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ElBaradei: We'll fight back if Israel attacks Gaza

yes there is thread of extremists taking over in Egypt. due to decades of dictatorship there is no strong party in egypt other than muslim brotherhood, which is extremist. future relations of egypt & isreal is not looking good.

Hussein you literally make no sense whatsoever. Your English needs a bit more practice.
He meant that any government that is ruled by Islamic law is no friend of Israel, that is a fact.

it is true my english is not really good
but look at his message: it is nothing about what you say
he said things which are absurd about Egypt
about the point no governement ruled by Islamic laws is no friend of Israel> it is true
but as i said all north africa countries populations are much more anti israel than Iran for exemple: and they are not Islamic ruled

look at my points 1 to 5 and say if there is something wrong
No, Iran`s government is the number 1 enemy of Israel. Not the Iranian people but the ruling government. North Africa is mostly in the Arab league which makes them hostile towards Israel like the rest of them, both people and the government.
No, Iran`s government is the number 1 enemy of Israel. Not the Iranian people but the ruling government. North Africa is mostly in the Arab league which makes them hostile towards Israel like the rest of them, both people and the government.

since when you care about public opinions..what do you expect from people? they are hostile to you because you deserve their hostilities..try not to act lunatic and respect the international law,it would be a good start..israel deserves nothing less than hostility right now.its just a normal reaction.
since when you care about public opinions..what do you expect from people? they are hostile to you because you deserve their hostilities..try not to act lunatic and respect the international law,it would be a good start..israel deserves nothing less than hostility right now.its just a normal reaction.
Well, tomato tomato. I don`t go around my day thinking "damn Arabs" or "damn psychotic Islamist motherless f*cks"... only when the situation calls for it, you know? If you`re feeling so much hostility towards Israel might i suggest joining a local Freedom Fighting group and come visit our borders.
Since when El Baradai took up Egyptian nationality?
If not yet than why is he talking on behalf of Egypt, in advance?
Just read what Elbaradie is saying...
He on behalf on some invisible supporter is looking forward to open the gates of Hell upon Arabian states surrounding israel. A known well established game for the greater good of greater israel.

ipakman...And to become israel's friend no islamic country wants to ditch certain islamic laws. By the way Saudis are your buddies with wahabs all over. That is a known fact, so i am doubting about islamic laws and not being friends of israel.
Just read what Elbaradie is saying...
He on behalf on some invisible supporter is looking forward to open the gates of Hell upon Arabian states surrounding israel. A known well established game for the greater good of greater israel.

ipakman...And to become israel's friend no islamic country wants to ditch certain islamic laws. By the way Saudis are your buddies with wahabs all over. That is a known fact, so i am doubting about islamic laws and not being friends of israel.

Really? And here i thought Saudi`s were the chief financiers of the leftie groups that keep trying to destabilize my Nation, Besmirch Israel`s and her army`s name and sends money to suicide bombers families.
Lutwaffe, forget about Greater Israel, with a population of 5 Million loyal citizens, 2 million leeches(Jewish and Arab alike) the last thing we want is have to defend more borders.
egypt will not be a sucker of israel but i dont think they have enough balls to attack israel..however,its a good step for them..
So you dream that more thousands of Egyptians will die for your hate towards Israel? Come here and fight yourself.
If they wanted to they would have fkd well, You should thanks your wahabis buddies for not raising voice at all on whether Palestine or Lebanon.

You are not yet qualified, perhaps more research is required on your part come back and then talk to me. The establishment of israel was based on a jewish man who wrote the book and all the plans that had also included greater israel which actually dates back 2000 yrs back. I don't think Arabs are leeches their land has been grabbed over a long time for the past 40+ years shrinked in size with the maps available online.

Saudis learned from you and they are buddies for life. Look around destabilization is taking place in Arab states as well as Asian Muslim majority states, I don't see any destabilization in israel.
If they wanted to they would have fkd well, You should thanks your wahabis buddies for not raising voice at all on whether Palestine or Lebanon.

You are not yet qualified, perhaps more research is required on your part come back and then talk to me. The establishment of israel was based on a jewish man who wrote the book and all the plans that had also included greater israel which actually dates back 2000 yrs back. I don't think Arabs are leeches their land has been grabbed over a long time for the past 40+ years shrinked in size with the maps available online.

Saudis learned from you and they are buddies for life. Look around destabilization is taking place in Arab states as well as Asian Muslim majority states, I don't see any destabilization in israel.

Well here`s something you`ve overlooked, we`re not Arabs. We have freedom, we have a democracy, our Armed forces are considered one of the best, and the hatred for Jews around the world unites us all.
I`m not big on conspiracy theories but i`d say SA has done more for terror than any other country including Iran.
So you dream that more thousands of Egyptians will die for your hate towards Israel? Come here and fight yourself.

i wonder when will you be able to understand what you read..

we know that you are such war-mongerers,dont prove it again and again.
i wonder when will you be able to understand what you read..

we know that you are such war-mongerers,dont prove it again and again.
You are a coward, that is also evident. You want Arabs to die for you in the name of attacking big bad Israel while you hide behind a TV screen watching us war with each other. Kudos.
You are a coward, that is also evident. You want Arabs to die for you in the name of attacking big bad Israel while you hide behind a TV screen watching us war with each other. Kudos.

egypt or any other arab country will not attack israel..israel is the agressor in ME,they may attack lebanon,gaza etc.

i dont want any war in ME,but i support egypt to take their pride back..the fallen dictator was sucking up to israel in order to retain his power.
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