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Egypt's Sisi Warns of Potential for Conflict over Ethiopian Dam

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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7 April, 2021


Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi. (Egyptian Presidency)
Asharq Al-Awsat
Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi on Wednesday warned Ethiopia of the risk of conflict over its giant dam on the Blue Nile after talks involving the two countries and Sudan ended without progress.

Ethiopia is pinning its hopes of economic development and power generation on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, which Egypt fears will imperil its supply from the Nile. Sudan is also concerned about the impact on its own water flows.

Delegations from the three governments met earlier this week in Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of Congo but failed to bridge their differences.

Sisi, speaking at the opening of a new government complex, said Sudan and Egypt were coordinating on the issue and that “cooperation and agreement are much better than anything else”.

Referring to past regional conflicts, he said: “We have witnessed the costs of any confrontation.”

“I am telling our brothers in Ethiopia, let’s not reach the point where you touch a drop of Egypt’s water, because all options are open,” he said.

Ethiopia’s water minister Seleshi Bekele told Reuters he had no comment on Sisi’s statement.

“We are not utilizing water generated from Egypt or Sudan as water doesn’t flow upstream to Ethiopia,” he said.

“We are utilizing water from Ethiopia for our dire need following equitable and reasonable utilization without causing significant harm to our neighbors.‮”‬

Egypt and Sudan, in statements after the Kinshasa meeting, accused Ethiopia of intransigence on restarting negotiations in advance of a second filling of the dam this summer.

Ethiopia said on Tuesday it could not enter into an agreement that infringed on its rights to utilize the Nile.

Sudan’s state news agency SUNA reported that the Khartoum government, which is also locked in a border dispute with Ethiopia, had asked that Ethiopian peacekeepers present in the south of the country with a United Nations mission be replaced.

“There is a path of political escalation and all options are open to Sudan according to international law,” including resorting to the UN Security Council, Sudanese irrigation minister Yasser Abbas told a news conference in Khartoum on Wednesday.

Sudan and Egypt had proposed including the European Union, the United States and United Nations as mediators as an addition to current African Union facilitation of the talks. Both countries said Ethiopia rejected the proposal during the meeting, which Seleshi said was part of an attempt to cause delay, according to state news agency FANA.

Last week, Sisi said there would be “inconceivable instability in the region” if Egypt’s water supply were affected by the dam.

7 April, 2021


Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi. (Egyptian Presidency)
Asharq Al-Awsat
Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi on Wednesday warned Ethiopia of the risk of conflict over its giant dam on the Blue Nile after talks involving the two countries and Sudan ended without progress.

Ethiopia is pinning its hopes of economic development and power generation on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, which Egypt fears will imperil its supply from the Nile. Sudan is also concerned about the impact on its own water flows.

Delegations from the three governments met earlier this week in Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of Congo but failed to bridge their differences.

Sisi, speaking at the opening of a new government complex, said Sudan and Egypt were coordinating on the issue and that “cooperation and agreement are much better than anything else”.

Referring to past regional conflicts, he said: “We have witnessed the costs of any confrontation.”

“I am telling our brothers in Ethiopia, let’s not reach the point where you touch a drop of Egypt’s water, because all options are open,” he said.

Ethiopia’s water minister Seleshi Bekele told Reuters he had no comment on Sisi’s statement.

“We are not utilizing water generated from Egypt or Sudan as water doesn’t flow upstream to Ethiopia,” he said.

“We are utilizing water from Ethiopia for our dire need following equitable and reasonable utilization without causing significant harm to our neighbors.‮”‬

Egypt and Sudan, in statements after the Kinshasa meeting, accused Ethiopia of intransigence on restarting negotiations in advance of a second filling of the dam this summer.

Ethiopia said on Tuesday it could not enter into an agreement that infringed on its rights to utilize the Nile.

Sudan’s state news agency SUNA reported that the Khartoum government, which is also locked in a border dispute with Ethiopia, had asked that Ethiopian peacekeepers present in the south of the country with a United Nations mission be replaced.

“There is a path of political escalation and all options are open to Sudan according to international law,” including resorting to the UN Security Council, Sudanese irrigation minister Yasser Abbas told a news conference in Khartoum on Wednesday.

Sudan and Egypt had proposed including the European Union, the United States and United Nations as mediators as an addition to current African Union facilitation of the talks. Both countries said Ethiopia rejected the proposal during the meeting, which Seleshi said was part of an attempt to cause delay, according to state news agency FANA.

Last week, Sisi said there would be “inconceivable instability in the region” if Egypt’s water supply were affected by the dam.


I support Ethiopia in this conflict. Ethiopian water for Ethiopia. Egypt should beg Israel for desalination plants ....
I support Ethiopia in this conflict. Ethiopian water for Ethiopia. Egypt should beg Israel for desalination plants ....
You are going against God's will then.. it is him who made the Nile flow to Egypt.. as Sisi said lately..
Otherwise Ethiopia would have been just a big lake in Africa, if the Nile didn't go through Egypt then to the Mediterranean sea..

You should beg Usrael for that.. Egypt has its own technologies for desalination plants..and building hundreds of them as of now..and much more..

We know you'll side with anyone against the Arabs but you will always regret it..

