver has cause serious dent in Pakistan's standing (It gave impression of either weakness or treachry/or both)

5. Does not make a difference to the fact that Muslims are most hated group in west (probably second most hated in USA). Whether it would become a cause of downfall of west or not is something that can't be foretold; but what could be foretold is that election time would inevitably result in a lot of populist anti-Muslims/Pakistan rhetoric in USA (and west in general, though in hushed tone in Europe as European countries believing in stabbing in back while maintaining a holier-than-thou attitude, while USA believe more in bringing freedom and democracy using frontal charge with most visible phallic means).

6. LOL!! It is pure statistics. Check GDP figures. And Indo-US relations are qualitatively different than US-Pak relations as their orientation is primarily economic ,and India has always been instinctively against formal alliances. We do not seek any aid from USA and are paying full price for their hardware, one of the reason why their own MIC is lobbying their Congress to remove restrictions on sale/tech-transfer to India (Probably you do not know but Soviets have made offer of providing Mig-21 for free to Indira Gandhi in return for hosting Russian navy in India, which she denied at a time when India was short on cash). Probably if Pakistan powers to be (idiotic gernails) has grasped the fact that :"Free things usually cost more in real life than fully paid ones", and importance of economics and tried to build relationship on basis of economy, rather than client-patron relationship, Pakistan would not had been discarded like a used tissue by USA.
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Really what do you call providing transport infrastructure for 10 years for getting in and out of Afghanistan for no charges at all? Remember?

Ummm, transportation for billions of dollars of aid every year you mean and not free.
Dear uncle Sam,
This is what defending national interest is and doing it in difficult times. Your frustration is just. You are not used to countries standing up to you and not getting bombed to oblivion in the process.

Now you may not need us as much so now you bicker, no worries we will find another way to survive. Our existence is our success. We don't need pot bellies and brain dead nation hooked on to credit and vacation craze to make us feel good about our lives. We will live with little but with dignity while milking you once in a while.

A Common Pakistani.
But actually the move failed miserably only three voted in the favour. So at this particular moment Uncle Sam has sided with you and also Uncle Sam killed one of the most wanted terrorist by Pakistan. Thus give the devil its due where it is due. Pakistan has to keep relations with uncle sam in a balanced way....it is like adjusting your distance from the hearth/heater in winter, if you sit very close to it will burn you but if your sit far, you will feel the cold.
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USA have to decide, they pendle between sanctions & Major Non-NATO ally as far as Pakistan is concerned. Whenever they need Pakistan, Pakistan becomes Major NON-NATo ally, when they dont need they impose total sanctions on Pakistan.

For Pakistan it is no surprice that USA is considering sanctions again. It have done it many times in past also.

On thing USA have to understand , PAkistan will play significant role on world stagge also in future, in one shape or other. USA have to decide if it wants good relationship with Pakistan or not. By the way Pakistan has also alot of influence in 60 muslim countries, and with China etc. Also some other countries.
Funny how these motions are occurring during another phase of unrest in Kashmir
Well people can say many things about Pakistan but Pakistan has successfully deplomating with Americans
There are some Congress men who are continuously trying to hurt image of Pakistan but they are failing continuously they will keep doing things like this as they are heavily paid by Indians
So Congress men are also jealous of Pakistan because they were dreaming to break Pakistan into small States and now they can't see a progressive Pakistan building CPEC and close ties with China and also getting close to Russia they were thinking of weak Asia and of controlling it but they can't see Asia now ruled by their own people as American are getting weaker and weaker day by day in Asia
In the end they also need some one to whom they can blame to their defeat in Afghanistan
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