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'End of virginity' if women drive, Saudi cleric warns

Also most Saudi people now hate and despise clerics. Educations brings rule of thought and now people think themselves what is right and what is wrong. and the clerics hate it that people now can think.

Me personally I highly advocate mass genocide of them all and hanging them in the street lights of Makkah Jeddah road is my dream and things like these "If true because I only read about it here and not once did I read in ANY Saudi newspaper" it will only make people hate them more.
Instead of killing them, it will be nice if they become irrelevant(the same way priests are in europe). But that is going to take another 50 years.
Assalam alaikum


they r loosing their once tight grip and what is happening around u is making them annoyed. time has changed really and they can't realised it


People hate them with a passion that burns like the fires of a thousand sons....and that is an under statement.

The government wouldn't dare listen to them anymore. They realize that if they do they will get another Egypt on their rich royal ***. Also I kind of petty the King.... He is between two parts of society completely contradicting themselves where half the country is super conservative and the other half is super Liberal he has done a good job so far by not pissing off either one of the two but a time will come when they have to decide or expect the people to make the choice for them.
Instead of killing them, it will be nice if they become irrelevant(the same way priests are in europe). But that is going to take another 50 years.

Actually they are already "HARDLY" relevant. but that depends if you are in the progressive liberal west side of the Kingdom or if you are in the Central north or south of the kingdom where they still have clerics going house to house to check if everyone is in the mosque or not if one is not in the mosque they take him to jail. This thing infact is making the west part of the country too crowded with people now since everyone wants to live here.
not just in KSA, mullahs are crazy everywhere. especially the one that haven seen other societies

I hate all religious people irrelevant of what religion they adhere to. Jewish clerics go around girl's schools to preach them not to go to school I heard. Christian clerics have wackos of their own. The difference is do we succumb to them or should we start believing in our mind capabilities to differentiate right from wrong.

Again I would like to say this news is a load of crab I didn't find this news anywhere not in the liberal newspapers or the conservative ones either. both of them are busy with two news:
1- Saudi on wheelchair sets world record - Arab News
2- 20-volume encyclopedia on Saudi Arabia to be unveiled - Arab News

These are the news everyone talk about these days what the hell is thins news??? I really have no idea.
Women are breaking the glass ceiling everywhere, good going - the ME is the last bastions of Male Chauvinism.
Well, at least it got the attention of readers on BBC :D

Number 1 read is the nude ISI photo
Number 2 read is the Saudi matter

BBC News - Home


What's sexual about this? :what: Guys, is there anything sexual about this?

Just place a condom over it and TADAH !!!!! u avoid pregnancy
So once you are married and had sex, you can drive?? Cos technically they wont be virgins anymore
according to saudi clerics logic,
china will be having maximum no.of women drivers with india catching up fast!
My mother and sister drove to work every weekday. lol Nothing happened afterwards.

Well, obviously your mother lost her virginity!!! Don't know about your sister, yet ......
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