Besides all that..These are International waters governed by laws.. and a lawless country like Ethiopia can't dictate its will ..not humanly nor heavenly...neither can you..
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In near future there will be wars , the corona pandemic will give rise to many wars , one is already fought armenia vs azerbaijan
Now there's a possibility of war between ukraine and russia , and ethiopia vs sudan and egypt
Civil war in myanmar
This is a case where I think Egypt has a right .International treaties with respect to the International rivers have to respected...but I think there are hidden hands trying to start another war in Africa and Egypt is the target. To my knowledge Ethiopia has been an Israeli playground and under their protection for many years....Now I can see these Israeli basterds trying to give hidden support to Ethiopia (hence Ethiopia not backing down in the face of much stronger Egypt) so that Egypt has no choice but to use military...when that happens Israel will be in a perfect position to blackmail Egypt by staying silent with their propaganda machinery in return for something they want badly from Egypt.... ( blackmail is the favourite tool for Israelites ..remember Jeffrey Epstein case !! ).

What do they want from Egypt???...in my view support for "deal of the century" and bringing the rest of the Arab world to make peace with them....the game of creating "leverage".!!:azn::azn:
This is a case where I think Egypt has a right .International treaties with respect to the International rivers have to respected...but I think there are hidden hands trying to start another war in Africa and Egypt is the target. To my knowledge Ethiopia has been an Israeli playground and under their protection for many years....Now I can see these Israeli basterds trying to give hidden support to Ethiopia (hence Ethiopia not backing down in the face of much stronger Egypt) so that Egypt has no choice but to use military...when that happens Israel will be in a perfect position to blackmail Egypt by staying silent with their propaganda machinery in return for something they want badly from Egypt.... ( blackmail is the favourite tool for Israelites ..remember Jeffrey Epstein case !! ).

What do they want from Egypt???...in my view support for "deal of the century" and bringing the rest of the Arab world to make peace with them....the game of creating "leverage".!!:azn::azn:
Your entire premise is based on illusions not reality.

Ethiopia has full rights to dam but everything in terms of water flow can be negotiated. You forget - There are two niles before it merges into one. Blue and white nite; Only one is getting dam on it.

There was no issue to build Nasser Dam but when anyone else who needs it gets ploughed under.

As for your other concerns of playground.. you are again stating fake news. Egypt already is under a proxy control; you dont need Isreal to do anything. It is their own rulers who are their own vultures.

There is a huge need for power and Ethiopia is starting to get its act together in many areas including manufactuing.

Do me a favour - go and visit Ethiopia it is worth the trip.
You are going against God's will then.. it is him who made the Nile flow to Egypt.. as Sisi said lately..
Otherwise Ethiopia would have been just a big lake in Africa, if the Nile didn't go through Egypt then to the Mediterranean sea..

You should beg Usrael for that.. Egypt has its own technologies for desalination plants..and building hundreds of them as of now..and much more..

We know you'll side with anyone against the Arabs but you will always regret it..

Besides all that..These are International waters governed by laws.. and a lawless country like Ethiopia can't dictate its will ..not humanly nor heavenly...neither can you..
Poor God! Arabs always mange to involve their God in a conflict..Sadam, Kaddafy did too and God told the two, like he will tell Sissy to fight his own battle and to leave him..the .......alone. God is with the rule of law and sides with Ethiopia....
water follow the path of the least resistance...it has nothing to do with Egypt since its source is not in Egypt....Arabs that haven’t contributed to a thing in this world have a habit to claim things that they have nothing to do with..All their history is fake or stolen from others...
Poor God! Arabs always mange to involve their God in a conflict..Sadam, Kaddafy did too and God told the two, like he will tell Sissy to fight his own battle and to leave him..the .......alone. God is with the rule of law and sides with Ethiopia....
water follow the path of the least resistance...it has nothing to do with Egypt since its source is not in Egypt....Arabs that haven’t contributed to a thing in this world have a habit to claim things that they have nothing to do with..All their history is fake or stolen from others...
Correct, If South Sudan dams the nile, then what?

Unfortunately, we need to be careful - we are of this continent. We can solve the problems ourselves. There are no arabs - we are africans all of us.
In near future there will be wars , the corona pandemic will give rise to many wars , one is already fought armenia vs azerbaijan
Now there's a possibility of war between ukraine and russia , and ethiopia vs sudan and egypt
Civil war in myanmar

Energy and Water security are two pivotal parameters in most of Africa. It is just another dispute on nile basin by two dynamic countries that want to increase the speed of development in these fields (energy supply, agricultural product output, etc.) despite limited resources. This is not a new problem, it has been going on for years. However, the reason it has become more visible in recent years is that Ethiopia has almost complete the GERD and related projects with the financial support it has received. Therefore, disputes are inevitable.
We will soon see more water conflicts like this, with climate change increasing and the US using it as a political tool. In the India-Pakistan context, even if somehow the Kashmir insurgency ends and the LoC is accepted as the international border, the conflict will re ignite because almost all of Pakistan's water sources run through Kashmir. Perhaps there will be a China-India conflict as well becuase Tibet contains the sources of most of India's water. And Bangladesh will have the opposite problem, they will be underwater.
Unfortunately, we need to be careful - we are of this continent. We can solve the problems ourselves. There are no arabs - we are africans all of us.
To them, we are an inferior species, and we have no voice or right in their world.
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