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Emergency Imposed!

Vote about Emergency Imposed!

  • I support it. I am done with CJ, political instability, Benazir.

    Votes: 36 54.5%
  • I condemn it. Musharraf needs to step down, and elect as a RETIRED General.

    Votes: 30 45.5%

  • Total voters
In your first post you mentioned "reforms" that would be issued under PCO. What sorts of "reforms" are we looking at?

Well Agno mostly for the media

as they said press and media freedom laws to be reviwed and ammenmded.
Latest : Constitution of 1973 has been Suspended.

Well atleast the facade of democracy is now well and truly been put in the dustbin. I like Gen M but I see him spending his retirement in USA in a few years. Also now atleast all the distinguished members like Dimension117 will not ridicule outsiders who say that democracy never existed even under Gen M but at the most a benevolent dictatorship. Wonder how USA and China the two most important players will react. Mrs BB had an inside info and high tailed it to Dubai. On Al Jazeera Kamal Haider says that the judges and journalist will be the first out of jobs.

Pakistan's Musharraf declares emergency By MATTHEW PENNINGTON, Associated Press Writer

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - President Gen. Pervez Musharraf declared a state of emergency in Pakistan on Saturday, state TV said, ahead of a crucial Supreme Court decision on whether to overturn his recent election win.

The report gave no reason for the emergency but it follows weeks of speculation that the president — who is also chief of the army — could take the step, amid rising political turmoil and Islamic militant violence.

"The chief of army staff has proclaimed a state of emergency and issued a provisional constitutional order," a newscaster on Pakistan TV said.

The U.S. and other Western allies this week urged him not to take steps that would jeopardize the country's transition to democracy. Musharraf took power in a 1999 coup.

During previous emergencies in Pakistan, a provisional constitutional order has led to the suspension of some basic rights of citizens and for judges to take a fresh oath of office.

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, speaking to reporters Thursday en route to diplomatic meetings in Turkey and the Middle East, said the U.S. would not support any move by Musharaff to declare martial law.

THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. Check back soon for further information. AP's earlier story is below.

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (AP) — President Gen. Pervez Musharraf declared a state of emergency in Pakistan on Saturday, state TV said.

"The chief of army staff has proclaimed a state of emergency and issued a provisional constitutional order," a newscaster on Pakistan TV said.
Well atleast the facade of democracy is now well and truly been put in the dustbin. I like Gen M but I see him spending his retirement in USA in a few years. Also now atleast all the distinguished members like Dimension117 will not ridicule outsiders who say that democracy never existed even under Gen M but at the most a benevolent dictatorship. Wonder how USA and China the two most important players will react.

US does hold high moral ground to question as she had been backing dictators in many countries as well as in Pakistan and also US still have stalks in WoT so it will walk with him again.
Put in dusbin or not the general masses have nothing to lose. The only losers are politicians and who cares for looters.

Mrs BB had an inside info and high tailed it to Dubai.
And you guys are adovcating for such champions of democracy who run away leaving the nation in criises

i wont.

On Al Jazeera Kamal Haider says that the judges and journalist will be the first out of jobs.

May be judges but journalists will survive be sure .
Maybe I'm a slow learner, but I can't understand why emergency was needed right now. Is it because of the ongoing trouble with extremists in tribal areas or because Musharraf got an inkling that the Supreme court could rule against him in the appeal challenging the legitimacy of his candidacy in the recent elections. The fact that the SC was the first place where govt. troops entered seems fishy.
US does hold high moral ground to question as she had been backing dictators in many countries as well as in Pakistan and also US still have stalks in WoT so it will walk with him again.
Put in dusbin or not the general masses have nothing to lose. The only losers are politicians and who cares for looters.
And you guys are adovcating for such champions of democracy who run away leaving the nation in criises i wont.May be judges but journalists will survive be sure .

So Do you approve Gen M and the Emergency ? As far as Mr BB is concerned she came back because Gen M allowed it not UK.

Best Regards
What else would you expect from a dictator!

I watched a interview on CNN/BBC i cant recall which channel it was,but the interesting thing was when a american diplomat was asked why the same amount of pressure that was used on mushy to allow the return of BB was not used to allow NS to stay,the american answered that musharaff and BB are like us but NS is not.

Let NS come back to pakistan and there to be free elections.

All these neo-con pakistani's that love war so much should either join the army themself's or send there own children to the front line.

:) yes he allowed it but why on earth UK and US and Common Wealth was adv ocating for her dear ?

As far emergency well whats strange about it in current situation?
:) yes he allowed it but why on earth UK and US and Common Wealth was adv ocating for her dear ?

As far emergency well whats strange about it in current situation?

So Do You approve of emergency or not ? A straight answer please ?

"Reforms for media". Hmmm.. well, when "objective journalism" is interpreted to mean that terrorists who behead people are given airtime to spread propoganda, and their "demands" are actually given credence, and the government is criticized for not negotiating with people committing suicide bombings, then perhaps a little censure on that count wouldn't be so bad.

I do hope the decision to allow private channels is not reversed.
New details on AAj indicate Senate, NA, federal cabinets, provincial senates, assemblies, governors, CM's and provincial cabinets to remain intact.

Is martial Law the same as "emergency"? This "emergency" doesn't quite sound like "martial Law".

I do hope any limits in the rights of citizens and institutions are used for tackling the security situation. I'll have to reserve judgment on this act until more details come out on what Musharraf plans to do.
wait there is also a news that 8-member bench of Supreme Court had set aside the emergency :what:

is it possible ???
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